The time frame of Yahuweh’s judgment on Israel and America, and on the world – Elul 1 through Heshvan
Look up every one of these Scriptures and read in context. Ask the Spirit of Elohim to make it clear, and to show you more. Then you will be able to understand Yahuweh’s timing of events!
Yom Teruah – Yom ha Din (Day of Judgment)
Coming of Messiah with the wrath of Yahuweh – Revelation 11:15-18; Isaiah 34; 63:1-6; Revelation 19, etc.
Time of the Flood judgment – Genesis 7 – deep broke up on Heshvan 17
Judgment on Israel and America: The time of harvest – the time of the resurrection of the justified at Messiah’s coming, and the judgment on the wicked. Messiah returns on a Feast of Trumpets: Yom Teruah – day of trumpet blowing and shouting, Day of Judgment -- “the day of Yahuweh” -- at the sighting of the first sliver of the new moon marking the eve of Tishre 1.
Numbers 13:20, 23-24; 14:29-30 (the spying out of the promised Land – during the time of the grape harvest – Elul – August/September. If they had obeyed Yahuweh and taken the Land then, as He commanded, they would have entered the land in late summer)
Isaiah 16:9-10 (destruction of Moab at the time of the grape harvest-Elul)
Isaiah 17:5-6, 11 (destruction of Damascus, just after the olive harvest)
Isaiah 18:5 (Destruction of America, August to early Autumn/Elul to Tishre)
Isaiah 4:2 (grape harvest/Elul)
Isaiah 24:13 (wrath of Yahuweh, to begin between Elul and Heshvan)
Isaiah 32:9-12 (grape harvest fails – in context of Messiah’s return in judgment)
Isaiah 63:1-6 with Revelation 19 (Messiah comes treading the grapes of the wrath of Yahuweh)
Jeremiah 8:13, 20 (time of judgment – grape harvest and afterwards/Elul-Tishre)
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Jeremiah 9:21-25 (time of judgment/harvest time)
Jeremiah 24 (the parable of the good and bad figs)
Jeremiah 25:15-17, 29-33 (judgment time is after the grape harvest/Elul)
Jeremiah 50:16; 51:33 (destruction of America in the autumn harvest time)
Ezekiel 38:22 (time of attack of Gog on Israel – winter weather coming)
Ezekiel 39:12-13 (it takes seven months to bury the dead – the time between the festivals is seven months – from the end of Sukkot to Passover, so that the festivals are not defiled, neither those burying the dead at that time)
Joel 1:10-12; 3:13 (grief at harvest time)
Amos 4:7-10 (judgment for disobedience)
Zechariah 4:3, 11-12; with Revelation 11:4 (time of the witnesses to come – the two olive branches)
There are many warnings throughout the Torah that if they disobeyed and turned from Yahuweh, He would judge them by destroying the “seven species” of crops.
Matthew 13:27-30, 39-42 (fall wheat harvest time) Matthew 24:29-31
Matthew 24:15-22 (clues as to the time of year of the “abomination that lays desolate”, the coming of the anti-messiah to world rulership…still warm enough to sleep on the roof – Elul/early Tishre—people are in the field harvesting grain – Elul to early Tishre – pray your flight is not in winter – the time of cold begins in November in Jerusalem – first snows on Hermon in early December – olive harvest still going on at this time in the north of Israel/Heshvan - so again, late Autumn!
Matthew 24:37 (As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be at the coming of the Son of man – with Genesis 7 – Heshvan/October-November)
Matthew 24:40-41 (two are in the field – after November they would not be in the field – too cold – In the north they are still planting crops in Heshvan/November – women are grinding grain still)
Mark 4:29
Ya’cob 5:7 (“precious fruit of the earth” – fruit harvest of the five species is between Elul and the end of Heshvan)
Revelation 11:4 with Zechariah 4 (the two olive branches)
Revelation 11:15-18 (the 7th trumpet is in the 7th month – Tishre)
Revelation 14:15 (“harvest of the earth” – grain harvest)
The events of 2012-2016 -- fall/winter
War of Isaiah 17 and Ezekiel 38 between the grape harvest and the end of the olive harvest… destruction of America at the same time (Jeremiah 50 and 51, Isaiah 47 with Revelation 18, Isaiah 13, 18, Zechariah 2:7, etc.)
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Deuteronomy 8:8 lists the seven species of the festivals:
1) Barley – Passover
2) Wheat – Shav’u’ot and around Sukkot
3) The “five species”: grapes, figs, pomegranates, “honey”/dates, olives:
From Elul 1 (Aug./Sept.) through Sukkot to the end of Heshvan (Nov/Dec)
All judgment -- on Israel, on America, on the nations, and the outpouring of the vials of the wrath of Yahuweh—all come during the time between the grape harvest – August – and the end of the olive harvest—near the end of December.
Updated from the article: The Fall 2010
Yom Teruah, the Feast of Trumpets, is also called “Yom ha Din”—the day of judgment. It is a picture of Revelation 11:15--18, when Messiah comes, the wicked are gathered for burning, and afterwards the righteous are gathered, like wheat, into His barns for preserving. The righteous and the wicked are forever separated on Yom ha Din!
