Faculty of Education, Psychology and Art
10th International Students’ Research Conference
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10th International Students’ Research Conference
May 16 – 18, 2011
May 16 (Monday)
10:00 – 11:00 Registration (‘’Swimming Pool’’)
11:00 – 12:30 Opening Plenary (Room: B6; Chairpersons: Kārlis Sarma un Anete Trūba)
Welcoming speeches:
· professor Andris Kangro, the dean of the Faculty of Education, Psychology and Art
· professor Dainuvīte Blūma, international coordinator
· professor Ilze Kangro, the head of the Teacher Education Department
· asoc.prof. Indra Odiņa, Chairperson of the Organization of Committee
· Laura Tīruma (University of Latvia) – Retrospection at 9 ISRCs
· Silvija Andernovics – LATE (Latvian Association of Teachers of English) – Future Perspectives
12:30 – 13:00 Coffee break (‘’Swimming Pool’’) and Photography Exhibition
13:00 – 14:30 Talks in English (Rooms: B6) and workshops in English (Room: A314)
14:30 – 14:45 Break
14:45 – 15:45 Poster Presentations and Talks in English (Room: A315) and discussions in English (Rooms: A314)
15:50 – 17:10 Maija Kalniņa (University of Latvia) Nature Treasure Hunt (Meeting point – “Swimming pool”. An active workshop, be ready to run around the faculty.)
17:10 – 19:00 Picnic and Teambuilding Activities – “Swimming Pool’’/Outside – depends on the weather (Person in charge: Dace Zunda)
May 17 (Tuesday)
8:30 – 9:00 Registration (‘’Swimming Pool’’)
9:00 – 10:30 Talks in English (Room: A315), Discussions in English (Rooms: A314), Talks in German (Room: A313), Talks in French, Spanish and Italian (Room: A311)
10:30 – 11:00 Coffee break (‘’Swimming Pool’’) and Photography exhibition
11:00 – 12:30 Talks in English (Room: A315), Talks in French, Spanish, Italian (Room: A311), Discussions and Poster Presentations in English (Room: A:313), Workshops in English (Room: A314)
12:30 – 13:00 Coffee break (‘’Swimming Pool’’) and Photography exhibition
13:00 – 14:30 Plenary (Room: G1) (Chairperson: Anete Trūba)
· Mag.Dr. Pia – Maria Rabensteiner (University College of Teacher Education, Austria) The Sustainability of BEAM – Building European Identity Through Spirit, Sense and Meaning;
· Dāvis Rābants, Ilze Jēgere, Aija Livča, Kristīne Gailīte, Oskars Bulindžs - Latvian BEAM 3 Dream Team (University of Latvia) –
· Jūlija Sergijenko (University of Latvia) – Putting Voice on Paper
14:30 – 14:45 Break
14:45 – 16:15 Talks in English (Room: G1), Workshops in English (Room: A314), Talks in French, Spanish and Italian (Room: A315), Talks in English (Room: V106 )
16:45 – 19:00 Sightseeing. Meeting point in the front of the faculty. (Train leaves at 17:14)
May 18 (Wednesday)
8:30 – 9:00 Registration (‘’Swimming Pool’’)
9:00 – 10:30 Talks in English (Room: B6), Workshops I in English (Room: A314), Workshops II in English (Room: A315)
10:30 – 10:45 Break
10:45 – 12:15 Talks in English (Room: B6), Discussions in English (Room: A314), Workshops in English (Room: A315)
12:15 – 13:00 Coffee break (‘’Swimming Pool’’)
13:00 – 14:30 Talks and Poster Presentations in English (Room: A313), Workshops I in English (Room: A314), Workshops II in English (Room: A315)
14:30 – 14:45 Break
14:45 – 16:00 Feedback Session and Closing Plenary (Room: B6) (Chairperson: Lāsma Kozlovska)
19:00 – 2:00 GOODBYE PARTY
· The theme of the party is “Beach Party” and dress code includes summer accessories
