(Please read carefully as violations may be subject to seller fines.)
Table of Contents
Page 2 General Rules
Page 2 How to Register
Page 2 Item Drop-Off
Page 3 Shopping
Page 3 Volunteering
Page 4 Item Pick-Up
Page 4 Seller Payout
Page 5 Preparing your Items for Sale
Multiples Clothing
Maternity (not accepted)
Toys, Games & Media
Layette, Bedding & Miscellaneous
Equipment & Furniture
Page 7 Printing Tags and Tag Guidelines
Page 8 My Consignment Manager Detailed Instructions
General Rules
· You do not have to be a member of IAPOMC or a parent of multiples to sell. However, if you are a member of IAPOMC, your membership must be in good standing. And if you have sold at a previous IAPOMC sale, you must be a seller in good standing.
· While we do not limit the number of items a seller may bring, we highly encourage our high-volume sellers to carefully review our item drop-off and item pick-up rules. New rules apply this year.
· Sellers that volunteer two shifts will receive 90% of their sales. Sellers that volunteer one shift will receive 80% of their sales. Sellers that choose not to volunteer will receive 70% of their sales.
· All sellers must read and sign a Consignor Agreement and Liability Waiver.
How to register:
· Register at www.myconsignmentmanager.com/atlantmultiples.
· Sellers must pay a $25 non-refundable sellers fee prior to using the My Consignment Manager system. It will not allow you to enter items or manage your inventory until payment has been made.
· Once you have registered and logged in (please write down your user ID and password!), you will be assigned a seller number that you will keep for the duration of the sale and for any future sales in which you choose to participate. Now you are ready to enter and manage sale items, generate inventory sheets and create sales tags. (See page 9 for detailed instructions on how to use the system.)
· If you have already sold items at another consignment sale using the My Consignment Manager system, and you would like to transfer your remaining items over to the IAPOMC sale, you must login on the IAPOMC webpage (www.myconsignmentmanager.com/atlantamultiples) and register and pay for the IAPOMC Spring 2015 sale. After you have made your payment, you may transfer your items.
Item Drop-Off:
· Sellers may bring their items to Clairmont Presbyterian Church during one of the following times (no appointment is necessary):
o Thursday, March 19, 5pm-8pm
o Friday, March 20, 10am-12pm
· Important Note: Although volunteers will be available to direct and answer questions during drop-off, they cannot assist sellers with the distribution of items on the sales floor. Sellers are required to distribute their own items on the sales floor. For this reason, high-volume sellers are strongly encouraged to begin drop-off as early as possible.
· Upon arrival, sellers will check in with a volunteer and sign a Consignor Agreement and Liability Waiver. Sellers must also allow a cashier to scan a handful of tags (selected by the cashier) to make sure the seller’s items are set up correctly in the system.
· All tagging must be completed before bringing your items to the sale. Untagged items will not be allowed into the building.
· Please make sure that your clothing items are already sorted by GENDER then SIZE.
· The setting aside of items to purchase for yourself during set-up is strictly prohibited.
· All items MUST be properly distributed on the sales floor by 12pm on Friday, March 20. Any remaining items will not be considered part of the sale and MUST be removed from the sales floor.
· Sellers will be allowed to shop beginning at 5:00pm on Friday. Setting aside or removing tags to reserve items prior to this time is strictly prohibited.
· Spouses/partners are invited to shop with you. No other relatives or friends may accompany you.
· Cash and checks are the ONLY acceptable forms of payment.
· If you are scheduled to work the Pre-Sale on Friday (5-8pm), you will be allowed to shop at the start of your shift. Please read the following rules carefully:
Ø When arriving for your shift, you must first check in with the volunteer coordinator so that we have a record of your attendance. Notify the volunteer coordinator that you wish to shop first.
Ø You must be standing ready to work in your assigned area by 6:00pm. This is when the Pre-Sale opens to IAPOMC club members, and we will need all volunteers working.
Ø If you have made your purchases before 6:00pm, and time allows, please make an effort to carry them out to your vehicle. Otherwise, you must place them aside in a laundry basket clearly labeled with your name and the receipt for the items showing. IAPOMC is not responsible for lost items.
Ø If you have not had time to make your purchase by 6:00pm, or if you happen upon additional items that you would like to purchase after 6:00pm, you may set them aside in a laundry basket clearly labeled with your name. Note: By setting items aside, you are making a commitment to purchase them. If you have made a previous purchase, you must keep your purchased items and unpurchased items separate! Please make your way to the cashiers only when you can ensure that your area is being covered by another volunteer.
Ø NO shopping is allowed between 7:30pm-8:00pm.
· If you are scheduled to work the sale on Saturday (9am-3pm), you will not be allowed to shop during your shift. Please read the following rules carefully:
Ø If you happen upon items that you would like to purchase, you may set them behind the cashiers in a laundry basket clearly labeled with your name. (If you have made a previous purchase, you must keep your purchased items and unpurchased items separate!) Please make your purchases only when you can ensure that your area is being covered by another volunteer.
Ø When setting items aside, you are making a commitment to purchase them. You may not change your mind and put them back on the floor. This is not fair to our buyers or sellers.
Ø You may not reserve items for the half-price sale! Any unpurchased item that is found set aside after 1:00pm will be put back out on the floor. NO exceptions.
Ø Absolutely NO shopping is allowed between 1:00pm-1:30pm (half-price sale preparation) or 2:30pm-3:00pm (pre-sorting begins). All items must be purchased before those times, and all volunteers must be available to work during those times.
