Alternative Fuels Technician Examiners Committee Meeting
Regular Meeting
March 1, 2016 at 9:00 a.m. in South Conference Room
Oklahoma Department of Labor, 3017 N Stiles, Suite 100, Oklahoma City, OK 73105
1. Call to Order………………………………………………………….…..Jeff Twiehaus, Chairman
Jeff Twiehaus to call the meeting to order.
2. Roll Call ……………………………………………………………………………... Ruth Neville
3. Statement of Compliance with Oklahoma’s Open Meeting Act………………….….. Ruth Neville
4. Review and Action to Approve/Amend February 2, 2016 Regular Meeting Minutes……………………………………………………………..………….……..Jeff Twiehaus
With potential committee and public discussion and potential committee action. (Handout)
5. Review and Action to Approve/Amend February 2, 2016 Special Meeting Minutes…………………………………………………………………………….…Jeff Twiehaus
With potential committee and public discussion and potential committee action. (Handout)
6. Review/approve licenses issued in February 2016...………………………………... Jeff Twiehaus
Review/approval of alternative fuels licenses issued in the month of February 2016. With potential committee and public discussion and potential committee action. (Handout)
7. OAC 380:80-7-6 and 380:80-7-7…………………………………………….……..Craiton Cooper
Mr. Cooper to continue discussion as it pertains to proposed language to ensure technician competency and safety with potential committee and public discussion and potential committee action. (Handout)
8. Fill Station and Compression Technician Licenses……………….…………………Jeff Twiehaus
Mr. Twiehaus to continue discussion as it pertains to Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) technicians entering the State to perform work on compressor units at fill stations with potential committee and public discussion and potential committee action. (Handouts)
9. Demonstration of new Alternative Fuels business cards………………………....Kelsey Schwartz
Kelsey Schwartz to demonstrate the Oklahoma Department of Labor Alternative fuels business cards. With potential committee and public discussion and potential committee action.
10. Discussion as it pertains to Verbiage Regarding Electric Charge Stations…….….…Jeff Twiehaus
With potential committee and public discussion and potential committee action. (Handout)
11. Discussion as it pertains to vendors who are interested in the design of a small compression module to capture gas………...………………………………………………………...Mark Harris
Mark Harris to lead discussion as it pertains to progress/research on vendors who are interested in the design of a small compression module to capture gas. With potential committee and public discussion and potential committee action.
12. Legislative Update…………………………………………………………………Angelia Cobble
With potential committee and public discussion and potential committee action.
13. Alternative Fuels Program Update………………………………….………….…..Angelia Cobble
Mrs. Cobble to provide the Committee with updates on the Alternative Fuels
Program. With potential committee and public discussion and potential committee action.
14. Public Comments
Comments and discussion from the general public regarding matters specific to the Alternative Fuels Industry, limited to no more than 5 minutes per public member unless granted additional time by the Committee. The Committee shall neither engage in substantive discussion nor material interaction with public.
15. Next regular meeting scheduled for April 5, 2016
16. Adjournment
3017 N. Stiles, Suite 100, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73105-5212 ∙ Telephone 405-521-6100 ∙ Toll Free 888-269-5353 - Fax 405-521-6018 ∙