Dietetic student: …………………………………..Date: ……………………
This form consists of two parts – the Summary of Specific Aims Achieved for A placement and the Review of A Placement
The placement supervisor should initial the boxes to confirm that specific aims have been achieved.
Evidence / Associated A placement aims / Placement supervisor’s initialsPortion sizes of menu items / K1.Have a working knowledge of portion sizes of common foods
Food chart and analysis / K5.Be able to demonstrate the ability to record, calculate and analyse individuals’ nutritional intake both by hand and computer assisted analysis
Catering system whilst on placement / K6.Appreciate the factors to be considered in menu planning
Meal, selection, service and delivery / K7.Appreciate the process of meal selection, service and delivery within an institutional food production unit
Health and safety / K8.Be aware of the health and safety issues within the working environment
Professionalism tool / K8.Be aware of the health and safety issues within the working environment
C10.Have experience of communicating with patients and healthcare professionals
C11.Demonstrate an ability to talk to patients and healthcare professionals
P12.Be aware of the need to respect the point of view of patients and why it is important of avoid discrimination
P13.Demonstrate the ability to maintain confidentiality
P14.Be able to explain the reason and need for statement of conduct
Task / Associated A placement aim / Placement supervisor’s initials
Professionalism tool cont. / P15.Demonstrate professional appearance and behaviour
P16.Be able to identify those health professionals who work closely with a dietitian
P17.Be able to identify the key sources of patient information available to plan dietetic care
P18.Demonstrate an interest in and a commitment to the work of a dietitian
Dietetic shadowing and observation / C9.Have an understanding of the methods by which dietitians communicate with other health professionals, patients and the general public
C10.Have experience of communicating with patients and healthcare professionals
P13.Demonstrate the ability to maintain confidentiality
P14.Be able to explain the reason and need for statement of conduct
Communication with other health professionals / C10.Have experience of communicating with patients and healthcare professionals
Conversing with patients and staff / C11.Demonstrate an ability to talk to patients and healthcare professionals
HCPC Standards of Conduct, Performance and Ethics / P14.Be able to explain the reason and need for statement of conduct
Identify key sources of information / P17.Be able to identify the key sources of patient information available to plan dietetic care
Verified witness statement / P18.Demonstrate an interest in and a commitment to the work of a dietitian
Version Developed June 2017
This review should be undertaken by the supervising dietitian with the student on completion of Placement A. Please use the attached form to summarise your findings, considering the following:
Is there evidence to demonstrate that all of the placement aims have been met? If not, please identify the omissions below:
Specific Aims Not Met:KNOWLEDGE
Areas for Improvement:
Action Points:
Areas for Improvement:
Action Points:
Areas for Improvement:
Action Points:
Are there particular areas that need to be developed upon return to university?
Name of StudentSignature of Student
Name of Supervising Dietitian
Signature of Supervising Dietitian
Location of Placement(s)
Date / From
Number of Weeks Completed
After completion, a copy of this form should be given to the student for their portfolio. A copy should be emailed to:
Kathy Lawson
The University of Nottingham
Division of Nutritional sciences
Sutton Bonington Campus
LE12 5RD