Eve Center - Basic Training Application
P.O. Box 36483 - Cincinnati, OH 45236
| 513.985.9959
Eve Center – Central/HQ Eve Center – West Eve Center – North
Silverton New Hope Community Church Center Pointe Christian Church
7038 Blue Ash Rd 45236 3707 Edgewood Dr 45211 5962 Hamilton Mason Rd, 45011
Enclosed is an Eve Center Volunteer Peer Counselor (VPC) Basic Training application. Please prayerfully consider the time commitment involved in training and the service hours required at the Eve Center prior to completing your application. Service hours may be achieved through counseling women, leading book studies, group or recovery programs and helping in other areas at the Eve Center as God leads.
Please commit to attending all 12 training classes (3 Hrs. each class). A critical part of the training is group interaction, which takes place in every class. Being a participant in a class or group setting consistently provides a much richer learning experience than individual learning modes. In life, unforeseen circumstances may arise which requires your absence. While your attendance in all classes is expected, a maximum of two sessions may be missed. If you know at this time, two or more classes will be missed due to work or family commitments; this is not your time to take the training.
The Winter/Spring 2018 Basic VPC Training program will be held at the Eve Center Headquarters located at 7038 Blue Ash Road, Cincinnati, OH 45236, on Wednesday mornings and evenings (details on application). If you are accepted into the program a $125.00 training fee will be due. This fee must be received by the third week of class. (Partial Scholarships are available—please inquire if needed)
Upon completion of basic training, you are expected to volunteer a minimum of 100 hours over the next 2 years. Volunteer service hours may include seeing 2 clients per week or serving 3 hours per week in another capacity at the Eve Center (as mentioned above). You are also expected to attend 6 out of 9 S.A.L.T. (Servant-hood Advanced Leadership Training) classes per year. If you do not begin serving at the Eve Center within 3 months of graduation, you will be required to pay an additional $400.00 fee which will cover the full cost of the VPC Training. In obedience to God’s calling and in order to honor Him, we trust you will act with integrity and will meet your responsibility in either time given or training/materials fee paid to the Eve Center.
If you believe God is calling you to this ministry and you are committed to all that is described above, please complete the enclosed application and return it to the Eve Center by mail or email. After your application has been received we will contact your references and schedule a face-to-face meeting with you to discuss the training and volunteering process, address any questions or concerns you may have, and provide you with a tour of the training facility. After the staff and leadership team of the Eve Center has carefully reviewed your application and feedback from your references, you will be notified of your application status.
We are confident the training program will be an amazing time of growth in your relationship with the Lord and pray that God will bless you as you consider this next step in your desire to serve women in the Greater Cincinnati area.
Kenda Moss, Eve Center Director of Training
Section One - Please review Section Four before proceeding.
Name: ______
Mailing address: ______State: ______Zip Code: ______
Telephone number(s): ______
E-mail address: ______
Date of birth: ___/____/____
Education Level: _____ High School _____ College _____ Graduate School
Certifications: ______
Marital status: ____ Single ____ Married ____ Divorced _____Widowed
Currently employed: ____ Yes ___ No If yes, where: ______
Do you regularly attend church: ____ Yes ____ No
If yes, where: ______
May we contact your church/organization about Eve Center programs? ____ Yes ____ No
If yes, please provide the contact person’s name, title, telephone number and/or e-mail:
Contact Person: ______Title: ______
Phone: ______Email: ______
Where will you serve? Note your 1st and 2nd choices. (We can discuss this at the interview).
____ Central/HQ ____ West ____ North
How did you hear about the Eve Center?
Section Two
Since this ministry’s foundation is the belief that Jesus Christ is the source of all healing, we require all volunteers to be committed Christians. In the space below, please tell us about your personal relationship with Jesus.
Why do you want to volunteer at the Eve Center?
At the Eve Center our motto is: “We’ve been where you are.” Where has God stepped into your life emotionally, relationally & spiritually, that you can say to a client you understand what it is like to need help?