· Your snacks are welcome
· Fun Activities
· Karaoke
· Dance, dance, dance
May 16 (Monday) 13:00 – 14:30
1. Laura Tīruma (University of Latvia) – What's Inside the Conference? Let's Have a Look!
2. Madara Palsiņa (University of Latvia) – Teacher's Body Language – How to Use It?
3. Dana Neverčika (University of Latvia) – Let Me Google It for Your
4. Olga Potjomkina and Larisa Tomilova (University of Latvia) – Positive Thinking in Students' Life
5. Elvīra Tirzīte (Latvia University of Agriculture) – Latvian Government Policy in Overseeing Migration (talk) / 1. Kaspars Mednis and Artūrs Brūveris (University of Latvia) – Stop Motion as a Tool for Improving Quality of Education
2. Iveta Vītola (Pearson Central Europe) – Tradition and Innovation in 21st Century Classroom
14:45 – 15:45
Poster Presentations and Talks in English (Room: A315) Chairperson: Ingūna Melne / Discussions in English (Room: A314) Chairperson: Zane Emsiņa1. Valerija Jegorova (University of Latvia) - Well-Structured Lesson Plan or Not? (poster)
2. Margarita Rozīte and Agnese Laizāne (University of Latvia) - Cracking the Syllabus (30 min talk)
3. Inna Kuļeša (University of Latvia) - The 1st Teaching Practice. Does It Sound Horrible? (poster)
4. Anastasija Ivanova (University of Latvia) - Think Less, Talk More! (poster)
5. Tamari Bichashvili (Telavi State University) - "Martin Eden" by Jack London (talk) / 1. Jūlija Tarando (University of Latvia) – Student - Are You Intercultural Enough?
2. Līva Vollenberga (University of Latvia) - Stress Our Biggest Enemy to Success
15:50 – 17:10 Maija Kalniņa (University of Latvia) Nature Treasure Hunt (Meeting point – “Swimming pool”. An active workshop, be ready to run around the faculty.) (Chairperson: Agnese Jansone)
17:10 – 20:00 Picnic and Teambuilding Activities – “Swimming Pool’’/Outside – depends on the weather (Person in charge: Dace Zunda)
May 17 (Tuesday) 9:00 – 10:30
(Room A315)
Chairperson: Ingūna Melne / Discussions in English
(Room: A314 )
Chairperson: Agnese Jansone / Talks in German
(Room A313)
Chairperson: Kristīne Kocolīno / Talks in French, Spanish and Italian
(Room A311)
Chairperson: Olga Ozoliņa
1. Alīna Rjabova (University of Latvia) - PICturE of the Study Process
2. Kaspars Siliņš (Riga Technical University) - Effect of Lime on Straw Ash Melting Temperature
3. Kristīne Glode (University of Latvia) - Amazing Memory
4. Ieva Dzanuška and Gundega Bambe (University of Latvia) - The Secret Diamonds In Math
5. Aleksandra Andrejeva (University of Latvia) - Comparison of Relative and Absolute Evaluations of Subjective Well-Being / 1. Zane Emsiņa (University of Latvia) – Plagiarism
2. Elīna Rumba (University of Latvia) – Homework - Useful or Useless?
3. Ketija Kārkle (University of Latvia) - Future Profession - Your Own Choice or the Heritage of Family?! / 1. Jānis Kuplis (University of Latvia) - Kombiniertes Lernen (Blended Learning) im DaF-Unterricht
2. Edgars Grunte (University of Latvia) - Freinet - Pädagogik als eine der alternativen Lehr – und Lernmethoden beim Fremdsprachenerwerb im schulichen Raum Lettlands
3. Irina Fallmann (University of Latvia) - Lehrervorbild als motivationssteigender Faktor im schulischen Unterrichtsprozess
4. Evgēnija Mirankova (University of Latvia) - Sprichwörter im DaF Unterricht
5. Dr. Rainer Buhtz (Leiter der Spracharbeit des Goethe Instituts Riga) – Deutsch in Lettland. Spracharbeit des Goethe Instituts Riga
6. Kristīne Kocolīno (University of Latvia) - Das Lernziel Aussprache als wesentlicher Bestandteil der kommunikativen Kompetenz im Fach DaF / 1. Elīna Brasliņa (University of Latvia) – L’étude de l’antinomie réel/surnaturel dans le réalisme magique et le fantastique.
2. Jeļena Moisejeva (University of Latvia) – Le rôle des indices prosodiques dans la construction de valeur spécifique des marqueurs discursifs: exemple de quand même et tout de même.
3. Gundega Liepiņa (University of Latvia) – Stratégies de compensation lexicale dans la production orale spontanée des apprenants lettons du FLE.