Now take a look at the Fall of 2012: So many are hearing in their spirit that it will contain the beginning of the final downswing to the coming of a world government and world disaster. Seculars scholars, Jewish sages, military experts, political analysts, and the prophets of Yahwueh of the Word and His company of trained, prepared, tested, tried, and empowered end-time prophets like Elijah, Moses, Daniel, Enoch, and John the Apostle—all are warning us about the Fall of 2012 – to do with economy, political upheaval, and possible nuclear war leading to the devastating scenario that will bring order out of chaos. The dividing of Jerusalem is being set up – and once that happens, chaos will indeed ensue.
This is the last era and age of time … and as we pass December 21, 2012, we enter 3 ½ years of maximum chaos. We must focus on our “blessed hope”
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and get ourselves moving to finish our course, for He will reward everyone
“according to his works”.
Scripture-wide, the time of judgment on the nations—especially on America
and Israel--is between Elul 1 and the end of Heshvan--from August to November. All timing is based on Israel’s harvest seasons. This encompasses Elul (the month of T’shuvah)--August/September--the bulk time of the grape harvest, the month of Tishre (September/October) – the time of the completion of the grape harvest, the harvesting of
dates, figs, and pomegranates, and the beginning of the olive harvest—as well as the festivals of Yom Teuah, Yom Kippur, and Sukkot, and Heshvan (the month in which most of the olive harvest is finished in
Israel, and the month in which Noah was sealed in the ark with his family for seven days before the Flood began – the judgment that began the fifth age of the final era.) The coming of Messiah can only occur on Yom Teruah – the Feast of Trumpets – Tishre 1 on the Hebrew calendar (September/October).
We are definitely, without question, in the final seven-years before His coming. On Yom Teruah 2011, we entered the fourth year of the final seven. [Refer to: “The Shmittah Year Prophecy” and “The Forty-Eight Hour Transition”] The whole world knows this—including the world’s top scientists and politicians-- from the U.N., to the Illuminati, the Masons, Orthodox Jewish rabbis, to the set-apart ones who hear from Abba Yahuweh. The only ones in the dark are those who live their lives in a religious, or secular, cage, and do not know what is happening outside their own personal matrix. This is why so many are in denial of what is happening right in front of them—they choose to live in a mental prison, submitting to the wardens of their choice.
The prophetic calendar runs on 7-year cycles, each 50th year being a Jubilee – which begins on Tishre 10 – around late September, early October. The Shmittah years all run on 7-year cycles, and Abba gages His prophetic timing by Shmittah years. The guarding of the Shmittah year is so important that the Word tells us He sent the House of Judah into captivity for 70 years for not observing the 70 Shmittah years during 490 years of their history.
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The Shmittah year is the seventh year of each seven-year cycle – the year of land rest, a mini-jubilee. On the 50 year following forty-nine Shmittah years, is the Jubilee of Leviticus 25 – when the earth is to rest in peace.
As the Jewish sages 400 years ago as they traced the seven-year cycles from the time of Joshua, September 29th in the year 2000, a Yom Teruah of
a Shmittah year—beginning the second of the final three seven year cycles before Messiah comes, that on that day a war cycle would begin that would not end until Messiah comes, and it would begin the judgment on the nations. On that day the Arab Intifada began on the Temple Mount, and the nations went into turmoil – as the third part of the Mazzini/Pike plan of 1871 began to take shape—pitting Arabs against Jews so as to cause the needed chaos
for the planned “order”. [Refer to: “Launching the Chaos” – January 2011]
On September 29, 2000, Yom Teruah, Tishre 1, 2001, we entered the
7,000th millennium—and so the “age of man” The 120 jubilee years of Genesis 6:3 have passed - that is 50 jubilees – and we now await the coming of the King of Kings! Do you know Him personally? Do you obey Him daily as a good servant of the Master? If not, why? The time is late, and the night is coming when no man can work.
The Fall of 2012 holds fulfillment of much prophecy. Most people are totally unprepared for the next little over four years – and thus most will die. Many will die as martyrs and receive reward. I am hearing out of the U.S. that most people who were getting awakened to do something to prepare a year ago, have now fallen back asleep, and few are doing anything to serve the Master and prepare to flee. As I wrote in another article, in Acts 8 Yahuweh scattered His people out of their comfort zone in Jerusalem into all nations in order to spread the Good News of salvation and return to the Torah. He will do it again. Why wait for Him to have to bring destruction to get His people to do anything?
I suggest that you act! Fast and pray according to Luke 21:34-36, and begin to study His Word with all your heart, letting the Spirit teach you. Serve Him--spread the Good News of the Kingdom, reaching out to the lost, the poor, the widow, the orphan, the homeless – preparing your heart to lay down your life without complaint and compromise for your Master. Walk the hard
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road -- let Him discipline you. You can’t get up at 8:00 in the morning, start your day on the computer or listening to the radio or TV and expect Him to use you for anything important.
Get your bones out of bed no later than 6:00 – and begin reading the Psalms, praising Him, and worshipping Him, and submitting your life to Him, as well as your day. Of course, if you are dull and blurry-eyed at 6:00 AM, get your
coffee or green tea, and then begin to enter His Presence with clear head, or dunk your body under a cold shower – that’ll wake you up, as well as acting like a good MIKVAH!. Remember the Essenes! (Refer to the article: “A Radical View of Set-Apartness”) Be sure to get out and walk every day – build yourself up in every way so that you are ready to do whatever He asks of you. “…let the set-apart be more set-apart” (Revelation 22:11)
Shalom, with love,
Edited and updated January 8, 2012
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