California Tumor Tissue Registry
Sunday June 4, 2017

Drs. Adsay and Reid

Materials: (“Attendance Only” includes items 1 and 2)

1. 6 hour lecture (Seminar objectives, clinical histories, discuss the role of special studies in diagnosis, therapy,

and counseling, project photographs of study cases and other illustrative materials)

2. Comprehensive syllabus that includes diagnoses, discussion, and appropriate references from pertinent medical literature

3. Glass slides of representative tumors

CME/SAMs applies only to the day of the seminar. Full Package can earn up to 10 hrs CME and/or SAMs credit, Attendance only can earn up to 6 hrs CME/SAMs credit. This activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the Essential Areas and policies of the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education through the joint provider ship of Loma Linda University School of Medicine and California Tumor and Tissue Registry. The Loma Linda University School of Medicine is accredited by the ACCME to provide continuing medical education for physicians. Loma Linda University School of Medicine designates this Live Activity and Enduring Material for a maximum of 10 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s) TM. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity. The American Board of Pathology also certifies this activity to provide up to 10 hours of SAM credit (Self Assessment Module. Disclosure Statement: This program has been planned and implemented in accordance with ACCME essentials and standards. The Loma Linda School of Medicine Office of Continuing Medical Education relies on its CME faculty to provide program content that is free of commercial bias. Therefore, in accordance with ACCME standards, any faculty and/or provider industry relationships will be disclosed and resolved.

Name: Phone:

Facility: Email:

Mailing Address:

*Includes continental breakfast and drinks during breaks.

FULL PACKAGE - Up to 10 CME/ SAMs credit $350 $400

Includes: Glass slides and/or digital slides, Attendance and Syllabus

**Must attend the seminar and send in the answers before 6/3/17 for full CME/SAMs credit

FULL PACKAGE - No CME/ SAMs credit $300 $350

Includes: Glass slides and/or digital slides, Attendance and Syllabus

RESIDENT PACKAGE- No CME/ SAMs credit $225 $300

Includes: Glass slides and/or digital slides, Attendance and Syllabus ** With a letter verifying residency


Includes – Attendance, Syllabus $275 $300


Includes – Attendance, Syllabus $225 $250


Includes – Attendance, Syllabus ** With a letter verifying residency $175 $175

Payment Information – Make Checks Payable to California Tumor Tissue Registry

Check enclosed Credit Card Master Card Visa

Credit Card # ______Exp. Date: ______

Zip code of billing address: ______Total Amount: ______For orders outside the United States of America, please add $45.00

Name on Card: ______

Signature: ______

Cancellations subject to a 15% overhead charge. MAIL TO: Loma Linda University Pathology Medical Group Or FAX TO: (909) 558-0188

California Tumor Tissue Registry

11021 Campus Ave, AH335 PHONE: 909-558-4788 Loma Linda, CA 92350