Minutes of the Annual Assembly Meeting of the Wimblington Parish Council held on Tuesday 10th April 2012 at 7.00 pm in the Parish Hall, Addison Road Wimblington.
Presiding Chairperson Cllr Mrs. M Davis
Apologies for Absence: Cllr A Knowles, Cllr P Crawford, Cllr E Gowler, Cllr E Wright, Cllr P Jolley,
R Bridge (FDC)
Present: Cllrs C Brown, G Bellard, J Clarke, R Wright (Clerk), M Moulton, P Hart, A Carlin, B Coady,
J Rose, P James, K C Waterman, J Waterman, C Presland, R M Presland.
The Chairperson spoke upon the sad loss of Cllr Susie Spurr and spoke about her involvement as a Parish Councillor since 2002. She served as Chairman from May 2008 to may 2011. Susie was a determined and strong minded lady who did not suffer fools gladly but had a heart of gold and worked tirelessly for Wimblington. Susie was a champion of the Parish hall always looking for ways to improve its facilities and use. Susie arranged children’s activities during the school holidays. Susie conceived the idea of the Wimblington Film Club and set about making it work.Susie was committed to Wimblington’s twinning with Morrizone and was heavily involved with setting up the allotments. Susie will be missed by many in the village.
A minute silence was held.
21/12AAConfirmation of Minutes RESOLVED - That the last Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held on 12st April 2011 were recorded correctly and that they be confirmed and signed.
22/12/AAGuest Speakers
a) MrsJo Rose reported upon the work of the Diamond Jubilee Committee and her report is affixed
appendix 1.
b) Anchor Retirement Club – Mrs. Pat Hart spoke about the club that was formed in 1987 and met every Thursday from 10.30am to 12 noon at the Anchor and play darts and bingo. With the recent changes at the Anchor the club are not sure what the future holds.
c) Luncheon Club – Mrs. Pat Hart reported that the club started some 6 years ago and its aims were to create a better understanding amongst senior parishioners. On the second Tuesday of each month at the Thomas Eaton School they held a two course luncheon at a cost of £3.50 with attendance of 40-45. AS the school cook is taking an extended leave meals will be served by helpers in the parish hall.
d) Wimblington Film Club – Mrs. P Hart reported upon the development of the club and her report appendix 2 is attached.
e) Wimblington Fifty Plus Club – Mrs. M Moulton presented a report upon the Wimblington Fifty Plus club (appendix 3)
f) March & District Museum – Mrs. A Carlin presented a report upon the March & District Museum – (appendix 4)
g) Horticultural Show 2012 – Mrs. G Bellard reported that the Wimblington & Stonea Allotment and Garden Association along with the Parish Council were holding a Horticultural show in 2012 as the previous organizers were unable to organize the event. Donations were being sought from the Parish council and the Parkinson trust. A small entry charge of 50p would be made and prizes issued. Any person wishing to offer their services as Judges would be welcome. Details would be circulated in the Wimblington News and on the notice boards.
J) Wimblington Photo group – Mr. P James spoke about the formation of the Wimblington photo group
(appendix 5)
23/12AAChairman’s Report.
The Chairman presented her report (appendix 6)
24/12AAFinancial Report
The Clerk reported that the Precept had been maintained at £14,000 for 2012/2013 giving a tax base of £17.63.
The final figures for 2010/2011 were income £45,636 and expenditure £49,410.
The figures for 2011/2012 will see a difficult time for Parish Councils as well as the District and County due to Government cuts in funding. The volunteer section will also see their grants reduced which may lead to an increase in s137 applications. The Council is faced with several major items of expenditure, the pavilion, cemetery roadway and allotment roadway. Currently income is £49,489 and expenditure £46,955 but invoices are still pending for street lights and village works.
The budgeted income for 2012/2013 is £33,010 with expenditure of £32,417.
Mr. James Waterman put forward a resolution that a speed limit of 30 miles per hour from Mill Hill roundabout to the boundary at Doddington Road Wimblington be imposed.
He referred to a recent incident involving three young children and a speeding motorist. He has approached Cllr Jolley and Steve Barclay MP. He referred to the speed monitoring equipment and the results that recorded over 4,000 cars using the route on a daily basis. He has spoken to the local police who were aware of the situation.
The Chairperson spoke about the Localism Act and how it could be used to alter the speed limit but it would have cost implications upon the Community. The Chairperson explained that several options were open. One was to approach the Cambs County Council/ Fenland District Council or use the JFMI scheme. The main costings would be advertisements and new signs.
A vote was taken and the majority of those attending were in favor of seeking a 30mph speed limit on the section of roadway.
It was asked what the time scale would be in implementing the speed reduction. The Chairperson felt that the matter would not be instant and no funding had been allocated in the new financial year. It was felt that the matter should be progressed slowly and approaching all authorities and the local MP.
26/12AAOpen Forum
The Chairperson asked for any questions – no questions were raised.
The meeting was closed at 20.25 and refreshments were served by Mrs M Moulton and Mrs.P Hart.