Draft minutes
Minutes of a meeting of the Planning Committee held in the Council Chamber, Council Offices on Tuesday 4 August 2015 at 7.30pm.
Present: Cllrs. A. Vaughan, (Chair), M. Newton, A. Aldis, N. Tile and K. Read.
Apologies: Cllrs. C. Kelly and S. Boughton.
Members noted that Cllr. Kelly has unfortunately had to resign from the Planning Committee due to a commitment on Tuesday evenings.
RESOLVED that the Minutes of the meeting held on 14 July 2015 be signed by the Chairman as a correct record.
Two had been received, as follows:
COL 15/1478 REGISTERED 17/07/15 Eleanor Moss
Proposal: Conversion of a two bedroom single storey bungalow to three bedroom single storey bungalow. Works include demolition of existing 30sqm rear extension and erection of a new 26sqm rear extension and conversion of existing 16.5sqm garage to habitable space.
Location: 72, Ernest Road, Wivenhoe, Colchester CO7 9LQ.
Applicants: Mr. Rob O’Hare
Recommendations: Provided the proposal is within Permitted Development there were no material planning objections apart from views of neighbours to be taken into consideration
COL 15/1577 REGISTERED 31/07/17 Mark Russell
Proposal: Proposed garden room extension.
Location: Hollytrees House, Croquet Gardens, Wivenhoe, Colchester CO7 9PQ
Applicant: Mr. Godwin Baron.
Recommendations: Provided the proposal is within Permitted Development there were no material planning objections apart from views of neighbours to be taken into consideration
Five decisions had been received.
COL 15/0754 REGISTERED 17/04/15 Eleanor Moss
Proposal: Demolition of existing house and construction of a new 5 bedroom house with attached garage.
Location: 58, Parkwood Avenue, Wivenhoe, Colchester CO7 9AW
Applicant: Mr. C. Revell
Recommendations: Concern for loss of on-road parking. Two versions of the swept path analysis have been submitted and the Town Council favour the version with one dropped kerb. There is concern that the proposal will create more traffic into this cul-de-sac. Previously the entrance to this plot of land used to be via the small folly which led onto The Avenue. Highways Authority needs to look at the ethics of the lack of parking space and the implications of traffic manoeuvrability in this area of Parkwood Avenue.
DECISION – Approved with 9 conditions.
COL 15/1077 REGISTERED 27/05/15 James Ryan
Proposal: Proposed rear extension and loft conversion including alterations to demolish existing side garage and construct new one – one metre from the boundary.
Location: Vine Lodge, Colchester Road, Wivenhoe, Colchester, CO7 9EU
Applicant: Mr Matthew Davy
Recommendations: Provided the proposal is within Permitted Development there were no material planning objections apart from views of neighbours to be taken into consideration.
DECISION – Approved with 3 decisions.
COL 15/0895 REGISTERED 07/05/15 Bradly Heffer
Proposal: Installation of a new three storey temporary modular teaching facility, consisting of twenty seminar rooms, toilets & break-out space.
Location: University of Essex, Wivenhoe Park, Colchester CO4 3SQ
Applicant: Mr. Matthew Brown
Recommendations: No observations provided the temporary structure remains temporary and does not become permanent.
DECISION – Approved with 4 conditions, one being that the period of permission shall expire on 31 July 2020 at which date the building shall be removed from the site in its entirety.
COL 15/1224 REGISTERED Nadine Calder
Proposal: Erection of single storey rear extension.
Location: 25, Ernest Road, Wivenhoe, Colchester, CO7 9LQ
Applicant: Ms. Tracey Bennett
Recommendations: Provided the proposal is within Permitted Development there were no material planning objections apart from views of neighbours to be taken into consideration and concern for the loss of permeable land.
DECISION –Approved with 3 conditions.
COL 15/1132 REGISTERED 15/06/15 No name
Proposal: Conservatory to be added to side of kitchen/read of dining room, to be used as utility and dining area.
Location: 34, Mede Way, Wivenhoe, Colchester CO7 9HW
Applicant: Dr. Keith Brooke
Recommendations: Provided the proposal is within Permitted Development there were no material planning objections apart from views of neighbours to be taken into consideration and concern for the loss of permeable land.
DECISION – Approved with 2 conditions.
COL 15/0213 REGISTERED 02/02/15 Sue Jackson
Proposal: Erection of a detached dwelling with associated parking facilities – resubmission of 11/2284
Location: Land west, 58 Queens Road, Wivenhoe, Colchester, CO7 9JJ
Members were extremely concerned to learn that this application went before the Borough Council’s Planning Committee on 31 July and that CBC website was showing the Decision as Approved.
No notification had been received from Ward Cllrs that the application was being considered despite Ward Cllrs being present at the Town Council meeting on 20 July. The Town Clerk was asked to investigate matters.
If the Decision was for full approval then Colchester Borough Council would be asked to clarify if flooding was no longer considered a material planning ground. Also the Town Council needed to be consulted on the s106 Agreement which would be attributable from this development.
4. SECTION 106 MATTERS. Nothing other than the outcome concerning 58 Queens Road, Wivenhoe.
5. ECC Joint Replacement Waste Local Plan – Revised Preferred Approach June 2015.
Noted that the Town Council’s response had been received and logged onto the ECC’s consultation portal. The consultation had now closed and a document on the responses would be forthcoming in October. Thanks were expressed to Cllr. Tile for his work on this.
Appeal: APP/A1530/W/15/3128980
Proposal: Erection of one detached dwelling.
Location: Land adjacent to 17 Trinity Close, Wivenhoe, Colchester, Essex, CO7 9RA
Applicant: Taylor Wimpey
Noted that this appeal had now been submitted and the Town Council’s comments needed to be in by 26 August 2015.
The Town Clerk would prepare a draft of the Town Council’s submission.
Colne Centenary Bridge
Members noted that the Rowhedge ‘port’ development had now received approval and that this had triggered off interest in the proposal for a ‘Bridge’ over the River Colne. Cllr. Young had sent an email to this effect to obtain the Town Council’s views on the proposal. No details of the proposal had been received yet.
Date of next meeting Tuesday 25 August 2015.
The meeting ended at 8.17pm