MCEF Meeting Highlights – February 9, 2015
1)There were 19 churches represented at the MCEF Advisory Board Meeting on February 9th. If your church representative was there, he/she received a copy of the MCEF Participation formwe are asking to be completed and returned as soon as possible. If no one from your church attended, we will get a form to you.
Every effort will be made to have every church provide this information.
- 202 seniors and families came to the pantry during January.
- Some of the information requested on the Participation Form
involves collections / donations from your church family. This
will help the pantry director to plan how to maintain full shelves.
3)Clothes Closets:
- Please do not drop off clothes at the doors of the church hosting a clothes closet. And pass this message on to anyone who plans to donate clothes. Call the church to find out the best day and time to take them.
- The Adult Closet at Mechanicsville Baptist will be open only on Tuesdays and Thursdays to take donations and to meet with clients who need clothes.
4)Senior Rides
We now are serving 72 senior riders and have 17 drivers for the Mechanicsvillearea – in January we gave 18 senior rides. Volunteer Drivers are always needed to help neighbors get to the grocery store or a doctor’s appointment.To register: 357-6390
Welcome to Mechanicsville!
Welcome to Rev. Tim Borchert, the new senior pastor at WalnutGroveBaptistChurch. Also, our prayers go with Rev. Sandi Shaner as she leaves Salem Presbyterian to answer a call in Rhode Island. We also pray for the search committee as they do their work. and I will look forward to meeting the interim that will shepherd the flock in the meantime.
A clever idea
R. B. Lane tells us that his church, New Song United Methodist, is collecting
jeans and canned goods during February. The goal is 50 pairs of jeans, 50
hoodies, and 50 cans of food – it’s called the “February 50!” What clever ways are you encouraging donations and support for MCEF?
MCEF website -- Check it out!!
MCEF News and Needs
- Sofa bed
- A building where MCEF can combine all ministries & services
- Volunteer drivers, a Coordinator for the Senior Rides Program
- $3,000 from Dover Baptist Association
- $5,800 from the No Room at the Inn, Catholic Church of the Redeemer
- Supply of diapers from Hanover Safe Place for the MCEF Infant-Toddler Closet.
$$$$$$$ If you hear about funding provided by your denomination or your company,
$$$$$$$please letLYNNknow so MCEF can apply for a grant. 334-6590
Upcoming Events / Fundraising
February 16, 17 – Mardi Bra – drop -off collected lingerie & feminine hygiene productsMarti’s House -- Share information about MCEF / receive our share of the collected items.
February 23rd – MCEF Pantry TaskForce meetingat Church of the Creator
March 12th -- Health Fair given by Hanover Council on Aging, 10am-12noon, at
May 16th – Concert at Fairmount Christian Church – admission: food for MCEF pantry
Fundraisers – Any church can host a fundraiser for the church family OR set up a
fundraising event that would include other churches and / or the community. There are lots of good ideas – stay tuned!!
United Way collection – MCEF may be chosen as an organization to direct payroll deducted contributions.
MCEF Night is the 3rd Monday – February 16th
of each month at Stevi B’s Pizza Buffet
We receive 10% of the receipt when you say you support MCEF
Everyone can support MCEF in some way –
even by eating good pizza and enjoying good fellowship!!