Anti Bullying Policy June 2015 Derrymount School

“Determination, Motivation, Success”

Anti Bullying Policy

1. Introduction

This policy describes our approach to Anti Bullying at Derrymount School. Derrymount School in line with Keeping Children Safe in Education aim to provide a safe, caring and friendly environment for all our pupils to allow them to learn effectively, improve their life chances and help them maximise their potential.

We expect pupils to feel safe in school, including that they understand the issues relating to safety, such as bullying and that they feel confident to seek support from school should they feel unsafe.

We also want parents to feel confident that their children are safe and cared for in school and incidents when they do arise are dealt with promptly and well.

The school is aware of its legal obligations and role within the local community supporting parents and working with other agencies outside the school where appropriate.

This policy will be revised annually in line with the whole school policy review programme.

2. Policy Development

This policy was formulated in consultation with the whole school community with input from staff, pupils, parents and governors.

Members of staff are consulted though regular agenda items at staff meetings, consultation documents, surveys,

Governors are consulted through governors meetings, training and briefings

Children and young people contribute to the development of the policy through the school council, circle time discussions etc. The school council will develop a Student friendly version to be displayed in classrooms and/or go in home school diaries

Pupils contribute to the development of the policy through the school council, tutor time, discussions, etc.

The school council will develop a Student friendly version to be displayed in every classroom and in home/school diaries.

Parents/carers will be encouraged to contribute by: taking part in written consultations, parent meetings and annual review meetings, and through assistance with development of a shorter parents guide.

Other partners (extended schools, visiting external providers in school and external providers off site 14-19 curriculum, police etc)

This policy is available

§  Online via the school website

§  In the school prospectus

§  From the school office

§  Child friendly versions are on display, in welcome packs for new pupils

§  A shorter version is available for all parents.

3. The Roles and Responsibilities of all members of the school community.

The Head Teacher – Has overall responsibility for the policy and its implementation and liaising with the governing body, parents/carers, LA and outside agencies and appointing an Anti-bullying coordinator who will have general responsibility for handling the implementation of this policy.

The Anti–bullying Coordinator in our school is: The Deputy Head Teacher.

Their responsibilities are:

§  Policy development and review involving pupils, staff, governors, parents/carers and relevant local agencies

§  Implementing the policy and monitoring and assessing its effectiveness in practice

§  Ensuring evaluation takes place and that this informs policy review

§  Managing bullying incidents

§  Managing the reporting and recording of bullying incidents

§  Assessing and coordinating training and support for staff and parents/carers where appropriate

§  Coordinating strategies for preventing bullying behaviour

The nominated Governor with the responsibility for Anti-bullying (Behaviour) is:

Carol Wright


4. Definition of Bullying

‘Behaviour by an individual or group usually repeated over time, that intentionally hurts another individual or group either physically or emotionally’.

(Dept of Education July 2011)

How does bullying differ from teasing/falling out between friends or other types of aggressive behaviour?

§  There is a deliberate intention to hurt or humiliate.

§  There is a power imbalance that makes it hard for the victim to defend themselves.

§  It is usually persistent.

Occasionally an incident may be deemed to be bullying even if the behaviour has not been repeated or persistent – if it fulfils all other descriptions of bullying. This possibility should be considered, particularly in cases of sexual, sexist, racist or homophobic and transgender bullying and when children with disabilities are involved. If the victim might be in danger then intervention is urgently required.

5. What does bullying look like?

Bullying can include:

·  Name calling

·  Taunting

·  Mocking

·  Making offensive comments

·  Physical assault

·  Taking or damaging belongings

·  Cyber bullying - inappropriate text messaging and e mailing; sending offensive or degrading images by phone or via the internet

·  Producing offensive graffiti

·  Gossiping and spreading hurtful and untruthful rumours

·  Excluding people from groups.

Although bullying can occur between individuals it can often take place in the presence (virtually or physically) of others who become the ‘bystanders’ or ‘accessories’.

6. Cyber bullying and E - safety

The rapid development of and widespread access to technology has provided a new medium for bullying which can occur both in and out of school. This is a different form of bullying which can happen at any time and with a potentially bigger audience. It is important that young people are taught how to keep themselves safe on line and to consider their own behaviour towards each other.

7. Why are some children and young people the focus of bullying?

Specific types of bullying include:

·  Bullying related to race, religion or culture

·  Bullying related to special educational needs or disabilities

·  Bullying related to appearance or health

·  Bullying relating to sexual orientation

·  Bullying of young carers or looked after children or otherwise related to home circumstances

·  Sexist or sexual bullying

There is no hierarchy of bullying – all forms should be taken equally seriously and dealt with appropriately.

