83 Church St., St. Catharines, ON L2R 3C7
Ph: 905-682-9232 Fx: 866 333 6092
XMultiple Event Booking
Single Event Booking - Alcohol to be Served
Single Event Booking - No Alcohol to be Served
Date Required: ______Type of Function:
Time Required From ______To: ______
User Group Name: ______
Number Attending: ______
Name (Person Responsible):______
Telephone No: ______Postal Code: ______
Email Address: ______
Name(s) of Hall(s) Amount
Total Rental Fee $ Monthly
Fee to Paid
I agree to comply fully with the St. George’s Anglican Church Hall Rental Conditions attached hereto, to furnish the required permits and to accept full responsibility as stated above and therein.
- I agree that the room(s) must be left in the condition it was found in. All coffee cups, litter etc. Must be placed in the garbage and the lights turned out when the group is finished.
- It is imperative that all doors are locked. If at any time you have problems locking the building, call the office, 905 682 9232. The message will tell you who can assist you in the event that you are having a problem securing the building.
- Keys to be returned to the Church Office when finished with. They are NOT TO BE PASSED FROM PERSON TO PERSON.
Signature: X Date: X _____
Name and Title: X ______
Signature: Date: ______
Accepted on Behalf of St. George’s Church
X Certificate of Insurance N/A
X Hold Harmless Agreement N/A
(Office Forms\Hall Rental)
St. George’s Anglican Church, St. Catharines, Ontario
The Synod of the Diocese of Niagara, Hamilton, Ontario
The Bishop of Niagara
The Anglican Church of Canada
Name of Participant or User Group:
Type of Activity:
I/we, the undersigned, on behalf of St. George’s AA Group both during and following the term of this agreement, undertake to indemnify and save harmless the Synod of the Diocese of Niagara, the Bishop of Niagara, the Anglican Church of Canada and the parish of St. George’s Anglican Church from and against any and all loss, cost, damages, expense and liability (statutory and common law) in connection with the injury or death of any person or any property or other damage sustained by the Synod of the Diocese of Niagara, or the Bishop of Niagara, or the Anglican Church of Canada or the parish of St. George’s Anglican Church, its directors, officers, employees, agent or volunteers, which may arise out of my/our use of the church property.
I/we also undertake to conduct my/our activities in a safe and careful manner and I/we assume full responsibility for the conduct of my/our students/employees/members/volunteers and for their safety.
It is understood that the church does not assume any responsibility for loss of or damage to (a) any vehicle (b) anything in or about the vehicle however such loss or damage may be caused.
Duration/time frame/dates of validity of this agreement:
Additional Comments:
. ______
Signature: X Date Signed: ______
Name and Title: X ______
Accepted on behalf of St. George’s Anglican Church
Signature: ______Date ______
Office Forms\Hold Harmless