Emergency Nurses Association
Mid-Maryland Chapter (www.mdena.org)
January 13, 2015
Mission: The mission of Emergency Nurses Association is to advocate for patient and excellence in emergency nursing practice.
Attendance: / Presiding / SecretaryKaite Aquino SGMC, Linda Arrapian MCFRS, John Carvalho HCH, Secretary MMC ENA, Emilie Crown MCFRS, Pam Fox SGAH, President MMC ENA, Sharon Garvey HCH, Sally Martin CNMC, Lucy McDonald HCH, President Elect, MMC, Devon McKenna HCH, Mary Peckham, Lisa Tenney HCH, Nurse Waak, Treasurer MMC ENA, Karen Vogel Meritus MMC,
Guests: Iman Chughtai HCH Pharmacy, Ifem Ezekue HCH Pharmacy, Raneesha Ford Jefferson HCH Pharmacy, Josephine Iheaguera HCH Pharmacy, Ephrem Kaleta HCH Pharmacy, Susan Oscrade HCH Pharmacy, Beena Varghese HCH Pharmacy, / Pam Fox / John Carvalho
Topic / # / Discussion / Actions / Status /
Educational Session / 1 / At 19:04, Lisa Tenney welcomed ENA members and pharmacy guests to the educational presentation. She then introduced the presenters:
Chelsea McSwain, Pharm. D, BCPS; DeAngelo Price, Pharm. D, BCPS, and Sharon Garvey, RN, BSN
“The Verdict is IN: ED Based Pharmacists Work!”
The goals of the presentation included:
◦ Explain the roles and responsibilities of Emergency Department Pharmacists
◦ Discuss the steps taken to implement an ED Based Pharmacist
◦ Learn the benefits of having an ED Based Pharmacist
Discussion following the presentation included:
◦ Who started the request for an ED Based Pharmacist
▪ Acknowledged need from adverse event data from Risk Management
▪ Strong pharmacy leadership
▪ ER Leadership
◦ Identified cost savings:
▪ Assistance with medication reconciliation for boarders
▪ Mixing meds for pediatric codes
▪ Clinical interventions
▪ Acquiring non pyxis medications from central pharmacy
▪ Identifying alternative medication therapies
▪ Reduced cost medication alternatives
▪ and others
◦ Estimations of cost savings identified as “soft estimates” based on reviewed national standard estimates. / Informational / Completed
Opening / 2 / After the educational presentation, President Pam Fox called the business meeting to order at 20:17 / Informational / Completed
Approval of minutes / 3 / A. September Minutes to be reviewed at March meeting
B. December minutes to include corrections:
◦ Speaker and Location
◦ Budget Numbers
C. Motion to approve December minutes as amended, Emilie Crown, seconded by Lisa Tenney. Motion carried. / Action Item
Action Item / Pending
Treasurer’s Report / 4 / A. Current Balances:
Checking - $4359.97
Savings - $10, 371.33
B. New Expenses
◦ Membership award to Lisa Tenney by random drawing (as previously budgeted) $100.00
◦ December dinner expenses $314.83
◦ Change allotted amount of travel for Leadership conference from $700.00 to $1067.00 to include money for MMC Secretary, John Carvalho with supplemental grant money from the State Board ($333.00). Decision to amend this allotment made by 2014 MMC Board between scheduled meetings, to allow time for travel arrangements. Approval expressed by membership at current meeting. / Informational
See the following related handouts:
Revised Budget / On-going
IQSIP Report / 5 / A. Children with Special Needs Event coming up February 24-25, 2015
B. Certification Classes for Child Passenger Safety:
◦ January 21-23, 2015
◦ March 23-25, 2015
◦ May 11-13, 2015
◦ July 24-26, 2015
◦ August 3-6, 2015
◦ November 13-15, 2015 / Informational / On-going
Military Matters / 6 / A. December 15, 2014 Wounded Warriors Holiday Donation Shopping Event
◦ Very good membership turnout including Linda Arrapian, Pam Fox, Gary Fox, Paul Lewis, Sue Sheehy, Karen Vogel, Anne May, Lisa Tenney, and Sally Martin.
◦ Donations included Christmas/holiday decorations, lights, toys, jewelry, etc.
◦ Well attended by Wounded warriors and their family members
◦ Participants very moved by attention and care
◦ Notable story of membership assisting a Wounded Warrior with head trauma with choosing of gifts, provided members a sense of providing nursing care rewarding to caregiver as well. / Informational / On-going
2014 Goals and Chapter Report / 7 / A. Encourage increased ENA membership
B. Celebrate accomplishments of MMC ENA members
C. Host the 26th Barbara Proctor Educational Day for Emergency Nurses
D. Coordinate an injury prevention event/activities
E. Update emergency nurses on nursing issues at the local, state, and national levels
F. Continue to support our military emergency nurse colleagues and their interests / Informational / Completed
In Memory / 8 / A. Katie Oliveirio, RN, Emeritus ED nurse from HCH
B. Bonnie McMahon, HCH, Assisted in the creation of the first Seniors Emergency Department / Informational / Completed
President's Report / 9 / A. Membership: MMC currently has 302 members
B. MD ENA website status is delayed. There is some confusion about old information being posted. Pam Fox has requested that the state clear old information. New information has already been submitted.
C. MD ENA bylaws have been updated.
D. News
◦ STD updates from CDC
▪ Chlamydia rates have declined
▪ Syphilis rates rose 11%
▪ Gonorrhea rates have slightly declined with a decrease among women and an increase among men
▪ Estimates are that only 3 in 10 people with HIV have the infection under control (2011). If people stay on their medications, and have a viral load under 200, they may not be as infectious.
◦ Readiness for infectious disease response by state (1-10 scale)
▪ (8) MD, TN, MA, VT, VA
▪ (5) DC
▪ (2) AK
E. Words of encouragement for conference attendance. Why attend conferences:
◦ Professional advancement
▪ exposure to new research
▪ exploring practice models outside of your institution
▪ information on theories, strategies, equipment
◦ Networking with energized professionals
▪ increase personal growth
▪ meet like-minded people
▪ re-energize yourself / Informational / On-going
Old Business / 10 / A. Membership trifold is currently with Sheila DeRiso
B. IQSIP board is going from Sally Martin,CNMC, to Pam Fox, SGAH.
◦ Lisa Tenney to reorder supplies
◦ There is interest in partnering with other organizations to use the board to continue Injury Prevention activities
C. TNCC Courses are pending scheduling
D. ENPC courses will be in the spring
E. Pam Fox has suggested offering classes with one day off between course days, for scheduling and reviewing course materials
F. Calvert Memorial has expressed interest in obtaining classes with one day off in between course days to accommodate studying and scheduling. / Action Item / On-going
New Business / 11 / 2015 Goals – membership to give consideration to activities to support the goals:
A. Encourage increased ENA membership
B. Celebrate accomplishments of MMC membership
C. 26th Annual Barbara proctor Education Day
D. Coordinate an Injury Prevention event/activity
E. Update emergency nurses on nursing issues at the local, state, and national levels
F. Support our military emergency nurse colleagues and their interests / Action Item / On-going
Adjourn-ment / 12 / The meeting was adjourned at 2125.
The next meeting will be held at 7 pm Wednesday, March 11, at Suburban Hospital. / Informational / Completed
Respectfully submitted by John Carvalho, RN, CEN, Secretary MMCENA