Bullying can take place between:

·  young people

·  young people and staff

·  between staff

·  individuals or groups

8. Identifying bullying

Children who are being bullied may not always be prepared to tell someone. It is important therefore that members of staff, parents and others who deal with the children are observant and alert for signs of bullying. These might include:

·  Unwillingness to come to school

·  Withdrawn, isolated behaviour

·  Complaining about missing possessions

·  Refusal to talk about the problem

·  Being easily distressed

·  Damaged or incomplete work

9. Reporting and responding to bullying

Our school has clear and well publicized systems to report bullying for the whole school community (including staff, parents/carers, children and young people) this includes those who are the victims of bullying or have witnessed bullying behaviour (bystanders)

Ways of reporting incidents and concerns include:

·  Children and young people in school – talk to staff or other adults in school or at home, PHSE worry boxes, school council reps, 1-1 sessions with TAs, school assemblies, access to childline telephone numbers, access to community police officer, drawing pictures or writing things down in notes

·  Parents/carers – telephone, face to face, home/school diaries, parent governors, parent support group, home/school co-ordinator

·  All staff and visitors – report to Assistant, Deputy or Head Teacher

·  Bystanders – verbal or written report to school staff/office.

·  Use of the Behaviour Watch system .

·  Use of the LA “Bullying / Prejudice – Based incident Report Form”.

10. Procedures

All reported incidents will be taken seriously and investigated involving all parties.

Actions will include:

·  Interviewing all parties

·  Informing parents

·  A range of responses appropriate to the situation: - solution focused, restorative approach, circle of friends, individual work with victim, perpetrator, referral to outside agencies if appropriate

·  Referral to Behaviour policy and school sanctions and how these may be applied including what actions may be taken if bullying persists

·  Follow up especially keeping in touch with the person who reported the situation, parents/carers

·  Support for the victim and the bully.

11. Recording bullying and evaluating the policy

Bullying incidents will be recorded by the member of staff who deals with the incident on the electronic Behaviour Watch Incident form and this will be monitored by the Anti-bullying coordinator on the Behaviour Watch behaviour monitoring system. Bullying incidents will also be recorded on the LA “Bullying / Prejudice – Based” incident form

The information stored will be used to ensure individuals incidents are followed up. It will also be used to identify trends and inform preventative work in school and development of the policy.

This information will be presented to the governors as part of the annual report.

The policy will be reviewed and updated annually.

11. Strategies for preventing bullying

As part of our on going commitment to the safety and welfare of our pupils we at Derrymount School have developed the following strategies to promote positive behaviour and discourage bullying behaviour.

These include:

·  Anti-Bullying week annually in November.

·  PSHE/citizenship

·  Involvement in Healthy Schools.

·  Specific curriculum input on areas of concern such as Cyberbullying and internet safety

·  Student voice

·  Parent groups/extended schools

·  Peer mentoring

·  Parent information events/information

·  Staff training and development for all staff

·  Restorative Justice

12. Links with other policies

·  Equality policy

·  Behaviour Policy

·  Sexual harassment policy

·  Health and safety at work policy

·  Keeping Children Safe in Education March 2015

·  Working Together March 2015

·  Physical Intervention Policy

·  Guidelines on safe use of the Chill Out Room / Cool Down Room

·  Management of Aggression and Violence to Staff Policy

·  Children’s behaviour in school “Volume II - responding to challenging behaviour”

12. Relevant Legislation and Guidance

Local The Young People’s Version of the Nottinghamshire Anti – Bullying Policy


·  The Education and Inspections Act 2006 (sec 89)

·  The Equality Act 2010

·  Children Act 1989

Criminal Law Although bullying in itself is not a criminal act in the UK it is important to bear in mind that some types of harassing or threatening behaviour, or communications, could be a criminal offence. This covers incidents of Cyber Bullying.

·  The Protection from Harassment Act 1997

·  The Malicious Communications Act 1988

·  The Communications Act 2003

·  The Public Order Act 1986

13. Government guidance

Bullying Advice for Head Teachers, staff and governing bodies.

(Dept of Education July 2011)

Behaviour and Discipline in Schools Guidance for Teachers and School Staff

( Dept of Education July 2011)

14. Associated resources

Anti – bullying Alliance (ABA)

Brings together more than 65 organisations with the aim of reducing bullying and creating safer environments in which children and young people can live, grow, play and learn


Mencap is a learning disability charity that provides information and support to children and adults with a learning disability, and to their families and carers.


The lesbian, gay and bisexual charity.

Educational Action Challenging Homophobia (EACH)

Educational Action Challenging Homophobia (EACH) is a charity and training agency helping people and organisations affected by homophobia. The website gives guidance, contact details and a freephone helpline.

School’s Out –


The leading bullying prevention charity in the UK and provides anti – bullying resources information, advice and support for young people, parents and professionals affected by bullying.

Childnet International

The UK’s safer internet centre.

This policy is to be reviewed annually and no later than June 8th 2016