The VPC Basic Training Course is a large time commitment of 3 hours a week for 12 weeks. Each class lasts approximately 3 hours. Classes will be held on Wednesday mornings, 9:00am to 12:00pm and Wednesday evenings, 6:00pm to 9:00pm.
Please understand you must complete all classes to be considered for certification as a Volunteer Peer Counselor at the Eve Center. If a conflict arises, it is your responsibility to work with the instructor to cover missed session/work.
Please initial that you understand what is stated above ______
Section Three
List two (2) references (non-family). Please let them know we will be contacting them regarding your interest in serving at the Eve Center.
If possible, these references should be people that have worked with you, observed you in a volunteer or service situation and/or know your character.
Name / Phone / EmailSection Four
Your attendance is expected at ALL classes. Should more than 2 classes be missed you will not receive a certificate of completion. For your convenience, classes are held in the morning and evening on Wednesday’s from 9:00am-12:00 and 6:00pm-9:00 at the Eve Center Head Quarter’s location: 7038 Blue Ash Rd, Cincinnati, 45236.
The information in your application will remain confidential. The application process will be incomplete until the reference(s) and face-to-face interview have been completed.
Upon completion of basic training, you are expected to volunteer 100 hours over the next two years, either seeing clients, leading recovery group or book studies (program) or serving in another capacity (program support) at the Eve Center.
If you do not begin serving at the Eve Center within 3 months of graduation a bill for $400 will be sent to you. In obedience to God’s calling and in order to honor Him, we trust you will act with integrity and will meet your responsibility in either time given or fee paid to the Eve Center.
The Training Fee of $125 will be due the 3rd week of class. Payment plans are available.
Signature of applicant: ______Date: ______
We will contact you upon receipt of the application to schedule a personal interview. We join you in looking forward with joyous anticipation to all God has planned!
Kenda Moss, Director
Sue Dermody, Associate Director
Cinny Roy, Executive Director
Winter/Spring Volunteer Peer Counselor Training, 2018
All those interested in serving women who call and/or come for care at the Eve Center are required to complete ALL “Basic Volunteer Peer Counselor Training classes” listed below before volunteering.
All classes are at HQ except #10 and #11. See below.
#1: Wednesday February 7: 9:00 am-12:00 or 6:00pm-9:00 pm
Introduction and “Techniques for Individual Counseling”
#2: WednesdayFebruary 14: 9:00 am-12:00 or 6:00pm-9:00 pm
“Boundaries” and “Confidentiality”
#3: Wednesday February 21: 9:00 am-12:00 or 6:00pm-9:00 pm
“Communication and Listening Skills”
#4: WednesdayFebruary 28: 9:00 am-12:00 or 6:00pm-9:00 pm
“Personality Temperaments and How They Affect Our Relationships”
#5: Wednesday March 7: 9:00 am-12:00 or 6:00pm-9:00 pm
“Prayer” and “Forgiveness”
#6: Wednesday March 14: 9:00 am-12:00 or 6:00pm-9:00 pm
“Codependency & Victimization”
#7: Wednesday March 21: 9:00 am-12:00 or 6:00pm-9:00 pm
“Distorted Image of God”
#8: Wednesday March 28: 9:00 am-12:00 or 6:00pm-9:00 pm
“Depression, anxiety, grief”
#9: Wednesday April 4: 9:00 am-12:00 or 6:00pm-9:00 pm
“Group Processes & information about HEART, HATCH & Rose Studies”
#10: Wednesday April 11: 9:00 am-12:00 or 6:00pm-9:00 pm
““Group Processes & Training”
#11: Wednesday April 18: 9:00 am-12:00 or 6:00pm-9:00 pm
“Where do we go from here? Part 2 Attend class at site where you will volunteer
#12: Wednesday April 25: 9:00 am-12:00 or 6:00pm-9:00 pm
“Wrap- up and Sharing” Class at HQ
GRADUATION (friends & family invited)
Tuesday, May 1st: 6:30-8:30 pm
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, 7701 Kenwood Rd, Cincinnati, OH 45236
KM 1-171