June 30th – July 2nd 2015
Application Form
Please complete all parts of this application form.
PERSONAL DETAILSFamily/last name:______
First name(s):______
Title (Mr/Miss/Mrs/Ms/Dr)______Sex: Male ÿ Female ÿ
Contact address:______
______Country: ______
Telephone number: ______Email address: ______
Age: ______Date of birth (dd/mm/yy):______
Nationality: ______
ACADEMIC AND PROFESSIONAL DETAILSPlease give details of your educational background, including current study and degrees achieved:
Studying for BA ÿ BA ÿ Studying for MA ÿ MA ÿ (Year _____) Studying for PhD ÿ Topic: ______PhD ÿ (Year _____) No formal qualifications ÿ Other ÿ
Please give details of your status: Student ÿ Employed ÿ Retired ÿ Academic ÿ Other ÿ Profession: ______
If you are currently a student, please state institution, department, title of program, and year of study: ______
If your application is financially supported from a college, university or other institution, please state the name of the institution, and the amount of support you are eligible to receive: ______
ENGLISH LANGUAGE QUALIFICATIONSIf your first language is not English, please indicate your level of English language proficiency
Excellent/Professional ÿ Good/Working ÿ Elementary ÿ Limited ÿ
IELTS/TOEFL/Cambridge CAE scores are not a requirement for this application. If you have taken one of these tests in the last 3 years please indicate the score you received:
IELTS ÿ (score) ______TOEFL ÿ (score) ______Cambridge CAE ÿ (score) ______
RELEVANT COURSEWORK EXPERIENCEPlease indicate if you have relevant coursework experience, giving the academic year you attended the course(s), the Institution, the instructor’s name and the course(s) title:
Year______Institution ______Instructor ______Course title ______
Year______Institution ______Instructor ______Course title ______
Year______Institution ______Instructor ______Course title ______
ACADEMIC REFERENCEPlease give the name and email address of a referee who can provide you with a supporting recommendation letter:
Name: ______Title ______
Institution: ______Email ______
PERSONAL STATEMENTIn the space provided below, please explain why you wish to attend the ISPP Summer Academy. In particular tell us what you hope to achieve, including what skills you hope to acquire. If you are currently conducting or plan to conduct research on a political psychology topic, please provide a summary of your research. Use this page for any additional information you would like to give us about yourself.
AREAS OF RESEARCH AND INTERESTPlease check up to five that best describe your research interests:
ÿ Biopolitics
ÿ Conflict Analysis
ÿ Elite Decision-making
ÿ Ethnic/Racial/Cross-cultural Issues
ÿ Gender Politics
ÿ Generational Politics
ÿ Leadership and Followership
ÿ Life Course/Aging
ÿ Mass Media and Communications
ÿ Mass Movements/Collective Behavior
ÿ Organization and Group Dynamics
ÿ Political Affect
ÿ Political Cognition
ÿ Political Personality Types
ÿ Political Socialization
ÿ Political Violence/Terrorism
ÿ Psychobiography/Psychohistory
ÿ Voting Behavior/Public Opinion
SPECIAL REQUIREMENTSWe do not discriminate against people with disabilities or medical needs and make all reasonable efforts to accommodate their needs. Do you have any special physical or medical needs? No ÿ Yes ÿ If yes, we will contact you for further details.
PUBLICITYHow did you find out about the ISPP Summer Academy? Recommendation ÿ My institution (please specify) ______Internet (site?) ______Publication (title?) ______
Other (please specify) ______
ISPP 2015 ANNUAL MEETINGHave you applied /planning to apply to attend the 2015 ISPP Annual Meeting? No ÿ Yes ÿ
Are you planning to present: A paper ÿ A poster ÿ Just attend ÿ
SIGNATUREApplications cannot be accepted without a signature.
Signed: ______Date: ______
APPLICATION SUBMISSION DETAILSAlong with your application, please attach a short copy of your CV.
Please email your application supporting documents by April 15th 2015 to Stavroula Chrona: