Organization/Prioritization / Prioritization / Time Management
- Demonstrate triage skills
- Demonstrates ability to be flexible with changing priorities
- Capability to schedule and prioritize mandatory trainings, court, meetings, committees
- Delivers outcomes on time
- Develop a system to manage incoming volume of information (e-mail, voice mail)
- Demonstrate ability to access and use organizational systems in DOC (To Do List), SPIN
- Demonstrate ability to access and use Google
- Demonstrate ability to access and use electronics (laptops, palm pilots, GPS for field work, mapping systems such as Streets & Trips), Chronos
- Ability to accept that everything will not get done and prioritize per departmental directives/initiatives.
- Anticipates and responds appropriately to rapidly changing conditions.
- Identifies how tasks or goals will be achieved
- Ability to learn and retain information
- Effectively schedule and flex work hours within the “Tour of Duty”
- Effectively schedule vacation and recognize the value of self-care
- Be on time
Technology Management ~ Utilizes electronic systems appropriately for the processing distribution of information.
Law Enforcement Databases / Corrections Information Systems / Telecommunications / General Computer Knowledge
- Demonstrate ability to run, read, and interpret records from:
- Demonstrate ability to access and enter data into DOC, JJIS, SPIN, Caseload Explorer, or access database associated with your assigned work site.
- Ability to operate office phone, Nextel, Police Radios, Personal Digital Assistant (iPhone, Blackberry, Android) (if assigned one), Who’s In and call pilot, Laptops, Air card, FOBs, mapping systems (Google Earth, GPS)
- Demonstrate and utilize Microsoft office products as necessary, such as Word, Excel or Power Point.
- Ability to read, respond and send emails as needed
- Demonstrate familiarity with the county internet and intranet system (MINT).
Communication ~ The professional, purposeful, and effective exchange of information in order to accomplish specific goals.
Directive/Collaborative / Motivational Interviewing Skills / Investigatory Skills / Court Testimony / Report Writing
- Able to demonstrate when a directive or collaborative approach is appropriate.
- Ability to demonstrate flexible communication approaches when interacting with the offender or others (directive/collaborative).
- Ability to use directive communication for clarification in a non-threatening manner
- Ability to use collaborative communication to establish rapport.
- Knowledge of Motivational Interviewing (MI) interview techniques (skills)
- Ability to demonstrate MI techniques with offenders and others.
- See attached Offender Interview/Staffing Guide
- Demonstrate ability to prepare and plan an interview for investigational purposes.
- Demonstrate ability to interview and develop discrepancies.
- Refer to DPSST Manual
- Demonstrate ability to prepare for court.
- Demonstrate ability to explain the specific risk/need factors of the case.
- Demonstrate ability to testify in a succinct manner to the details of the violations.
- Demonstrate ability to explain the rationale for the recommendation when present with challenges by the DA or defense.
- Demonstrate that reports are formatted correctly and contain all required information in accordance with current the Report Writing Manual and Court Hearing Guidelines.
- Managers and/or Leads will review reports for accuracy, timeliness, and recommendations shall take into account offender risk, need, responsivity and public safety.
Communication ~ The professional, purposeful, and effective exchange of information in order to accomplish specific goals.
Documentation / . Providing reinforcement (redirection) / Diffusing Hostility / Professionalism
- Demonstrate inclusion of chronological entries, Incident Reports, action plans, property receipts, email and any other written communication that attempts to capture an event, statement, directive, or written history pertaining to a particular offender or the actions of a Parole and Probation Officer/Corrections Counselor/ Corrections Technician.
- Demonstrate ability to communicate consequences for certain behavior (appropriate sanctions and interventions).
- Articulate both positive and negative consequences such as: lessen reporting requirements, verbal affirmations.
- Demonstrate confronting in a non-threatening manner
- Articulate use of reverse paraphrasing
- Demonstrate ability to ask process questions
- Demonstrate ability to disarm hostility through a variety of techniques.
- Demonstrate ability to summarize and process escalation.
- Demonstrate support and reinforcement of self-control.
- Demonstrate use of appropriate empathy.
- Engage in two-way communication
- Utilize common language across disciplines
- Engage in respectful communication (both up and down) including ability to listen, consider alternate views, etc.
Case Management ~ The ability to develop, implement and maintain a supervision strategy to manage risk and address criminogenic needs.
Case Management Principles of Risk, Need, and Responsivity / Case Management:
- Goals
- Contact Standards
- Managing Risk and Victim Safety
Ability to articulate:
- How the principles of risk, need, and responsivity are applied in the development and administration of case plans, specifically:
- What are effective containment/controlling strategies to manage risk?
- What are effective coaching and engagement strategies to address criminogenic needs?
- How assessments of risk, need, and responsivity are necessary prerequisites to the development of an individualized case plan
- How the principles of risk, need, and responsivity promote improved outcomes and resource management at the caseload, Unit/Program, and Department level.
