MPSC WIC MIS SystemCS 3d Assessment/Interview – Preg – BF – NBF Screens


Detailed Functional Design Document

CS 3d Assessment/Interview – Preg – BF – NBF Screens

Revision Date: March 23, 2017

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Document Revisions

Revision Date / Updated By / Requested By / Description of Revision
5/4/2013 / Ciber Team / MPSC / Amendment 7 Updates
9/29/2016 / Ciber Team / MP User Group / Updates for 5.06 Release
3/23/17 / CDP Team / MP User Group / Cover page, header, and footer mods for new M&E contractor

Table of Contents

1Nutrition Interview

1.1Pregnant Interview

1.1.1Pregnant - Current Summary

1.1.2Pregnant - Health/Medical

1.1.3Pregnant - Nutrition Practices

1.1.4Pregnant - Life Style

1.1.5Pregnant - BF Preparation

1.1.6Pregnant - Social Environment

1.2Breastfeeding / Not Breastfeeding Interview

1.2.1Breastfeeding Interview

1.2.2Not Breastfeeding Interview

1.2.3Breastfeeding/Not Breastfeeding – Current Summary

1.2.4Breastfeeding – Breastfeeding Support

1.2.5Breastfeeding/Not Breastfeeding – Health/Medical

1.2.6Breastfeeding/Not Breastfeeding – Nutrition Practices

1.2.7Breastfeeding/Not Breastfeeding – Life Style

1.2.8Breastfeeding/Not Breastfeeding – Social Environment

2Appendix: Pregnant Nutrition Interview

3Appendix: Breastfeeding/Not Breastfeeding Nutrition Interview

March 23, 2017Table of ContentsPage 1 of 150

MPSC WIC MIS SystemCS 3d Assessment/Interview – Preg – BF – NBF Screens

1Nutrition Interview

The Nutrition Interview section of the system is used to record a participant’s answers through the nutrition interview. The answers provided in this area are included in the assessment performed by theDetermine Risk algorithm, when the system determines any auto-assigned risks. Some of the responses are also captured for the Subjective area of the Care Plan. There is a nutrition interview for each participant category: Infant, Child, Pregnant, Breastfeeding, and Not Breastfeeding. The system selects the nutrition interview to display based on the current participant category. Questions for the nutrition interview have been cooperatively selected by the nutrition coordinators in the states. Main questions and data entry occurs in the main panel. Additional conversation starter questions appear at the bottom of the main panel. The interview process should be client centered. See Appendix for details about the purpose of each question and answers for each Nutrition Interview.

The Medical Conditions are the largest and most ominous part of the nutrition interview. User should not feel compelled to read the list of medical conditions, but rather use their questioning skills to gather information that may lead to a medical condition being marked for risk assignment. If a participant has a specific medical condition, the user marks the check box. Some conditions have an additional drop-down of selection choices that appear. This allows the user to select a specific type of condition.

Note: The order of risk code checkboxes in each section of the interview is based on the order that they appear in the various control tables. Risk code check boxes are not sorted and displayed by risk code number or risk code description.

Note: Due to the interviews being constructed based on XML and not custom programming, the, conditionally required fields are not able to be marked dynamically as red and ‘*’ in the interviews. Also, because of the XML coding, the cursor is not focused on any field until the user tabs or clicks into a field.

1.1Pregnant Interview

The Pregnant Interview is composed of the following sections: Health/Medical, Nutrition Practices, Life Style, BF Preparation, and Social Environment. The controls described here apply to all of the sections. Refer to the individual section for details about individual controls.

