Press release PM 3312-EU

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Linear and cable guide in one

Compact and suitable for small loads

At the Compamed trade fair 2012, igus is presenting a new lightweight linear guide system which, (thanks to a special design feature), can accomplish several tasks which have not been able to be solved by one single component before. These include the lubricant-free guiding of a linear movement and the accommodation of pipes and cables. This means that in the igus range comprising of 90,000 products the drylin Q is the first system to combine the linear and cable guiding functions in a low-cost product. Its areas of application are mainly in the field of medicine.

The best of several worlds

Basically, the new drylin Q system works like a traditional shaft guide. It is made up of a closed casing which can be moved linearly on a shaft. However, drylin Q does not have a round shaft, but rather a square aluminium profile with an edge length of 7.5 mm. This makes drylin Q absolutely torsion-proof compared with round systems. Since the aluminium profile is also hollow, it can accommodate protected compressed air, fluid, signal or energy pipes and cables. This hybrid solution allows additional design space to be saved easily for cable routing, particularly useful for applications in the miniature range such as in laboratory instruments.

Accessories and variants for surprising solutions

The drylin Q bearing housing is currently available in two different versions: a space-saving and favourably priced plastic solution, which can either be mounted using two threaded connections or be fixed in a bore hole with a diameter of 22 millimetres. Then there is the sturdy metal flange version, where the lubricant-free plastic gliders are integrated in aluminium housing. The module range is rounded off by accessories such as flange stands, manual clamps, end caps, connection elements for energy chains, gripper attachment kits and plastic crossbars. This range of accessories can be used to make lasting solutions from drylin Q. One example is the pipettor. Guided by two polymer bearing housings, the aluminium profile houses a fluid pipe for transporting the fluid. At the other end, an igus energy chain of the E2 micro series is connected using a special connection element; this guarantees smooth guiding of the fluid pipe. Other examples for drylin Q applications include manually operated camera or sensor adjustment or small handling applications.

Picture PM3312-01: igus GmbH, Cologne

The new torsion-proof and compact linear guide system drylin Q. The polymer bearing housing (top) can be attached using two threaded connections or a 22 mm bore hole. Pipes and cables can be routed safely in the aluminium profile. The extensive accessories for the drylin Q modular system include the option aluminium housing with integrated polymer gliders (bottom).

Picture PM3312-02: igus GmbH, Cologne

From the extensive range of drylin Q accessories: simple yet effective hand clamping for fixing in place in seconds.

Picture PM3312-03: igus GmbH, Cologne

A few accessory parts such as gripper adapter, energy chain connection element and an E2 micro energy chain, are all that's needed to build a simple and durable pipettor unit.

igus® GmbH
Spicher Str. 1a
D-51147 Köln
Phone +49-22 03 / 96 49-0
Fax +49-22 03 / 96 49-222 / The terms “igus, chainflex, readycable, easychain, e-chain, e-chainsystems, energy chain, energy chain system, flizz, readychain, triflex, twisterchain, invis, drylin, iglidur, igubal, xiros, xirodur, plastics for longer life, manus, vector“ are legally protected trademarks in the Federal Republic of Germany and, where applicable, in some foreign countries.


Jörg Landgraf

Corporate Communication

igus GmbH

Spicher Str. 1a

D-51147 Köln

Phone +49 (0) 22 03 / 96 49 - 459

Fax +49 (0) 22 03 / 96 49 - 631

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