Classes: FE 200-01,02,03,04 Family Resource Management
Instructor: Billie Holshouser, MSA
Office: Scully 116 Office Hours: Monday 8:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. or by appointment Phone: 986-4919
Website: Email:
Date Topic Reading
Jan 19-21 Class Intro / Assignments
26-28 Management Process & Goal Setting/Management Questions Due Ch. 1 (selected parts) Ch. 9 (221-231)
Feb 2-4 Needs and Wants / Duggar Assignment Due Ch. 4, Handout, Ch. 2
9-11 Family Questions Due / Understanding Families Ch. 2
16-18 Values, Attitudes, and Behaviors Ch. 5
23-25 Attitude Assignment Due / Review for Exam I / Taxes Ch. 8, Pub 17
March 2-4 Exam I / Taxes and Social Programs Ch. 8
9-11 Time Management / Work and Family / Stress/ Economics Selected parts (Ch. 6 & 7) /Handouts
16-18 Spring Break
23-25 Current and Future Challenge / Demographics / Human Resources Ch. 14
30-Aprl 1 Making It Happen (Insurance and Estate Planning) Ch. 12
April 6-8 Making It Happen (Insurance and Estate Planning) / Review for Exam II
13-15 Money Management / Financial Planning Ch. 9 (232-245), Handouts
20-22 Continued
27-29 Understanding Credit / Fraud
May 4-6 Retirement / Review For Final Exam
Final Exam TBA
The above schedule is subject to change
Southeast Missouri State University Course Syllabus
Department of Human Environmental Studies
FE 200-Family Resource Management
I. Course Description
A study of basic family management concepts and decision making within the context of the family
System. Emphasis is placed on application in the management of human and economic resources in
achieving goals. 3 cr. hours.
II. Prerequisite(s)
Satisfactory completion of courses in University Studies categories of Economic, Behavioral, and
Social Systems.
III. Purposes or Objectives of the Course
A. To recognize the importance of human and family values in establishing individual and family roles.
B. To identify and evaluate the human and non-human resources that are available for achieving family goals.
C. To demonstrate knowledge of the conceptual framework of the management process and the relationship to family decision making in securing the greatest possible satisfaction from the use of available resources in achieving individual and family goals.
IV. Expectations of Students:
A. Participate in class discussions and activities.
B. Complete all assigned readings, journal reviews, assignments and exams.
C. Turn cell phones to off or vibrate. Cell phone use is not permitted in the class room.
D. Arrive on time.
E. Be respectful of all students and the instructor. No derogatory comments or inappropriate language will be permitted. Anyone acting in this matter will be asked to leave class
V. Class Policy
A. Pop quizzes and in class activities CANNOT be made up.
B. Any late assignments will be deducted points. Any work over a week late will not be given points unless approved by the instructor.
C. Make up work must be turned in within one week of assignment date unless otherwise approved by the instructor.
D. Students are not permitted to email any homework assignments to the instructor.
E. Any student who wishes to be considered excused from class must turn in a written statement indicating the date and reason for missing class. The written statement must be turned in within one week of the missed class period.
F. If class is cancelled, students should check web page for homework assignment, materials and instructions.
G. For ITV classes - If class is interrupted affecting an off site class, the affected site is instructed to wait 10 minutes. If the class is still unable to receive transmission after 10 minutes they may leave. Students should check the web site for missed material.
VI. On-line Exams
A. Any student who does not sign on to complete an assigned online exam during the time frame it is available will not be allowed to complete it later. Any student who has a problem accessing an assigned online exam or has problems finishing the exam due to computer problems, must report to the instructor immediately. If the student does not report the problem within the time frame the exam is to be taken, he or she will not be allowed a retake. The instructor may allow a student to retake an exam under certain circumstances. If the instructor gives approval for a retake, the retake will take place under the rules set forth in Section C (see below) of this policy statement.
B. Students may use open book and notes for their exams. They are not allowed to take the exam with other students or individuals.
C. If a student does not take an assigned exam during the allotted exam time and the instructor gives the approval for him or her to complete a make-up exam, he or she will be required to schedule an appointment with the instructor to take a written exam. There will be no open book or notes allowed for the exam.
VII. Text and Other Reading Materials :
- Moore (2008). Family Resource Management. Sage Publications.
- 2009 Publication 17. Your Federal Income Tax (for individuals). Internal Revenue Service.
*This text can be ordered at or picked up at the local Cape Girardeau IRS office. It is a free publication.
- Additional Required Outside Readings
VIII. Additional class information and policy
Web Supported
The following information can be accessed from theFE200 web page:
· Posted grades
· Homework assignments
· Class materials
· Instructor comments
Any student who has a physical or learning disability that may affect their performance in the class is encouraged to inform the instructor. There are programs available through Southeast Missouri State University that can assist students with these issues.
Academic Honesty
Any student who is caught misrepresenting his or her work, either on an exam or an assignment, will be given a grade of zero. Cheating in any form is not acceptable.
Grading Grading Scale
Family Interview ...... 10 pts A 90% - 100
Attitude Assignment ...... 10 pts B 80% - 89%
Duggar Family Assignment . . . . . 10 pts C 79% - 70%
Family Research Project ...... 120 pts D 69% - 60%
Exam I...... 100 pts F 59% and below
Exam II...... 100 pts
Final Exam...... 100 pts
Other assignments may be given = 5 – 10 points each
Quizzes may occasionally be given = 5 – 10 points each
Extra Credit opportunities will be given.
*Students must taken advantage of extra credit opportunities when they are given. Students
will not be given extra credit opportunities upon request.