> Assessment > Nutrition Interview

<Family Header (See CS Overview)>

Participant Sub-Header (See CS Overview)>

Control / Description
Record Dates / This is the record selector for the Nutrition Interview records. It contains the recorded date. The drop-down and spin control allow selection of historical Nutrition Interview records. When the New button is clicked, this date defaults to today’s date. It cannot be updated by the user.
Type / Record Selector
Contents / Formatted dates of MM/DD/YYYY
DB Column / If ParticipantType.ParticipantTypeCd = “P” then InterviewPregnant.RecordedDt
New / Clicking the New button creates a new Nutrition Interview. When New is clicked, the interviewappropriate for the participant’s category is displayed for update. Most fields within the Nutrition Interview are cleared and enabled for update. All command buttons are enabled.
Type / Command Button
Hot Key / Alt + N
Edit / Clicking the Edit button allows the user to update a Nutrition Interview. Clicking the Edit button enables the Nutrition Interview questions, making all questions and answers available for update.
Type / Command Button
Hot Key / Alt + T
Delete / The delete command button is used to delete the Nutrition Interview record.
Type / Command Button
Hot Key / Alt + D
Current Summary / Clicking the Current Summary button displays a read-only view of the most current Nutrition Interview with any answers that have already been completed. The Current Summary opens to the top section of the interview. All sections are expanded so that the user can scroll through all sections.
The Current Summary button is disabled in Current Summary View. (This is the default view of the most recent Nutrition Interview record for the participant when the user navigates to the Nutrition Interview panel.) The Current Summary button is disabled for all Nutrition Interview records except the most recent. The Current Summary button is enabled when the user navigates to a different section of the most recent Nutrition Interview for the participant to allow the user to again access the Current Summary View.
Type / Command Button
Hot Key / Alt + R
Health/Medical / Clicking the Health/Medical button allows the user to access the Health/Medical section of the Pregnant Nutrition Interview. Clicking the Health/Medical button allows this section to open. If another section was previously open, that section closes. When this section is open, this button is disabled.
Type / Command Button
Hot Key / Alt + M
Nutrition Practices / Clicking the Nutrition Practices button allows the user to access the Nutrition Practices section of the Pregnant Nutrition Interview. Clicking the Nutrition Practices button allows this section to open. When the section is open, this button is disabled.
Type / Command Button
Hot Key / Alt + U
Life Style / Clicking the Life Style button allows the user to access the Life Style section of the Pregnant Nutrition Interview. Clicking the Life Style button allows this section to open. If another section was previously open, that section closes. When this section is open, this button is disabled.
Type / Command Button
Hot Key / Alt + I
BF Preparation / Clicking the BF Preparation button allows the user to access the BF Preparation section of the Pregnant Nutrition Interview. Clicking the BF Preparation button allows this section to open. If another section was previously open, that section closes. When this section is open, this button is disabled.
Type / Command Button
Hot Key / Alt + B
Social Environment / Clicking the Social Environment button allows the user to access the Social Environment section of the Pregnant Nutrition Interview. Clicking the Social Environment button allows this section to open. If another section was previously open, that section closes. When this section is open, this button is disabled.
Type / Command Button
Hot Key / Alt + L
Health Care Provider / This is the health care provider of the participant.
Type / Text Box
Required / Yes, unless the No Health Care Provider checkbox is marked
Length / 65
Validation / NA
Display Only / No / Calculated / No
DB Column / InterviewPregnant.HealthCareProvider
No Health Care Provider / The user marks this checkbox if there is no Health Care Provider for the participant.
Type / Check Box
Display Only / No / Calculated / No
DB Column / InterviewPregnant.NoHCPIn
Do you give WIC permission to share <participant's name's WIC information with this health care provider? – Yes/No / This records the permission to share WIC information with the health care provider or not.
Type / Radio Button
Required / No
DB Column / InterviewPregnant.HealthCareProviderPermission
Interview Grid (unlabeled main panel) / This is the part of the screen where the actual questions and responses are displayed and updated. The Nutrition Interview that is displayed when the user clicks New depends on the participant’s current category.
The user moves to another section of the interview by clicking on the section button. Where necessary, there is a vertical scroll bar within a section for users to access all of the questions/answers. The Starter questions (defined in System Administration) are presented as a section is opened and are displayed in the bottom portion of the main panel.
Type / Data Grid
Starters/Prompts / This read-only text displays the conversation starters/prompts and additional questions that were entered into system administration for this section of the interview. This region is scrollable as needed.
Type / Text Box
Required / NA
Length / NA
Validation / NA
Display Only / Yes / Calculated / No
DB Column / NA
Business Rules
Participant Header Rule
  1. Display the Participant Sub-Header at the top of this screen.
General Business Rules
  1. If New is clicked then
If ParticipantType.ParticipantTypeCd = “P” then display the Pregnant Nutrition Interview
  1. If there is a previous Interview the following data is carried over to the new interview: any Medical Condition (Risks 341-362) with the exception of 359-Recent surgery and 352 – Infectious disease.
  2. Risk descriptions displayed on the interview are shown as entered in system administration.
  3. Text in the bottom panel is associated with topic areas in the main panel. Show the associated bottom panel text when appropriate.
  4. Text in the text box/bottom panel is state specific and defined in System Administration. State staff can determine the bottom panel text that appears with main panel topics.
  5. States have the opportunity to not use some of the USDA risks. If a risk is deactivated and has a risk check box on the interview, then hide the check box and any associated list box or text box.
  6. Always enable the Health Care Provider text box unless No Health Care Provider is marked.
  7. If No Health Care Provider is marked,
  8. Clear and disable Health Care Provider text box.
  9. Clear and disable the WIC permission question.
  10. Either Health Care Provider or No Health Care Provider is required.
  11. The Edit and Delete buttons utilize Today functionality within each interview section.
  12. If the user attempts to move away from this family (go search for another family, go issue benefits for another family, etc.), the user is prompted with a Save confirmation message if any family data has been updated. Required fields are validated.
  13. Checkboxes related to a question appear shaded if the question was not asked and/or answered.
  14. As soon as one of the checkboxes related to a question are marked, then the other checkboxes appear not shaded and not marked.
  15. When the user accesses a historical record and then navigates to the current interview record, the Current Summary is displayed. When the user navigates from the current interview record to a historical record or from one historical record to another historical record, the same section last accessed is the one displayed, if it exists. If the last accessed section does not exist in the new selected historical record (for example, if you move from a pregnant interview to a not breastfeeding interview and the last accessed section was BFPreparation), then the Health/Medical section is displayed.

