ANSC 3261 / SAAS 261
Nov 16, 2016NAME: ______
SECTION A. Define the following, noting that just “translating” abbreviations is only half the job! Be sure your answers relate to some aspect of the dairy industry. (2 pts @)
1. Anestrus
2. Alveoli
3. GnRH
4. Allometric Growth
5. FIL
6. bST
7. AM-PM Rule
8. Supramammary Lymph Node
SECTION A (con't)
9. Dystocia
10. Ovsynch
11. Cricoid Fold
12. Pedometer
13. Calving Interval
SECTION B. Essay time! Answer these questions on the lined paper provided and please write neatly. Thanks. Note that answers to questions #1 is 5 points, while #2, #3 and #4 are 10 points.
1) What is the traditional recommendation for detection of estrus in dairy cows? List five aids used to help dairy operators in the detection of estrus.
2)Diagram fluctuations in plasma concentrations of LH, FSH, E2 and P4 during the estrous cycle. What endocrine event serves as the trigger to begin another cycle? When is that trigger not "pulled"? How does that work?
3)Describe the synthesis of lactose, proteins and triglycerides found in milk, including the location or structures involved and whether the milk components are membrane bound or not while inside the cell. What are the blood precursors for each of these components? Which component has the most influence on milk volume? Why?
4)What has happened to dairy cow fertility over the last 60 years? According to Matt Lucy, what is the cause of these changes? How has this situation been addressed during the last 15 years? In the webinar, what percentage of respondents to the second poll question indicated that their AI program consisted of traditional heat detection only? The implied advice regarding the second breeding of dairy cows was to avoid at all costs, meaning get them pregnant the first time. Why? What was Lucy's five point take home message for dairy farmers?
SECTION C. Fill in the blanks in the following table so that your responses on a given line pertain to the information provided. Note that in some situations more than one correct response could be possible. Be sure that your responses are consistent in describing the same hormone/source/target tissue and effect. Also, in cases where a single set of responses might be correct for more than one line, the second instance will not receive any credit. In other words, no double-dipping on one set of responses. (1 pt @)
Hormone Source Target Tissue Effect
______Decreased blood Ca++ concentration__
______Synthesis of glucocorticoids______
______Myoepithelial cell______
______Inhibits GH release______
SECTION D. Label the indicated items. Please neatly write your answers in the blanks on this sheet. (1 pt @)
1) ______6) ______11) ______
2) ______7) ______12) ______
3) ______8) ______13) ______
4) ______9) ______14) ______
5) ______10) ______15) ______