1 / Balanced and Unbalanced forces /
- 5 Key facts about forces
- A force is a push, pull or twist
- Forces have magnitude and direction
- Newton’s first law: An object will continue in a constant state of motion unless an unbalanced force acts upon it.
- Forces can be represented by arrows
- Predict the movement of objects with forces acting on them
- Forces can be contact and non-contact
- Forces booklet
- AmazingScience 7, ch7: balancing forces
- Forces worksheet
- Clickview video Push and Pull force
- BBC Bitesize quiz:
2 / Collisions /
- Use Newtons first law to explain the physics of car crashes
- Watch the start of this video
Car safety /
- Understand how car safety features prevent injury
- Clickview video: The Physics of Car Crashes
Plan egg drop /
- Design a container which could hold an egg and prevent it from breaking after a drop from a balcony
- Amazing Science7,ch5: Balancing forces
3 / Egg drop /
- Build and carry out egg drop
Friction /
- What is friction and what causes it?
- What factors affect friction
- Increasing or decreasing friction
- Friction slows down moving objects
- Predict which direction friction is acting in in various situations
- Reducing friction
- Amazing Science 7, ch5: Friction – friend or enemy
- BBC Bitesize quiz
4 / Gravity /
- Gravity pulls objects towards the centre of the earth
- Objects fall towards the centre of the earth at the same speed
- Gravity and falling worksheet
- Amazing Science 7, ch5: Gravity
- Carry out a parachute experiment
Air resistance /
- Understand what causes air resistance and why it is a type of friction
- Explain what is meant by terminal velocity
Magnetism /
- What materials are magnetic
- Magnetic fields and Magnetic forces
- Magnetic fields can apply a force from a distance
- Understand that magnets have poles which can cause attraction or repulsion
- Understand how magnets interact with compasses
- Know the difference between a permanent and temporary magnet
- Describe and observe magnetic shielding
- Investigating the effect of magnets on compasses
- Magnetism worksheet
Static electricity /
- Atoms are the building blocks of everything around us. They contain positively charged protons and negatively charged neutrons.
- What is static electricity, how is it created and how is it dissipated.
- How charged objects behave.
- How static electricity is different from magnetism
- Electrostatic forces are non-contact forces
- Atoms and Electricity worksheet
- Static electricity worksheet
- Amazing Science 7, ch5: Electrostatic charges
6 / Static electricity /
- Amazing Science 7, ch5
- Investigating static electricity
Simple machines
Inclined planes /
- Simple machines can change the size of a force, make things speed up or change the direction of a force
- Understand that simple machines allow you to use your force more effectively – they work by increasing distance to reduce force. The energy used stays the same.
- Different types of machines
- Machines make tasks easier
- Simple machines decrease the amount of effort to do work
- Eureka- Inclined planes
- Eureka Simple Machines worksheet
- Inclined experiment sheet
- Amazing Science 7, ch8: Machines making tasks easier
Pulleys /
- Understand how pulleys allow you to use your force more effectively
- Pulley power
- Pulleys change the direction or size of a force
- Amazing Science 7, ch8
- Eureka – Pulleys
7 / Exams / Kahoot – Duplicate of Machines Milly.Bakker / Exams
8 / Exams
and levers /
- The different classes of levers
- Calculate the turning effect of a lever
- Body levers
- Types of levers worksheet
- Amazing Science 7, ch8
- Eureka Simple Machines worksheet
- Investigating levers practical worksheet
9 / Levers investigation /
- Understand how distance from the fulcrum affects the turning effect of a lever.
- Levers Investigation scaffold
10 / Levers investigation / Validation
/Semester 1 Exam
/Levers Investigation
Curriculum Links
1.Science Understanding
1.1.Physical sciences
1.1.1.Change to an object’s motion is caused by unbalanced forces, including Earth’s gravitational attraction, acting on the object(ACSSU117) the effects of applying different forces to familiar objects common situations where forces are balanced, such as stationary objects, and unbalanced, such as falling objects a simple machine such as lever or pulley system how gravity affects objects on the surface of Earth how gravity keeps planets in orbit around the sun
2.Science as a Human Endeavour
2.1.Nature and development of science
2.1.1.Scientific knowledge has changed peoples’ understanding of the world and is refined as newevidencebecomes available(ACSHE119)
2.1.2.Science knowledge can develop through collaboration across the disciplines of science and the contributions of people from a range of cultures(ACSHE223)
2.2.Use and influence of science
2.3.Solutions to contemporary issues that are found using science andtechnology, may impact on other areas of society and may involve ethical considerations(ACSHE120)
2.4.People use science understanding and skills in their occupations and these have influenced the development of practices in areas of human activity(ACSHE121)
3.Science Inquiry Skills
3.1.Questioning and predicting
3.1.1.Identify questions and problems that can be investigated scientifically and make predictions based on scientific knowledge(ACSIS124)
3.2.Planning and conducting
3.2.1.Collaboratively and individually plan and conduct a range ofinvestigationtypes, including fieldwork and experiments, ensuring safety and ethical guidelines are followed(ACSIS125)
3.2.2.Measure and control variables, select equipment appropriate to the task and collectdatawith accuracy(ACSIS126)
3.3.Processing and analysing data and information
3.3.1.Construct and use a range of representations, including graphs, keys and models to represent andanalysepatterns or relationships indata usingdigital technologiesas appropriate(ACSIS129)
3.3.2.Summarisedata, from students’ own investigations and secondary sources, and use scientific understanding to identify relationships and draw conclusions based onevidence(ACSIS130)
3.4.1.Reflect onscientific investigations including evaluating the quality of thedatacollected, and identifying improvements(ACSIS131)
3.4.2.Use scientific knowledge and findings from investigations toevaluateclaims based on evidence(ACSIS132)
3.5.1.Communicate ideas, findings andevidence based solutions to problems usingscientific language, and representations, usingdigital technologiesas appropriate(ACSIS133)