- Managing Risk and Victim Safety
- Containment strategies
- Victim safety plan
- Victim/community notification
- Restorative Justice
- Phases of Supervision
- Assessment and engagement
- Building Motivation
- SkillBuilding
- Supporting Sustained Change
- Contact Standards
- Purpose
- Type
- Frequency
- Risk analysis—
- Predisposing factors
- Precipitating factors
- Perpetuating factors
- Prioritization of criminogenic risk factors
- Strength
- Alterability
- Quickness
- Interdependence
- Intrinsic versus extrinsic
- Problem statement (overall assessment identifying problem behaviors)
- Behavioral objectives
- Proximal/distal behaviors
- Specific, measurable, and observable
- Action Plans
- Documentation of all case activities
- Establishing rapport in assessment and engagement phase
- Enhance motivation using motivational interviewing techniques
- Engage offender in development of case plan
- In developing objectives
- In establishing priorities
- In developing action plans
- Assess whether risk and need have reduced in level from previous assessment
- Re-prioritize needs as required
- Re-draft objectives as needed
Behavior Management ~Effectively utilize research-based techniques to promote short and long-term offender change and manage risks
Social Learning Theory
Positive & Negative Reinforcements
Intrinsic Motivation / Short and Long Term Goals / Stages of Change / Cognitive Behavioral Treatment/Approach / Effective Correctional Practices / Alcohol & Drug / Mental Health
- PPO has client engaged in structured, pro-social activities 20-40 hours per week that are directly linked to highest criminogenic risk factors on LS/CMI
- Utilize direct contact with client to role model pro-social thinking and behavior, i.e., teaching problem solving, specific skills to address problem behavior
- Document in CIS, use of appropriate incentives and positive/negative reinforcements to address progress or lack thereof, i.e., reduced fines/fees, travel permits, safety plans to increase contact with family members, verbal acknowledgements, verbal warnings, geographic restrictions, community service (increase or decreased hours), treatment referrals, bus tickets/passes,
- Recognizes intrinsic motivation is reached by giving client choices in how to meet supervision requirements.
- Recognizes and acknowledges clients strengths and leverages these to help client meet requirements
- Identify in Case Plan specific steps/tasks clients can take to meet mutually agreed upon goals prioritized by highest risk domains
- Match style and mode of service delivery to key offender characteristics; i.e. culture, gender, learning style.
- Identify barriers to treatment
- Ability to identify and address acute/crisis needs.
- Identifies appropriate referral resources and follows through with collaboration with community and internal partners
- Articulate in staffing sessions and documentation an understanding of the cyclical nature of the change process. Mention is made of the client’s current stage of change in the different high risk domains, what MI techniques are being utilized that may assist the client in developing insight and move to the next level.
- Utilize OARS IN EACH SESSION as foundation for interaction (open ended questions, affirmation, reflection, summarization)
- Uses open ended questions, reflective statements, express empathy, roll with resistance, affirmations, summarize content and raises doubts or concerns in the client to develop discrepancy
- Examples:
- Pre-contemplative PPO spends the time needed building the necessary rapport and trust with client
- Contemplative – PPO knows to normalize ambivalence, help client do a pros/cons list, identify strengths, use summarization and emphasize free choice
- Preparation – PPO reduces barriers, assist in development of a change plan, continue to use open and curious inquiry, offer choice, discuss options
- Action – PPO empowers client, offers assistance and guidance, reinforces hope and continues to use OARS
- Maintenance – PPO supports client’s self-efficacy, affirms client’s commitment to change, helps client recognize triggers or thinking patterns that may lead to problem behavior
- Focus meeting with client on thoughts, attitudes, values and beliefs.
- Demonstrate and teach core skills through direct observation, role plays, problem solving, role modeling and makes referrals to skill based services.
- Demonstrate ability to use thinking error reports appropriately.
- Relationship Skills ~
- Demonstrate effective techniques and skills for building relationship/rapport with offenders e.g. non-blaming, empathic, respectful
- Effective Reinforcement ~
- Demonstrate effective use of reinforcement techniques (e.g. removal or application of stimulus) to increase positive behavior and/or decrease negative behavior.
- Effective Modeling ~
- Demonstrate desired pro-social behavior in a concrete way and provide feedback and positive reinforcement.
- Effective Disapproval~
- Demonstrate ability to effectively identify type of behavior and specific reasons that make it unacceptable.
- Provide appropriate anti-criminal modeling and reinforcement for pro-social alternative
- Structure Learning Skills ~
- Identify skill deficiencies that lead to destructive behavior.
- Establish skill development goals
- Teach and demonstrate concrete skills e.g. problem solving, show appreciation, etc.
- Facilitate offender practice/role play with feedback.
- Effective Problem Solving~
- Demonstrate the ability to teach/role model effective problem solving skills with offender
- Effective Authority ~
- Demonstrate skills in identification of choice and consequences for specific behavior.
- Understands and articulate the bio-psycho-social model of addiction. PPO consults addiction specialists. Articulates how addiction impacts client and their stage of change.
- Understands the difference between Abuse and Dependence.
- Discusses relapse triggers and interventions with client. Helps client build motivation and develop strategies to build pro social support system.
- Makes referrals based on level of care needed.