4. Kristīne Šaplaka (University of Latvia) – Homonymie ne français et ne letton.
5. Māra Alka (University of Latvia)– La traduction des proverbes: équivalence et correspondances.
6. Kristīne Kurtiša (University of Latvia) – Détermination nominale ne français et ne letton: approche énonciative.
11:00 – 12:30
(Room: A315)
Chairperson: Maija Zandere / Talks in French, Spanish and Italian
(Room: A311)
Chairperson: Olga Ozoliņa / Discussions and Poster Presentations in English
(Room A313)
Chairperson: Dana Berga / Workshops in English
(Room: A314)
Chairperson: Kaspars Mednis
1. Luīze Petrova (University of Latvia) - The Relationship Between Schizotypy, Dissociation, Anxiety and Unusual Sleep Experiences
2. Zigmars Atvars (University of Latvia) – Portret of new PhD in Latvia
3. Sabīne Trēde (University of Latvia) – Vedic Mathematics
4. Agnese Jansone (University of Latvia) Be a Buddy – Save an Exchange Student!
5. Aleksandra Fjodorova and Līga Prancāne (University of Latvia) - Math Around Us / 1. Anna Jaskovska (University of Latvia) – Atouts et inconvénients des medias sociaux dans les acquisitions du FLE.
2. Baiba Stoma – L’enseignement précoce en Lettonie.
3. Paula Pirtniece (University of Latvia) – Phraséologisme dans l’apprentissage du français langue etrangere.
4. Agate Strade (University of Latvia) – L’analyse comparative de l’humour ne français, letton et russe.
5. Linda Linde (University of Latvia) – Les razgos principales des espagnole colloquial.
6. Anna Elizabete Griķe (University of Latvia) – La contribution de la traduction littéraire à l’échange interculturel entre la lettonie et la Suisse Romande. / 1. Anete Trūba (University of Latvia) – Writing + Portfolio = Fun or Hell (discussion)
2. Rihards Saulenbergs (University of Latvia) – Blow the Whistle - What It Takes to Do It Right (poster)
3. Kintija Cinkuse (University of Latvia) - Lesson Planning in Teaching English to Very Young Learners in Kindergarten (poster)
4. Ingūna Melne (University of Latvia) – No Time? Come and Get it! (discussion) / 1. Inga Lapinska (University of Latvia) - Lost in Translation
2. Karīna Helmane (University of Latvia) - Team Building: One For All, All For One!
13:00 – 14:30 Plenary (Room: G1) (Chairperson: Anete Trūba)
· Mag.Dr. Pia – Maria Rabensteiner (University College of Teacher Education, Austria) The Sustainability of BEAM – Building European Identity Through Spirit, Sense and Meaning;
· Dāvis Rābants, Ilze Jēgere, Aija Livča, Kristīne Gailīte, Oskars Bulindžs – Latvian BEAM 3 Dream Team (University of Latvia) –
· Jūlija Sergijenko (University of Latvia) – Putting Voice on Paper
14:45 – 16:15
(Room: G1)
Chairperson: Alīna Rjabova / Workshops in English
(Room: A315)
Chairperson: Inna Kuleša / Talks in French, Spanish and Italian
(Room: A311)
(Chairperson: Olga Ozoliņa) / Talks in English
(Room: A314)
Dana Berga
1. Raitis Eglītis (University of Latvia) – Internet Child Sexual Abuse: Blame Attributions and Punishment
2. Santa Kārnupe (University of Latvia) – Math Teaching!
3. Anna Mulica (University of Latvia) – Business English at School
4. Anna Utehina (University of Latvia) – Better You Listen, More You Know
5. Svetlana Rimare (University of Latvia) – The International Award Programme for Young People
6. Raimonds Jankovskis (University of Latvia) – The Truth Is Out There / 1. Ilze Liepa – Nagle and Inga Liepa (University of Latvia) – Writing – As Easy As a Pie (90 min workshop) / 1. Jeļena Letljane (University of Latvia) – Giuzeppe Verdi e la sua influenza sulla opera nei paesi del mondo.
2. Karina Subotova (University of Latvia) – Percorso fra le tradizioni culinarie e la letteratura italjana.
3. Julija Milča (University of Latvia) – Les anglicismes dans les langues française et lettone: une étude comparative.
4. Aljona Kovaļenko (University of Latvia) – Les marqueurs de la concession en français parisien. L’exemple de «c’est vrai que».
5. Ance Ozoliņa (University of Latvia) – La représentation des noms propres québécois en letton.
6. Krista Podniece (University of Latvia) – L’enseignement de la langue française aux enfants précoces. / 1. Jeļena Gričkus-Grička (University of Latvia) – Back to the Stone Age!?
