From: Gabriel Rodriguez Munoz
Sent: Fri 4/7/2006 3:19 PM
To: Leticia Barceinas Mendoza; Hilda Minerva Molina Zamarron
Cc: Gabriel Rodriguez Munoz
Subject: RE: CSTE - Exam Update
Hi ladies,
I would like to make clear one important issue, once the institute approves our forms to host the exams in Mexico, anybody from Mexico and that is(Chiapas, Mexico DF, Puebla, Guadalajara ....etc) will be able to take the exam in our location, the location of Monterrey will be public for all the peoplewho wants to take the exam in Monterrey. This information will be posted in the site to all the public. That's why the room requirements is important to determine the capacity of people that can take the exam in the determined date.
Thank you,
From: Gabriel Rodriguez Munoz
Sent: Fri 4/7/2006 2:21 PM
To: Leticia Barceinas Mendoza; Hilda Minerva Molina Zamarron
Cc: Gabriel Rodriguez Munoz
Subject: RE: CSTE - Exam Update
Hello Ladies,
This is a quick update on CSTE - Exams in Monerrey Mexico:
· The Quality Assurance Institute does not require any pictures of the room where the exam is going to take place.
· We just need to send the appropriate information:
§ Name of Room
§ General Description of the exam room
§ Seating Layout
§ Length and width of room, not just square feet
§ Length of desks or tables being used
§ If fixed seating, #chairs in a row and # of rows
· Also we need to provide the following information:
§ Payee Name: This is the name is which hosting payments should be issued
[Gabriel - Hilda or Letty, what name do I need to use in this field?]
§ Payee Tax ID: This is the taxpayer identification number of the Payee named above. If the payee is an individual in the United states , provide their social security number. If outside the United states, provide the comparable tax identification for the country in which the payee resides. Organizations should include their tax identification number for the country in which they are chartered and in which they file appropriate corporate or income taxes.
[Gabriel - Hilda or Letty, what tax identification do I need to use in this field?]
Please, let me know if you have further questions.
Thank you,
From: Gabriel Rodriguez Munoz
Sent: Thu 4/6/2006 11:51 AM
To: Leticia Barceinas Mendoza; Hilda Minerva Molina Zamarron
Cc: Gabriel Rodriguez Munoz
Subject: RE: CSTE - Exam
Hi Letty,
What I can tell you is that the intitutetrust their federations :)so they wont come to our facilities maybe they will require some pictures of it. Today I am going to call them and I will ask them if they need any particular pictures of it.
I will keep you posted.
From: Leticia Barceinas Mendoza
Sent: Thu 4/6/2006 10:06 AM
To: Gabriel Rodriguez Munoz; Hilda Minerva Molina Zamarron
Subject: RE: CSTE - Exam
Will the QAI come to check the exam room? or how they will validate that we complaint we all of this?
From: Gabriel Rodriguez Munoz [mailto:
Sent: Tuesday, April 04, 2006 1:37 PM
To: Hilda Minerva Molina Zamarron
Cc: Leticia Barceinas Mendoza; Gabriel Rodriguez Munoz
Subject: RE: CSTE - Exam
Hi Hilda,
This is the information that we need regarding the room to incorporate it in the application forms:
Exam Site Registration
Use the Exam Site Registration form to provide information about the location and the exam room where you will be holding the exam. Driving directions, parking information, transit information, security procedures to enter the building, need to be clearly given and will be posted on the website with the exam.
Further, in order to determine the suitability of the exam room for the number of candidates anticipated and the maximum number of candidates the room could accommodate, the following information must be provided:
· Name of Room
· General Description of the exam room
· Seating Layout
· Length and width of room, not just square feet
· Length of desks or tables being used
· If fixed seating, #chairs in a row and # of rows
Software Certifications requires 8 feet per 2 candidates with all candidates facing forward. Candidates cannot sit facing each other across common workspace. If the tables are less than 8 feet long, only 1 candidate may sit per table.
Please let me know if you have further questions.
Thank you,
From: Hilda Minerva Molina Zamarron
Sent: Tue 4/4/2006 12:50 PM
To: Leticia Barceinas Mendoza; Harim Hidalgo Salado; Alma Karina Pedroza Ornelas
Cc: Gabriel Rodriguez Munoz; Maria Isabel Esparza Flores
Subject: RE: CSTE - Exam
Buen Dia
Les comento que Gabriel Rodriguez ha estado revisando la posibilidad de aplicar los examenes de CSTE en Softtek (GDC Monterrey) y me es grato comunicarles que el avance es considerable, esto se da por que Gabriel habia registrado con anterioridad una federacion en Monterrey (Monterrey Software Quality Assurance Association - (MSQAA))
Gabriel esta preparando ya la documentacion necesaria, pero un punto importante es determinar la fecha del examen, ya que esta fecha se publica en el site de Software Certification.
Estamos considerando la primer fecha de examen en Monterrey el proximomes de diciembre, aqui es importante que tanto Lety como Karina, que estan lidereando este esfuerzo de certificacion en Mty y Ags respectivamente, nos indiquen cuantas personas es seguro que apliquen para este examen de CSTE en diciembre.
Tan pronto podamos tener su confirmacion de personas, mas pronto podra Gabriel terminar los tramites.
Quedo al pendiente de su informacion.
Hilda Molina
Desarrollo Humano
Softtek SharedServices
Phone (52) 81 8153-2079 DC *879.2931
Fax (52) 81 8153-2001 <
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