Autosomal Dominant / Autosomal Recessive / X linked Dominant / X linked Recessive
Affected Phenotype
(capitalized is dominant) / Aa, AA / aa / yX, xX, XX / Yx
Carriers / None / None / Females Only
For heterozygous parents: / For heterozygous parents: / For stated parent only with affected allele: / For stated parent only with affected allele:
Father to Son / 50% Affected / 25% Affected
50% Carriers / 0% Affected / 0% Affected
Father to Daughter / 50% Affected / 25% Affected
50% Carriers / 100% Affected / 0% Affected
100% Carriers
Mother to Son / 50% Affected / 25% Affected
50% Carriers / 50% Affected / 50% Affected
Mother to Daughter / 50% Affected / 25% Affected
50% Carriers / 50% Affected / 0% Affected
50% Carriers
Gender Bias / None / None / 3 times as many women with the disease as men / Males get the disease, females are carriers
(when not from spontaneous mutation) / From parent(s) with disease / From parent(s) with disease or carrier / From parent(s) with disease / From mother - carrier
Recurrence for Siblings of Proband / 1 in 2 / 1 in 4 / Affected Father
Males: 0
Females: 1 in 1
Affected Mother
1 in 2 / Affected Father
Affected Mother
Males: 1 in 2
Females: 0
Other Information / Trait shows up every generation. Normal members don’t transmit trait. / Parents may be consanguineous. Asymptomatic parents are carriers. / In rare conditions: Affected females are twice as common as males and have milder expression.
If trait is lethal to males: heterozygous females have 2:1 female:male offspring / Affected males are related through females. Heterozygous females may show variable expression.