ISCP AES Report Template (For illustrative purposes only – please use online version)

The AES is responsible for synthesising the evidence of learning at the end of the placement. The report incorporates the views of Clinical Supervisors (CSs) and is based on the evidence that the trainee has uploaded into their learning portfolio. The report therefore represents a summative assessment of the trainee’s learning and is a key document for the ARCP.

AES Report

The details about the trainee’s placements and supervisors are stored within the trainee’s record and are displayed in the AES report.

AES Name: / Date of Report

Trainee details

Expected qualification date:
Level at time of ARCP:
Number of days of time out of training since last review (from Form R Part B):

Placement details

Date from: / Date to: / Hospital / Specialty / PD / AES

Clinical Supervisor Reports

At least two Clinical Supervisors should be named and it is expected that the will make reports throughout training to aid the AES’s understanding about the trainee’s development.

CS Name:

Date / Report

CS Name:

Date / Report

Comments against actions set at objective setting

The AES’s report is written in terms of the trainee’s progress against the specific learning actionsagreed at the Objective Setting stage of the Learning Agreement. The second column; Agreed actions, will be pre-populated with the notes made at the Objective Setting stage and can be used by the AES to confirm whether the learning opportunities took place and what progress was made. Professional skills and behaviour should be considered in all areas of activity.

Area / Agreed actions / Comments on actions that have taken place in these areas
Curriculum objectives
Clinical skills
Operative skills
Professional behaviour and leadership skills
Workplace-based assessment
Portfolio evidence
Courses (including e-learning)
Presentations / Posters
Teaching sessions given by the trainee
Conferences and meetings
Feedback from patients including compliments and complaints
Educational Programme to be attended by the trainee
Timetable and on call rota
Internal teaching sessions and meetings attended
External conferences and meetings attended
Other supporting information
Continuing Professional development
Quality Improvement Activity
Significant Events
Reflective Practice

No further action required, the trainee should progress to the next placement/stageTrainee needs further development or targeted training but should progress to the next placement/stageTrainee needs further development or targeted training before progression to the next placement/stageAES Overall Summary statement and recommendation

Please make a statement about the trainee's overall performance including strengths and areas for development. Please include any recommendations relevant to the next placement/stage
  1. Are you aware if this trainee has been involved in any Serious Untoward Incident, Significant Event, Investigation or named in any Complaint? (please circle) No / Yes
  1. If yes, has it / have they been resolved satisfactorily with no unresolved concerns about the trainee's fitness to practice or conduct? (please circle)No / Yes
If no, please give details below:
Please mark one of the following statements below as applicable:
No further action required, the trainee should progress to the next placement/stage
Trainee needs further development or targeted training but should progress to the next placement/stage
Trainee needs further development or targeted training before progression to the next placement/stage

Sign off

AES Signature: / Date:

After sign off, the trainee can add comments, completing the Learning Agreement in the portfolio. The Learning Agreement and AES Report for each placement are available at the ARCP.

Version 1 ISCP August 2014