Standish Village Hall Management Committee

Minutes of Meeting held at Standish Village Hall

On Wednesday 4th May 2016

1.Present;Nigel Mattfield (Chair);Keren Mattfield;Pam Simonett;Gerald Hartley; John Simonett; Maree Stephens; Mike Stephens

Apologies:Ian Richens; Den Smith

Not present:Stanley Dicker;

2.Minutes of previous meeting and matters arising;

Minutes of last meeting approved and signed. No matters arising not dealt with elsewhere on the agenda

3.Treasurer’s Report/budget

Bank account issues finally resolved£180 compensation received for inconvenience Hope PS will be able to access account Insurance premiums may rise because of claims this year

Balances as at 2nd May-Current account;£1899.83 Deposit account £2513.21Petty Cash£20.58

Compensation for the flood damage agreed with tenant and reconciled into a revised payment schedule. Revenue still on course to meet projections.(Full Treasurer’s report filed with Minutes)

4.Maintenance Report

Howell and Moore Ltd to look at 2 broken heaters when doing the electrical checks and report as to whether they are worth repairing. NM thinks cost of new ones approx £180

Suggestion heaters put on timer. NM to discuss with IR and make decision ACTION:NM/IR

Suggestion made that a heater be installed in the meetingroom(see below)

Insulation of roof area has been carried out.Supply has been changed for the sockets and lights in the meeting room to run off the upstairs supply and also the outside light. There is a new switch for entry from the kitchen door.

Howell and Moore have quoted £230 plus VAT. for the electrical testing Date and time in May to be agreed with tenants as electricity supply may be interrupted from time to time during the checks.

Is secondary glazing necessary? Agreed urgent to do the three windows high up in the eaves as one actually has a hole. NM to discuss with IR and get a price ACTION:NM/IR

GH confirmed we could spare £1000 for hand dryers in toilets. NM to speak to IR as to whether we have sufficient power ACTION:NM/IR

Discussion as to whether we can afford to do anything to the meeting room.Would make a good office but there is no wi fi and no phone.NM to speak to commercial agents. Wait to put heater in until decision made ACTION:NM

5. Lettings Secretary’s Report/Village Hall Diary

Bookings are healthy First Aiders in particular have booked into next year. Income to date from First Aiders £930 and from sewing classes £277

Problem with the parking which can affect Rebecca’s disabled clients GH will let her have some cones


First Aiders to be asked if they want use of the meeting room NM to get market value from agents


Letting people in and out is becoming a problem. Regulars now have keys butdiscussed we should consider ‘keysafe’ NM to find out about them ACTION:NM

NM to ask Den if he is still happy to continue with his caretaking work including letting people in and out


Suggest rota for checking the hall following lets Need to ensure always checked after there has been a big party Difficult to get deposit from people

GH to speak to Done and Dusted ACTION:GH


Website going well Peter had suggested a newsletter with a subscribe button(mailchimp) £30NM to consider further and speak to Peter ACTION:NM

The Parish Council have agreed to contribute to set-up costs of website and pay proportionately towards the annual hosting cost for their pages

Brochure has been completed and printed Everyone to distribute Suggested Drs surgeries, Co-Op,Stonehouse Council Offices,Post Office (church already have some) ACTION:ALL


Still no communication with the cleaners ACTION:GH

We need someone more flexible or do Monday or Friday 7am -9am or 8am-10am PS will speak to them If we need to stop using them Maree will find someone else ACTION:PS/MaS

Carpet to be cleaned 27th May

8.Future events and Feedback

Quiz Night reasonably well attended JS did not cover cost of prizes and was told to put in claim from petty cash but he said would cover cost

JS has not had many requests for tickets for Queens Birthday Party. Need 6 people to each get a table up JS will work on that and look into Welcome drinks and party pack Budget £300 ACTION:JS

GH and JS will work on posters for Big Band Night Mike S can get posters done at reasonable cost


GH will ensure Public Liability covered ACTION:GH

Mike will carry out risk assessment ACTION:MiS

Keren will apply for Temporary Events Notice ACTION:KM

9.VillageHall Planner/Review of Policies

MiS needs to review Risk Assessment ACTION:MiS


Discussed working more closely with other Village Halls There is a new Chair of the Village Halls’ Network. We need to take more interest in it. Next meeting 15th June on the subject of Social Media then Wednesday 7th September Housing/Section 106 funding 16th November Energy Efficiency. Details with these minutes. Please let NM or KM know if you are interested in attending any of these.

Suggested website links:

Rebecca and Alistair (the tenants)

The First Aiders

The sewing Classes

The Martial Arts Group ACTION:JS

11.Date of next meeting

Possible dates to follow by e mail