· Sellers that volunteer two shifts will receive 90% of their sales. Sellers that volunteer one shift will receive 80% of their sales. Sellers that choose not to volunteer will receive 70% of their sales. If you are late, do not sign in, or do not show up for your volunteer shift(s), your seller percentage will be reduced.
· Volunteers may dress in comfortable attire. Volunteers will be provided with a name badge and an apron to wear during shift.
· Please arrive on time and park in a remote section of the parking lot.
· When arriving for your shift, you must first check in with the volunteer coordinator so that we have a record of your attendance. The volunteer coordinator will give you your instructions. Note: Please be aware that you may be asked to work in an area other than what you signed up for if the need arises on sale day.
· Snacks and water will be provided to all volunteers.
Item Pick-Up:
· Sellers may pick up their remaining items between 4:00pm-6:00pm on Saturday, March 21.
· Upon arrival, sellers will check in with a volunteer.
· If a seller chooses to send a spouse or friend in his/her place to pick up remaining inventory, please be considerate and notify the sale committee in advance by calling (404) 583-7164, so that they can release your items in good confidence without having to phone you.
· If a seller decides last minute to donate his/her remaining inventory, please be considerate and notify the sale committee in advance by calling (404) 583-7164, so that they know not to wait on your arrival.
· Sorting was completed well in advance of 4:00pm at the 2014 sale, thanks to an amazing volunteer team! However, if volunteers are still sorting when you arrive, PLEASE be considerate and offer to help. The more volunteers we have, the faster it will go and the faster you can leave with your items. NO seller may remove his/her remaining items from the sales floor until ALL items have been sorted.
· Important Note: Although volunteers will be available to direct and answer questions during pick-up, they CANNOT assist sellers with item removal, so please ensure that you arrive early enough in the 4:00pm-6:00pm window to collect and remove your own inventory.
· Any item that is not collected by the seller by 6:00pm will be donated to charity. NO exceptions.
Seller Payout:
· The appropriate percentage (10%-30%) will be deducted from each seller’s gross sales amount, depending on the number of shifts he/she worked during the sale weekend.
· Checks will be mailed to sellers 2-3 weeks after the sale.
· All clipped tags will be held for 45 days by the Consignment Sale Committee and then discarded.
Preparing Your Items for Sale
· All items must be entered in the system by midnight on Sunday night, March 15, 2015.
· Sellers must abide by Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) guidelines for items that are acceptable for resale. This is part of your Consignor Agreement and Liability Waiver form that you will be asked to sign at drop-off. For more information, please visit the CPSC website at www.cpsc.gov.
· All items to be sold MUST be in good condition and good working order. If an item is stained or has missing or damaged parts, it must be marked clearly on the tag and priced accordingly. The sale team will use their discretion at removing damaged items from the sales floor.
· Working batteries must be placed in all items that require batteries.
· Items must be priced in increments of 50 cents. Do not price an item less than 50 cents unless marking the item FREE.
· All tags must be printed through My Consignment Manager using the IAPOMC tag format, and must be printed on white 60-67lb cardstock paper. (See Tag Guidelines for more information.)
· Do NOT pin or place tape over the barcode, as this makes it unreadable!
· Do NOT use straight pins, staples or double-sided tape.
· Do NOT pin or place tape over the lower portion of the tag (below the dotted line reading “my consignment manager”). This line is where the tag will be cut at check-out, leaving the top portion (above the dotted line) on the item. The lower portion (below the dotted line) will be removed and used by the cashiers.
· Price your items to sell! We have provided a pricing guide on our website, and pricing tips can also be found easily online.
· Both plastic and wire hangers are accepted. If using plastic, please ensure that it is wide enough to support the garment. Hangers will be given to the buyer with the garment.
· Clothing must be on the hanger facing left.
· Place tags in the top right corner of the clothing item.
· Tags must be affixed to clothing by safety pin only. Straight pins cause injury and may result in lost tags.
· Please make sure to size your clothing accurately. Example: a 12-18 month pair of pants should be labeled 12-18 months, not 12 months or 18 months.
· If your garment has more than one piece, or includes accessories such as matching socks, hats, hair bows, etc., secure them with a safety pin and indicate it on the tag. Example: 3-piece top with leggings & matching socks. Do not fold pants over hangers, secure pants to the hanger at the waistband using safety pins.
· Separate racks/sections will be available for pajamas, outerwear, swimwear and Halloween costumes.
· Please be considerate of our limited space. If your item is 5 years or more past retail, is stained, or has substantial wear or piling, please leave it at home or donate it!
Matching/Multiples Clothing
· Price matching/multiples outfits SEPARATELY so that each outfit has a tag. Place the individually tagged items on hangers back to back, so the fronts of both items are showing. Put a rubber band around both hangers to keep them together (do not use twist ties, string, or any other materials) and tie a ribbon on the top of the hanger as an identifier to the buyers and volunteers walking by. Please do NOT pin separately priced items together. We will separate the matching items at 9:30 AM on Saturday (when we open to the general public) so that they can be sold as individual items. If you do not want your matching items to be sold separately, BOLDLY mark this preference on the tag and pin a separate note to each item saying, “This matching/ multiples garment is not to be sold separately.” Please note, however, that while IAPOMC volunteers will make every effort to honor your preferences, we cannot be held responsible if an item is sold separately against your wishes.