Strategic Board Meeting
Date: 23 September 2016
Time: 9.30am to 12.30pm
Venue: Plough Lane, Hereford
PresentIvan Powell / IP / Independent Chair, HASB
Stephen Vickers / SV / Assistant Director Operations and Support arrived at 10.08
Mandy Appleby / MA / Head of Operations, Adults Wellbeing
Karen Hall / KH / ASPIRE
Allison Curson / AC / Deputy Director of Nursing for 2gether Trust
Rebecca Haywood Tibbetts / RHT / Specialist Nurse for Safeguarding Representing Lynne Renton
Jacqui Bremner / JB / Director, Herefordshire Carers Support
Colin Javons / CJ / Healthwatch
Claire Scott H&F / CS / Hereford & Worcester Fire Service
Dean Jones / DG / West Mercia Police, representing Det Supt Jason Wells arrived at 9.50am.
In Attendance
Steve Eccleston / BJ / Business Unit Manager
Anne Bonney / AB / Learning and Development Office HSAB,/HSCB/HCSP
Belinda Lewis / BL / Minutes - Business Support Co-ordinator
Laura Lloyd / LL / Contracts Quality and Review Lead Present from 11.00am to 11.20am
Apologies Received
Jason Wells / JW / Det Supt West Mercia Police
Adam Scott / AS / Assistant Director Safeguarding & Early Help
Arif Mahmood / AR / Consultant, Public Health
Christine Duggan / CD / Managing Director - Hereford Housing
Tom Currie / TC / Assistant Chief Officer National Probation Service
Martin Samuels / MS / Director for Adults Wellbeing
Det Supt Jason Wells / JW / West Mercia Police
Lynne Renton / LR / Deputy Chief Nursing Officer
Cllr Patricia Morgan / PM / Deputy Leader of the Council & Cabinet member Health & Wellbeing
Apologies Not Received
Neil Bagley / NBa / Blackwells Providers
George Branch / AB / Chief Officer, Community Rehabilitation Company
Jeremy Perrot / JP / RNC
1. / Introductions and apologies received / Action
· Attendance at both Board and working sub groups remains an issue of concern. The meeting was reminded that at the request of Board members at the development event on the 23 November 2015, meeting frequency was reduced and membership was reviewed.. The resultant structure is a streamlined as it can be without negatively impacting on effectiveness.
· The Chair and Business Unit are reviewing attendance and commitment forthwith. / All
Ivan Powell
2. / Declarations of any other business
None declared.
3 / Chairs up-date
· The national SAB independent chairs network has communicated with Police Inspectorate Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary (HMIC) concerning the absence of adult safeguarding within the current vulnerability Framework. HMIC have asked the network to engage in informing the future inspection regime. IP is one of the four chairs who have been asked to contribute to this piece of national work.
· Herefordshire and Shropshire have recently held a joint meeting to discuss the links between adult safeguarding and domestic abuse. MA attended for Herefordshire. A further audit to inform this work is planned for December 2016.
· For information the Chair will circulate the National Consultation on mandatory referrals. / Ivan Powell
Circulate with the Minutes.
4. / CASE STUDY: Presentation: Karen Halls ASPIRE .
The case study looked at a young woman with a learning disability and long-term mental health condition, assessed as having capacity but highly vulnerable and involved in a highly exploitative relationship.
The Chair noted the case was a strong example of a multiagency approach to safeguarding. ASPIRE will continue to support this person. The fast reaction and support provided by other agencies was praised by KH.
Key issues and actions arising from the presentation.
4.1 / Risks associated with identifying neglect and raising awareness for professionals and the wider community in respect of risks associated with Personal Assistants, Direct Payments and self-funders was debated in great detail.
· MA informed the meeting that information was available to PA’s and employers and could be accessed via WISH. There is some scrutiny for direct payments but for self-funders this is more problematical.
· JB and KH informed that they anticipate that this will become an emerging theme which will involve the wider community and needs to be dealt with before it becomes a problem.
The Chair concluded from the discussions held that there are emerging themes for the Board to investigate for inclusion within the Prevention Strategy, Competency Framework and training package. JB, KH and MA were charged to provide a Prevention Focus briefing paper for the Board by 22 October 2016. /
Mandy Appleby
Karen Hall
Jacqui Bremner
22 October 2016
4.2 / DT (Police) advised ASPIRE to record all sightings observed by staff of the victim and abuser accessing ATMS. This information will be of assistance to police if there is a requirement to take action without the victims consent / Karen Hall ASPIRE
5. / Minutes and Actions
Minutes were agreed as read and the actions from the previous meeting were all agreed as discharged.
6. / Scorecard: Mandy Appleby
· 473 referrals were recorded which follows the trend for last year.
· 61 concerns recorded in relation to financial and material abuse. This is viewed as a one off and themes will be looked into.
· West Mercia Police reporting: There has been a huge spike in West Mercia reporting and this is being looked into to understand the increase. This may be a police officer training issue/change in staff. The Board noted that there is not the staff to deal with spikes if they are not safeguarding referrals and this again focusses on the importance of training staff to make competent decisions and the need for a prevention strategy.
· DOLs: On behalf of the QA Chair, RHT asked what the trajectory was for clearing the backlog of DOLs:
· SV explained that the DOLs position was replicated nationally. The LA has a risk assessed approach which allows for prioritisation of DOLs applications. It is both financially and practically prohibitive to clear the backlog of DOLS as there are simply too few qualified assessors nationally.
6.1 / · Percentage of concerns that progress to enquiry: It is felt that the pathway screening at the front door is moving cases on quickly to where they need to go.
· What is not known are the number of concerns raised that are not safeguarding? SV has initiated a review of this activity and MA has completed an analysis on audits to gain information. This intelligence will be provided to the Board when it is available.
· JB queried the statement made that those referral pathways through ART were happening smoothly and asked for this to be included in the review of the process by SV and MA. /
Stephen Vickers
Mandy Appleby.
7. / QA Re-Assurance Framework: Laura Lloyd
Since reporting to the Board earlier in the year, the framework has been in operation for 6 months. Feedback is very positive that the Framework is transparent and an easy process for providers to understand.
Community Care Dashboard is not as developed. Some internal systems need to be changed to get the right data and recording through to form a picture.
What has worked well is struggling care homes are being linked with good homes to support them in understanding what good looks like. Reductions in safeguarding concerns are being seen.
Next steps are to develop self-reporting for providers, which has already commenced.
KH commented that ASPIRE had found the framework worked well and collaborative working was very impressive and completed in a professional way by the assessors.
8. / DNR CPR Up-date:
8.1 / A review of DNR CPR safeguarding processes identified that DNRs do not have due process when completed. WVT hold the policy on DNR CPR as the lead agency. This has been reviewed by LR and will be coming to P&P and then to the Board. Item to be forward planned.
The lead for taking the work forward is the ‘End of Life Care Group’. Further work will be to complete a strategy to gain the learning.
The Chair was assured that this is now in the governance framework for WVT.
JB requested a copy of the document and would be happy to circulate out through the Carers Forum. /
Future Agenda Item
Mandy Appleby
9. / MSP : Mandy Appleby
/ The Board were asked to note the three documents from the final report and recommendations from the making Safeguarding Personal Review 2016:
· Final report document.
· MSP recommendations and action plan.
· Report appendices document.
The Reports have gone through governance; Adult Directorate Leadership Team signed off by the Director and will be presented to the Managers Board by SV.
MSP is driven by the LGA and is expected to be part of the social care practice across the partnerships. The Board itself was crucial in ensuring that MSP was a priority across the organisations. The next step will be how this can been taken further to lead and embed on those changes across all the organisations.
The Chair clarified the purpose of bringing the reports to the Board is to identify key themes and findings for discussion at the Development Day on the 8 November. Plans will go out prior to the development day to facilitate member organisation participation. / Business Unit
9.2 / Members were charged to read the MSP documentation and from an organisational perspective identify where work may already be in progress which can be mapped into the discussion / ALL BOARD MEMBERS
9.3 / The Chair will further meet with MA and AB to pull out national headlines from the national ‘Making Safeguarding Personal Temperature Check for the development day to come up with an action plan to support delivery. / Ivan Powell
Mandy Appleby
10. / Annual Report: Anne Bonney
The Annual Report went to the Management Board on the 20 September and will go through Council’s governance Health & Wellbeing Board to promote the message.
The Board were in agreement to sign off the Annual Report for 2016 – 2017. / Agreed
11. / Carers Support Brief:
As part of the business plan for the Safeguarding Boards, services to Carers had been identified as a priority for helping to keep people safe and to be a part of the Prevention Strategy and an indicator for the QA work programme. The proposal outlined in the Report was agreed. / Agreed
12. / Communication Messages from the Board.
1. Annual Report 2016 – 2017
2. Communication of the MSP Priorities
3. Police perception/processes vulnerability not victims of crime.
4. Understanding safeguarding adult concerns
5. Definition and identification of DA. / Steve Eccleston
13. / AOB:
· Safeguarding Priorities: The Chief Executive has suggested that it would be helpful if Adults and Childrens priorities were more aligned. The Chair advised that the Board has a statutory duty to develop its strategic priorities in consultation with the local community and Healthwatch. The Chief Executive’s observations will be taken into account during discussion at the Development Day on the 8 November. / Agenda Item for Development Day
· JSNA: It was further agreed that JSNA should be taken into consideration to inform on the strategic priorities.
· Colin Javons: Will be standing down as a representative of the Board and was thanked on behalf of the Board by the Chair for all his hard work and contribution over the last few years. Colin’s’ replacement will be Gwyneth Gill. Business Unit to make changes to the distribution list. / Business Unit
development Morning 8 November 2016
9.30am to 12.30pm
plough lane
DATE OF NEXT strategic board MEETING
5 december 2016
9.30 – 12.30PM