1.1.1Pregnant - Current Summary

The Current Summary is a read-only view of the entire Nutrition Interview as it currently exists – questions and answers. Current Summary is only available for the most recent Nutrition Interview. This feature helps the WIC clinic staff when the family is moved from one person to another and it is helpful to review the answers quickly for what information has already been ascertained. Additionally, this helps the single staff person that was pulled away from a family and needs to re-orient to see what additionally needs to be completed. See each interview section for details about the controls.

> Assessment > Nutrition Interview

<Family Header (See CS Overview)>

Participant Sub-Header (See CS Overview)>

Business Rules
  1. When the user navigates to the Nutrition Interview from the navigation tree and no other interview exists, only the record selector and New, Edit, Delete buttons are displayed. The New button is enabled. The Edit and Delete buttons are disabled.
  2. When the user navigates to the Nutrition Interview from the navigation tree and any other interviews exist, the most recent interview is displayed as read only in the Current Summary view.
  3. When in Current Summary view on the day the interview is created, the Current Summary button and Edit buttons are disabled. All other command buttons are enabled (section buttons, New and Delete). The user can scroll to see all questions and answers of the interview.
  4. On the day the interview is created, the user can move from Current Summary view to update a section of an interview by clicking on the specific section command button which enables the Edit button. (The user then clicks on the Edit button and the questions from the previously selected section are displayed and enabled.)

