
Policy No. 15

He who ignores discipline despises himself but whoever heeds correction gains understanding.

Proverbs: 15:32


  1. Admission of pupils into the school is primarily for Christian families.
  1. Non-preference pupils (those who are from non-Christian families) are considered providing the family accepts the signed conditions presented at initial interview stage. The non-preference limit is 10% of the total roll as specified in the school integration deed agreement.


  1. Interested parents request an information pack. Thereafter an interview time is made.
  1. Interview is conducted with parents and child if possible. This is with the Principal and a Representative of the Proprietors.
  1. Parents are required to provide all relevant enrolment information as requested in the enrolment forms.
  1. Where needed, a prospective students enrolment may require Board approval.
  1. An Acceptance pack is sent to the successful applicants and a letter written to the unsuccessful applicant after the Board of Trustees meeting.
  1. Parents have the right of appeal to the School Proprietors if they are not satisfied with the enrolment decision reached. The Proprietors decision is final.
  1. Progress through the school:

Children who have completed 2 full years by 1st January will be promoted to Year 3. Those who have completed one year and eight months by 1st January will be considered for promotion. We decide based on social maturation and academic ability. Once children have completed a year in Year 3 they are then promoted to Year 4 and they go onto the next class annually.

While acceleration may seem advantageous at the age of 6 and 7 years, it may cause social and emotional difficulties for the child on entry to secondary school when they are placed with others more mature. Holding a child back because of lack of achievement may lead to frustration and behaviour problems due to the child working alongside others less mature physically, socially and emotionally. This will only be done with parent consultation.


  1. New Entrants are to start school on or after their 5th birthday as laid down by the 1989 Education Act. Parents who bring their children to school before they turn 5 for a short visit will be asked to sign a book disclaimer, so that the Board of Trustees is not responsible for any accidents that may happen whilst they are in the school grounds.
  1. Priority for enrolment shall be given to siblings of present and past pupils.
  1. A waiting list will be established when all available places are taken up.
  1. Applications will be accepted for future terms.

Chairman: ______

Date adopted:4 April 2000

Date ReviewedFebruary 2004

Reviewed22 June 2004

Reviewed June 2006

Reviewed24June 2008

Reviewed27 October 2009

Reviewed21 September 2010

Review:26 November 2013