Reference Number:Ref: WOS/AC030816AC010217
Thank you for expressing an interest in the training programme. You will find enclosed information which relates to this post, as well as application details.
Please read the enclosed guidelines before submitting your application.
Please include the following documentation with your application:
*4 copies of your CV(including 4 copies of a summary of your logbook)
*1 copy of the Declaration Statement -
*1 copy of the Application Form
*1 copy of the Doctors Immigration Form
You must submit the fully completed application form, declaration statement and immigration form to accompany your CV.The declaration statement and immigration form should be submitted in a sealed envelope. Failure to complete these forms or failure to include relevant information in the CV and application as requested may lead to your application not being considered.
Please refer to the guidelines for completing your CV overleaf.
Please ensure that your CVs are collated and stapled (not bound) before being submitted, as applications shall be presented to the Appointments Committee in the format in which they are received.
Once completed, your application form and copies of the documentation detailed above should be submitted to:
Kathleen Forsyth
Training Management Department
NHS Education for Scotland
West of Scotland Region
2 Central Quay
89 Hydepark Street
G3 8BW
Telephone: 0141 223 1415
Closing Date: 20 February 20164 November 2016
Interview Date: 22 March 20167 December 2016
Please ensure when sending your application that postage is fully paid as we cannot accept delivery where extra payment is required.
Information on marital status, nationality and secondary schooling should NOT be included in your CV. Your application will be shortlisted on the basis of the information contained in your CV and it is therefore essential that you provide the information detailed below in the order presented.
Basic Qualification - State clearly your basic qualification, indicating the month and year of achievement.
MedicalSchool - Indicate the name of the medical school from which you received your basic qualification with dates.
Academic Distinctions and Awards - This includes honours degrees, higher degrees and prizes awarded by Universities along with the dates awarded.
Other Qualifications and Awards - This includes higher diplomas awarded by RoyalColleges and parts of examinations along with dates awarded.
Courses attended (Medical and Non Medical) - Indicate with approximate dates, the courses you have attended.
Present appointment with date of appointment - Give your grade and specialty together with your date of appointment.
State clearly the name of your current employer.
Date upon which duties could be commenced - Please indicate a specific date or show your contract period of notice with your current employer.
Previous medical appointments held since qualification - Your previous appointments held since qualification should commence with your last appointment, including locum appointments, showing clearly the hospital and the dates for each post.
Clinical experience - Please state details of relevant clinical and audit experience, and state how this experience will benefit you in the post for which you are applying.
Managerial experience - Please indicate any managerial and organisational experience gained during your previous appointments.
Teaching experience - Indicate the level of teaching experience you have acquired and the staff groups you have taught, highlighting, where appropriate, relevance to the post.
Research experience - Give details of any research experience and exposure to research activities.
Papers presented to Learned Societies - Please list the titles of the papers and the names of the Society.
Publications - Give details of no more than three publications which you consider to be the most important and state why. You may if you wish, give a full list of publications on a separate sheet. These should be divided into abstracts, full publications, case reports and letters.
The Reason for your application
State briefly the reason for your application. Outline your future professional aims, giving any additional information you wish to offer in support of your application.