North Iredell Chapter of the National Honor Society of Secondary SchoolsBylaws
NorthIredellHigh School
Olin, North Carolina
Article I. Name, Motto
Section 1. The official name of this organization shall be the North Iredell Chapterof the National Honor Society (NHS) of Secondary Schools.
Section 2.Theofficial motto for the chapter shall be “NoblesseOblige”, meaning “nobility obligates.”
Section 3. The official colors for the Chapter shall be blue and gold.
Article II. Purpose
Section 1.The purpose of the Chapter shall be the objectives set forth by the National Association of Secondary School Principals:
To create enthusiasm for scholarship
To promote leadership
To develop character
To stimulate a desire to render service
Article III. Membership
Section 1.Students in grades 11 and 12 are eligible for consideration. All candidates are subject to approval by a majority vote of the Faculty Council.
Section 2. Membership in the Chapter shall be passedand maintained throughout the senior year on the following selection criteria:
Category 1: SCHOLARSHIP - Students must have and maintain a minimum average of 4.0 GPA on the weighted 5.0 scale.
Category 2:CHARACTER -The positive aspects of character shall be considered, such as honesty, responsibility, fairness, courtesy, tolerance, and cooperation. ISS/OSS offenses will be considered during review of candidates at the end of each grading period. Disciplinary records can be the basis for a non-selection vote or dismissal by majority vote of the Faculty Council following a review of all of the criteria.
Category 3: Service - Some acceptable service project must be completed during the senior year(excludingnew senior inductees that qualify in thespring.)
Candidates for membership must also demonstrate service to school, classmates, and community. Four categories of service will be considered:
- School activities
- Leadership positions
- Community activities
- Work experience, recognition, and awards
Category 4: Leadership - Usuallynoted through faculty evaluations. Leadership roles in either the school and or community may be considered. Leadership may be shown in positions in which candidates are directly responsible for directing or motivating others. Election to office does not prove leadership. Candidates must be judged to be strong in this category by a member of the Faculty Council, an appropriate staff member, or a community activity administrator.
Article IV. Discipline and Dismissal
Section 1. Members who fall below the standards required for membership selection shall be promptly warned in writing by the Advisor and given a reasonable amount of time to correct the deficiency; except in cases of flagrant violation of school rules or civic laws, when a member does not necessarily have to be warned. In case of academic deficiency, reasonable time will be one semester or the next ranked grading period, except in the case of final ranking used for seniors.
Section 2. In all cases of impending dismissal, a member shall have the right for a hearing before the Faculty Council.
Section 3.A member facing dismissal from the Chapter may appeal the decision of the Faculty Council under the same rules of disciplinary appeal employed by the Iredell-Statesville Schools system.
1)Following notification of the decision of the Faculty Council, a member may appeal in writing within three (3)school days to the Principal for review.
2)Following notification of the decision of the Principal, a member may request in writing within three (3) school days that the Superintendent review the appeal.
3)Following notification of the decision of the Superintendent, the member may request in writing within three (3) school days that the appeal be heard by a committee of Board of Education members.
Section 4. The National Council and the National Association of Secondary Schools Principals shall hear no appeals in dismissal cases.
Article V. Officers
Section 1.All officers shall be members in good standing of this Chapter.
Section 2.The officers of this Chapter shall be: A President, a Vice President, a Secretary, andan Assistant Secretary/Treasurer as voted on by members.
Section 3.Officers shall be elected in the fall after acceptance of new members. Graduate members will not have the power to vote. Elections shall be made by simple majority.
Section 4:The President shall preside at all meetings and monitor activities of any NHS committees. The President is responsible for preparing an agenda for business meetings approved by the Advisor.
Section 5: A Vice President shall fill the chair of the President in his absence. The Vice President shall also monitor the activities of the NHS committees.
Section 6:The secretary shall keep minutes of meetings, a record of all Chapter activities, and post copies of these minutes.
Section 7: An assistant Secretary/Treasurer shall be responsible for any financial matters of the Chapter.
Section 8: If an officer is unable to fulfill the requirements stipulated in
Article 3 of this constitution, he/she shall be removed from office.
Replacement shall be made during the Chapter meeting by a
simple majority.
Article VI. Supervision
Section 1:The activities of this Chapter shall be subject to the approval of the sponsors and the principal.
Article VII. Meetings
Section 1.This Chapter shall hold regular meetings, not less than once a semester. The time and number of meetings is to be decided by the Chapter, in accordance with the ruling of the principal.
Section 2.All meetings shall be open meetings and shall be held under supervision of the sponsors.
Section 3.Members must be present at two-thirds of the regular Chapter meetings. If a member is unable to be present at meeting, that member should present his Faculty Advisor with a written statement at least one school day prior to the meeting. The Advisor’s discretion will be used to decide acceptable excuses.
Article VIII. Activities
Section 1.This Chapter shall determine one or more service projects for each year.
Section 2.All members shall regularly participate in these projects.
Section 3.These projects shall:
Fulfill a need within the school or community
Have the support of the administration and faculty
Be appropriate representation of NorthIredellHigh School and this Chapter
Be well-planned, organized, and executed
Article IX. Emblem
Section 1.Each member of this Chapter shall be entitled to wear the emblem adopted by the National Honor Society of Secondary Schools.
Section 2.Any articles bearing this emblem can be bought by individual members through the sponsors.
Section 3. Any member who resigns or is dismissed from the Chapter shall return the emblem and insignia to the sponsor.
Article X. Dues
Section 1.Dues for each member of this Chapter shall be twenty dollars. These dues shall be paid by new members before the next induction ceremony. This amount shall cover the cost of a NHS pin/membership card, certificate of membership, and minimal expenses for induction ceremony materials. Members may also purchase graduation cords based on current NHS pricing.
Article XI. Amendments
Section 1.Amendments to these bylaws shall be made by a two thirds majority vote of the Faculty Council.
Section 2. Amendments or current bylaws shall be made available upon request or on the Chapter section of the school website.
Amended last on 10/15/13