1.1.2Pregnant - Health/Medical

> Assessment > Nutrition Interview

<Family Header (See CS Overview)>

Participant Sub-Header (See CS Overview)>

Control / Description
1a. How is your pregnancy going?
Listen, ask, and assess for
  • Obtaining prenatal care
  • Nausea/vomiting
  • Heartburn
  • Constipation
  • Previous pregnancies
/ The text is displayed in the left portion of the main panel to help the user interview in a client-centered way in order to obtain a quality nutrition assessment.
Type / Text Box
Display Only / Yes / Calculated / No
DB Column / NA
(unlabeled) / This is subjective information collected from the interview. The text entered into this text box is displayed in the Subjective portion of the Participant Care Plan. The maximum number of characters allowed is 500.
Type / Multi Line Text Box
Required / No
Display Only / No / Calculated / No
DB Column / InterviewPregnant.HealthMedicalTextbox1
301 - <Risk Description> / If this check box is marked, then this risk is auto-assigned during the risk determination process. The Risk Description is defined in System Administration.
Type / Check Box
Display Only / No / Calculated / No
DB Column / PregnantInterviewRisk.PRC_ID
1b. Is this your first pregnancy? - Yes / This radio button indicates that this is the first pregnancy for mom. If yes, then system skips to “How are you feeling this week?” If no, then tab progresses to the next question of the interview.
Type / Radio Button
Required / No
DB Column / InterviewPregnant.FirstPregnancyIn
1b. Is this your first pregnancy? - No / This radio button indicates that mom has been pregnant before and therefore the previous pregnancy history questions are relevant.
Type / Radio Button
Required / No
DB Column / InterviewPregnant.FirstPregnancyIn
(Not including current pregnancy)
# of previous pregnancies / The user indicates the number of previous pregnancies (not including current pregnancy) mom has had. Enabled if “Is this your first pregnancy?” is No. Disabled and cleared if “Is this your first pregnancy?” is Yes.
Type / Text Box
Required / No
Length / Integer 2
Validation / Numeric
Display Only / No / Calculated / No
DB Column / InterviewPregnant.PreviousPregnancyNr
# of live births / The user indicates the number of previous live births (not including current pregnancy) mom has had. Enabled if “Is this your first pregnancy?” is No. Disabled and cleared if “Is this your first pregnancy?” is Yes.
Type / Text Box
Required / No
Length / Integer 2
Validation / Numeric
Display Only / No / Calculated / No
DB Column / InterviewPregnant.PreviousLiveBirthNr
# of pregnancies past 20 weeks/5 months / The user indicates the number of previous pregnancies past 20 weeks/5 months gestation (not including current pregnancy) that mom has had. Enabled if “Is this your first pregnancy?” is No. Disabled and cleared if “Is this your first pregnancy?” is Yes.
Type / Text Box
Required / No
Length / Integer 2
Validation / Numeric
Display Only / No / Calculated / No
DB Column / InterviewPregnant.Pregnancy20WeekNr
Date of last birth, abortion, miscarriage / This is the date that the last pregnancy ended regardless of pregnancy outcome. Enabled if “Is this your first pregnancy?” is No. Disabled and cleared if “Is this your first pregnancy?” is Yes.
Type / Date Picker
Required / No
Display Only / No / Calculated / No
DB Column / InterviewPregnant.LastPregnancyEndDt
1c. Thinking back to just before you got pregnant with your new baby, how did you feel about becoming pregnant? I'm going to read a list of options. Please choose the one that best describes how you felt. / This is a question from PRAMS. States intend to use policy statements to let staff know when this question is to completed. Values are available for a refusal to answer the question or for the recorder to indicate that the woman doesn’t know or remember.
Type / List Box
Required / No
DB Column / InterviewPregnant.PregnancyFeelingCd
Code ID / PregnancyFeeling
This code element is non-editable.
The installed values are
You wanted to be pregnant sooner
You wanted to be pregnant later
You wanted to be pregnant then
You didn't want to be pregnant then or at any time in the future
Don’t read – Refused
Don’t read – Don’t know/don’t remember
1d. With any past pregnancy, did you have any complications? / The text is displayed as a lead in for conversation about pregnancy complications. The question is displayed in the left portion of the main panel to help the user interview in a client-centered way in order to obtain a quality nutrition assessment.