2. Elīna Serdante (University of Latvia) - Tips for New Math Teachers
3. Halis Ogurgul (Akadeniz University) Educatıon System ın Turkey
4. Anil Kandemir, Metin Torlak, Oguz Kurnaz and Murat Devici (Akadeniz University) Common European Framework and European Language Portfolio
5. Ilze Indriksone (University of Latvia) – A Successful Lesson Plan is a Tool!
May 18 (Wednesday) 9:00 – 10:30
(Room: B6)
Chairperson: Ingūna Melne / Talk, Discussion and Workshop in English
(Room A314)
Chairperson: Kaspars Mednis / Workshops II in English
(Room A315)
Chairperson: Zane Emsiņa
1. Lāsma Kozlovska (University of Latvia) - Increase Students' Achievements by Socratic Questioning!
2. Karlene Grinberg (Nebraska Wesleyan University) - "The Good Life": An Overview of the Midwest State of Nebraska and Its Relation to Other Major States within America
3. Alise Kalteniece (University of Latvia) - How 3D Cinema Affect Vision Health
4. Kristīne Butnāre (University of Latvia) - Assessment: Feedback - a Threat or a Backup?
5. Kārlis Sarma (University of Latvia) – English Accents: Latvian Contribution / 1. Zanda Zālīte (British Council) - British Council Online Resources and Opportunities for Professional Development (talk)
2. Lada Uļjaņonoka and Samira Mamedova (University of Latvia) – Out of date teaching = aggressiveness?(discussion)
3. Dace Miška (Oxford University Press) - Choosing a Dictionary (workshop) / 1. Margarita Scadrina and Larisa Ābelīte (University of Latvia) – Life Clock
2. Natalja Savicka and Aleksandra Nikolajeva (University of Latvia) - Intellectual Game? What for?
10:45 – 12:15
Talks in English(Room: B6)
Chairperson: Elīna Rumba / Discussions and a Workshop in English
(Room: A314)
Chairperson: Agnese Jansone / Workshops in English
(Room: A315)
Chairperson: Zane Emsiņa
1. Līga Kuzmane (University of Latvia) – Students’ Mobility as an Indispensable Part in Teacher Education
2. Tuomas Kaihua (University of Tampere) - Student Engagement in Knowledge Society – Social Media and Authentic Learning in Higher Education
3. Dana Berga (University of Latvia) – Peer Teaching
4. Anda Baumerte (University of Latvia) – Nanomaterials – Panacea or Pollutants?
5. Natalia Perkova (Saint-Petersburg State University) - How We Talk about Temperature: a Study with Reference to Latvian / 1. Dace Zunda (University of Latvia) - Leader and Leadership in the Study Process
2. Anastasija Sapogova (University of Latvia) - If You Aren’t a Teacher by Your Nature You'll Never Learn to Be the One
3. Anita Zandberga (University of Latvia) - Should Beginner Teachers Be Afraid of Student Misbehaviour? (workshop) / 1. Jūlija Masaļska – Kokorēviča (University of Latvia) - Let's Play Roles!
2. Zane Matesoviča (Microsoft) - Evaluation of Innovative Teaching in the School
13:00 – 14:40
Talks and Poster Presentations in English(Room: A 313)
Chairperson: Anete Trūba / Workshops I in English
(Room: A314)
Chairperson: Inna Kuleša / Workshops II in English
(Room: A315)
Chairperson: Dace Zunda
1. Līva Silina – Bondarenko and Oksana Rose (University of Latvia) – Survival Plans (do we need them) (talk)
2. Kitti Gazdag un Bianka Budai (University of Pécs) How to become a Teacher in Hungary? (talk)
3. Maija Zandere (University of Latvia) – Pronunciation – Does It Really Matter? (poster)
4. Sabīne Leite (Latvian University of Agriculture) – Affective Factors in Aviation Human Security (poster)
5. Sabīne Pundure (University of Latvia) – Five Steps to a Successful Career (poster) / 1. Mihails Ivanovs (Microsoft) – Anytime Anywhere Learning for All
2. Julia Grinova (University of Latvia) – Judges – Who? / 1. Karolīna Ļuta (University of Latvia) – Comics Storytelling - Fun and Educative
2. Ērika Berga (University of Latvia) - Life Starts at 18 (?), 25 (?), 40 (?), or...
15:00 – 16:30 Feedback Session and Closing Plenary (Room: B6) Chairperson: Lāsma Kozlovska