- Articulates understanding of dual diagnosis and how that impacts client’s behavior, and what resources need to be accessed.
- Consults on a regular basis with mental health resource.
- Assists client in managing mental health symptoms through problem solving and collaboration with provider. Increased contact and rapport building within the initial engagement period.
Assessment ~To gather, observe, analyze, and utilize information from all relevant sources
Functional Assessments / Assessing potential for harm to self / Identify Offender Strengths & Supports / Risk Assessments
Assessing a level of impairment with regard to needs, risk and
responsivity through recognition
and determination of…
If the client is capable of living independently
(in terms of independent living skills, not in
terms of maintaining abstinence or MH stability)?
Ability to care for their own basic needs? If not, PPO should be able to determine what types of support are needed?
- If the client is capable of managing activities of daily living (ADL’s)? Such as personal hygiene, personal healthcare, managing personal business, navigating around the community.
- If the client is capable of supporting himself financially. If so, through what means?
- If not, is the client disabled, or dependent upon others for financial support? Can client manage entitlements, financial resources and responsibilities?
- Can the client engage in reasonable socialrelationships? Are there good pro-social supports available?
- If not, what interferes with this ability? What supports would the client need?
- What is the client’s level of intelligence? Isthere a developmental or learning disability?
- Are there cognitive or memory impairments
- Are there difficulties with focusing, concentrating, and completing tasks?
- Assess functional impairments to determine client’s abilities and how to proceed with an appropriate plan
- Understand/describe major risk factors/warning sign(s) for possible self harm / suicide.
- Awareness of those groups with the highest and lowest rate of suicide.
- Demonstrates a basic understanding of how substance use and addictions are linked to self harm and suicide.
- Identify risk assessment strategies to determine who presents the highest risk for self harm and suicide.
- Identify which personality types are most vulnerable to acts of suicide and self harm.
- Basic understanding of how certain mental health symptoms may increase risk for self harm or suicide
- Utilize the LSCMI to recognize and identify strengths and supports..
- Collect key information and engage in a process with the client to enable the PPO / Counselor to assess the client’s readiness for change, problem areas, diagnoses, disabilities, and strengths.
- Recognize and use proven strategies to motivates client and incorporate offender strengths and supports into case plan.
- Recognize all types of assessments (informal or formal) must include some specific attention to the individual’s current strengths, skills, and supports, both in relation to general life functioning, and in relation to his or her ability to manage either mental or substance use disorders.
- Identify Offender triggers.
- Recognize and use a positive approach to treatment engagement rather than focusing exclusively on deficits that need to be corrected.
- Demonstrate ability to accurately assess risk, need and responsivity based on the LSCMI.
- Demonstrate ability to accurately complete the OCMS assessment
- Demonstrate the ability to accurately complete the ODARA, if client is a DV Offender.
- Demonstrate the ability to accurately complete the Static, Stable and Acute Assessments, if client is a Sex Offender.
Peace Officer Role ~ Effectively carry out the legal and jurisdictional authority and duties of a Probation/ Parole Officer as prescribed by Oregon Revised Statutes
Legal Responsibility/ Duty / Legal Authorities – / Decision making / Action Skills / Action Skills (cont)
- Articulates these responsibilities/ duties and is professionally committed to them.
- To include behaving ethically
- To supervise offenders
- To safeguard the community
- To understand and apply MultnomahCounty policy and procedure
- To conduct yourself professionally
- To prioritizes critical functions/ circumstances.
- To be effective and purposeful while applying sanctioning practices
- To investigate indications of conduct inconsistent with the conditions of supervision.
- To support victim rights
- To be vigilant of restorative justice
- To be accountable
- To hold offenders accountable
- To use risk-need-responsivity as a guide to reformative case planning.
- Articulate the principles/statutes that govern authority to
- supervise offenders,
- monitor, direct, and command behavior,
- control actions,
- investigate,
- arrest/detain
- search,
- seize person/property
- conduct home visits
- use of force
- Demonstrate ability to apply sentencing guidelines and structured sanctions in holding offenders accountable in a fair and just manner
- Articulate the purpose/principles of sanctions/sentencing guidelines
- Articulate and describe supervision strategies
- Demonstrates case management strategies
- Articulate the purpose of a search
- Describe offender rights
- Demonstrates effective use of:
- Tactics:
- Describe purpose of contact.
- Officer awareness to what is going on
- Interpersonal tactics (strategy)
- Understands physical tactics
- Preparation and training ( including equipment)
- Risk- need – responsivity (case management guide)
- Judgment with and without heightened stress:
- Risk assessment: risk vs. reward
- De-escalation; reduce risk through alternative tactics
- Threat assessment
- Intent
- Means
- Opportunity
- Appropriate level of force
- Decision making ( decisive when needed)
- Prioritization ( what is critical now)
- Effective and appropriate sanctioning
- Demonstrates these abilities:
- Officer presence: Officer presents as an authority figure; who is trusted, respected and capable. This is done through the message conveyed by how you LOOK, how you CARRY YOURSELF, how you ACT, and how you SPEAK.
- Body Language: