MINUTES OF MEETING HELD Tuesday 1stDecember 2015
7.00 pm at the Association Offices
/ Gareth Worthington, Mike Holdsworth,Jessicaica Tupou, Mele Latu, Lynda Godber, Karen McDowell, Simon Becker, Christine Healy, Fiona Kelly, Jeff Stewart, Tim Bailey, David Gilbert.In attendance: Tony Delorenzo,Rosalie Hunt, Charmaine Hakaraia (Minutes)
/ Jessica welcomed everyone to the meetingKarakia / Led by Rosalie
Apologies / Nil
The new Board members were asked to review the rules/protocols for Board Meetings regarding maintaining confidentiality/being respectful/being prepared/focussed.
Jessica asked Gareth to explain the Board vacancies and the different ways to become a Board Member.
Such as:
- Elected board members
- Co-opted members – if there are existing vacancies
- Secondary form of co-opted person – is to give the board a particular set of skills but they are not full board members
- Staff representative– can have twopeople but they can onlycast one vote.
Declaration of Interest / Nil
Confirmation of This Agenda / The Financial report was added to Management Reports.
The agenda was confirmed MOVED: Gareth, SECONDED:MeleCARRIED
Confirmation of Minutes / The minutes of the Hutt City Kindergarten Association meeting held on the 21st September 2015, were confirmed as a true and accurate record of the meetings.
MOVED: Mike, SECONDED: Gareth CARRIED. Jessica signed the minutes.
The minutes of the Hutt City Kindergarten Association meeting held on the 28th October 2015, were confirmed as a true and accurate record of the meetings.
MOVED: Jessica, SECONDED: Mike CARRIED. Jessica signed the minutes.
Matters Arising / None
Board Matters
Issues & Actions to address:Recruitment/Operational Reviews / Mike gave a brief overview where the Association is at with setting the Strategic and Business Plans,he also gave the new board members some background to the review and amalgamation process that has occurred.
The Board needs to decide which direction the Association will take in the future then the Strategic and Business Plans can be drafted.
The Board then discussed the current staff vacancies at the Association office:
GM recruitment - after February 2016
PPM Team Leader – currently advertised
PPM x 2 – interviews to take place end of the week
Operational staff – positions need to be reviewed – it was also discussed the number of staff that previously worked at the Association offices.
The new board members requested information regarding the review process – it was decided that another Board meeting is required in December and Hazel Kirkham would be asked to attend to discuss the review she completed.
Proposal for extra meetings / Jessica isto email board members to set a meeting date to discuss the strategic options for the week beginning the 14th December.Business Plan progress / Tony gave averbal update on the Business Plan.
The Teaching Learning areas have been completed to date, but there needs to be some clear directions set by the board to assist in completing the other areas of the Business Plan such as Marketing and Property.
It was decided that an interim business plan, ie business as usual needs to be set – while the Strategic plan/Business plan is drafted by the new board.
Management Report / The report was distributed at the meeting and Tony discussed the main issues:- Try a Kindy took place on the 21 November at three kindergartens – Pop Up Kindy will be held in 2016
- Synthesis Marketing 12 month contract has now been finished. We will be completing some of the marketing initiatives at the Association office.
- Dyer St – building storeroom is near completion
- Waterloo – extension is on hold while we obtain new quotes
- Boulcott and Waiwhetu Head Teachers positions have been filled by Alyssa Sherring and Simone Leaupepe respectively.
- Currently have a vacancy at Taita for the Head Teacher position.
- Training completed during the October term break – First aid refresher/two child protection workshops/learning stories workshop
It was moved that the Management Report be accepted.
Financial Report / This was distributed at the meeting. Tony discussed the main issues:
The financial positionas at 31 October 2015 was a net operating deficit of ($146,570). This is a less favourable position than the projected surplus of $13,500.
Tony discussed the main issues:
- Looking at a different option for investing our uncommitted funds which would bring in a higher return.
- The Line of Creditaccount - this is no longer required and it is recommended that it be closed- theBoard agreed to this account being closed.
- Government funding below budget, due to lower enrolment levels, and an optimistic budget, but Fee income is above budget to date
- We will be completing a forecast in the new year and are looking at changing the reporting style.
- Outstanding fee write offs – the board voted and agreed to write off the outstanding fees. – Mike signed the report.
- Fee Exemptions – have increased. Tony gave a brief explanation of how these occur.
It was moved that the Financial Report be accepted.
Health & Safety Report / The report was distributed at the meeting, Rosalie informed the board on what accidents are reported back from the kindergartens. She noted the following points:
- Variations between kindergartens in accident numbers can be due to the size of kindergartens/play spaces/and the number of children attending
- The Health & Safety committee met in October – any info requiring action is then passed onto the General Manager.
- A teacher at Sun Valley Kindergarten was diagnosed with Hepatitis A,the Regional Public Health was advised and worked with the team to notify the community and a clinic was setup to offer vaccinations.
It was also queried what the culture is like with Health and Safety and the staff? – Karen replied that it is really well engrained in the staff.
It was moved that the Health & Safety Report be accepted.
Kindergarten Risk Assessment / The report was distributed at the Board meeting.
Rosalie updated the Board on the current risks/changes for kindergartens. There are currently five kindergartens that have been identified as high risk, these are being well monitored and supported.
The Board agreed to employing permanent PPM staff and not wait for strategic decisions to be completed – this willminimise the risks at the Association office due to the vacancies.
It was noted that the Association Risk register is normally updated at the beginning of each Board meeting – this will be completed for the next Board meeting.
Co-option of new board members / The Board continued the meeting in a separate room to discuss the appointment of the proposed new Board members. As part of the discussions, the Board discussed the procedure for appointing new Board members. In summary, this is as follows:
Board members can only be appointed by the members of the Association at the AGM. In order to become a Board member at the AGM, a member must be nominated by two other members during the period set for nominations in the months leading up to the AGM (this period is notified to all members through their kindergartens). Each nomination must be accompanied by a blurb giving some information about the nominated member, which is included in the notice of AGM provided to all members. A vote is then held at the AGM and if a majority of the members voting are in favour of the appointment, then the nominated member is appointed to the Board. At the AGM held on 21 October 2015, no nominations had been received, so no new board members could be appointed.
Where there are vacancies in the Board between AGMs, the Board can vote to appoint members to fill those vacancies. There is no restriction on who such appointees can be (apart from the usual restrictions regarding eligibility.). Any such appointees are only appointed until the next AGM, (where they are automatically eligible to be reappointed without needing to be separately nominated). Voting at the AGM then proceeds as described above.
Following the 21 October AGM, the Board only had five Board members (the minimum required) out of eight. Accordingly, the Board resolved to appoint Simon Becker, Fiona Kelly, Jeff Stewart, Tim Bailey and David Gilbert to fill current and imminent vacancies. As Gareth Worthington, Mike Holdsworth and Jessica Tupou had indicated a desire to resign over the coming months, the appointment of David Gilbert (for Gareth), Tim (for Mike) and Fiona (for Jessica) will take effect once the resignation of the relevant existing Board member is received.
Once the Board rejoined the proposed new Board members, the results of the vote were advised. Christine Healy was then made a member and was appointed to the Board.
/ A letter was received from Christine Healy expressing her interest to become a Board Member.A letter was also received from Gareth Worthington noting his resignation from the Board effective from tonight’s meeting.
/ Board payments – it was queried if all board members get the board attendance fees – the Board agreed to resolve to pay the co-opted member the attendance fees – the new Board members will be posted the required forms they need to complete.Meeting Dates:
/ This next meeting date is yet to be confirmed – Jessicais to contact board members by email.Closing Karakia
/ Led by Rosalie. Meeting closed at 9.30pm.Minutes Confirmed
(Signature of President)
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