Chapter 1 - What Innovation Is And Isn’t
“Change almost never fails because it’s too early. It almost always fails because it’s too late” ~ Seth Godin (p. 15)
“Learning and innovation go hand in hand. The arrogance of success is to think that what you did yesterday will be sufficient for tomorrow” ~ William Pollard (p. 17)
“What is best for this learner?” ~ #InnovatorsMindset (p. 21)
“Change is inevitable. Growth is optional.” ~ John C. Maxwell (p. 27)
Chapter 1 - What Innovation Is And Isn’t
“Change almost never fails because it’s too early. It almost always fails because it’s too late” ~ Seth Godin (p. 15)
“Learning and innovation go hand in hand. The arrogance of success is to think that what you did yesterday will be sufficient for tomorrow” ~ William Pollard (p. 17)
“What is best for this learner?” ~ #InnovatorsMindset (p. 21)
“Change is inevitable. Growth is optional.” ~ John C. Maxwell (p. 27)
Chapter 2 - The Innovator’s Mindset
“We need to move beyond the idea that an education is something that is provided for us and toward the idea that an education is something that we create for ourselves” ~ Stephen Downes (p. 31)
“Innovation is not about the stuff; it is a way of thinking” ~InnovatorsMindset (p. 35)
“Having the freedom to fail is important to innovation. But even more important to the process are the traits of resiliency and grit.” (p. 37)
“Information is abundant; it’s common. What’s uncommon, and desperately needed in today’s education systems, is the innovator’s mindset.” (p. 41)
Chapter 2 - The Innovator’s Mindset
“We need to move beyond the idea that an education is something that is provided for us and toward the idea that an education is something that we create for ourselves” ~ Stephen Downes (p. 31)
“Innovation is not about the stuff; it is a way of thinking” ~InnovatorsMindset (p. 35)
“Having the freedom to fail is important to innovation. But even more important to the process are the traits of resiliency and grit.” (p. 37)
“Information is abundant; it’s common. What’s uncommon, and desperately needed in today’s education systems, is the innovator’s mindset.” (p. 41)
Chapter 3 - Characteristics of the Innovator’s Mindset
“Great educators can work within the constraints of the system and still create innovative learning opportunities for their students.” (p. 47)
“Finding the problem is an essential part of learning -- one that students miss out on when we pose the problem to them first.” (p. 50)
“Sometimes, the most valuable thing you get from the network isn’t an idea but inspiration or courage to try something new.” (p. 54)
“Learning is creation, not consumption. Knowledge is not something a learner absorbs, but something a learner creates. Learning happens when a learner integrates new knowledge and skill into his or her existing structure of self. Learning is literally a matter of creating new meanings, new neural networks, and new patterns of electro/chemical interactions within one’s total brain/body system.” ~ Alcenter (p. 55)
Chapter 3 - Characteristics of the Innovator’s Mindset
“Great educators can work within the constraints of the system and still create innovative learning opportunities for their students.” (p. 47)
“Finding the problem is an essential part of learning -- one that students miss out on when we pose the problem to them first.” (p. 50)
“Sometimes, the most valuable thing you get from the network isn’t an idea but inspiration or courage to try something new.” (p. 54)
“Learning is creation, not consumption. Knowledge is not something a learner absorbs, but something a learner creates. Learning happens when a learner integrates new knowledge and skill into his or her existing structure of self. Learning is literally a matter of creating new meanings, new neural networks, and new patterns of electro/chemical interactions within one’s total brain/body system.” ~ Alcenter (p. 55)
Chapter 4 - Relationships, Relationships, Relationships
“We need to build more organizations that prioritize the care of human beings. As leaders, it is our sole responsibility to protect our people and, in turn, our people will protect each other and advance the organization together. As employees or members of the group, we need the courage to take care of each other when our leaders don’t. And in doing so, we become the leaders we wish we had.” ~ Simon Sinek (p. 67)
“If what’s best for learners is our primary concern, equity of opportunities will be created at the highest of levels, not the lowest.” (p. 73)
“If we want meaningful change, we have to make a connection to the heart before we can make a connection to the mind” ~ #InnovatorsMindset (p. 78)
Chapter 4 - Relationships, Relationships, Relationships
“We need to build more organizations that prioritize the care of human beings. As leaders, it is our sole responsibility to protect our people and, in turn, our people will protect each other and advance the organization together. As employees or members of the group, we need the courage to take care of each other when our leaders don’t. And in doing so, we become the leaders we wish we had.” ~ Simon Sinek (p. 67)
“If what’s best for learners is our primary concern, equity of opportunities will be created at the highest of levels, not the lowest.” (p. 73)
“If we want meaningful change, we have to make a connection to the heart before we can make a connection to the mind” ~ #InnovatorsMindset (p. 78)
Chapter 5 - Learn, Lead, Innovate
“Why are we okay that management hasn’t see innovation in one hundred or fifty years, but we demand innovation in every other aspect of our lives?” ~ Jamie Notter (p. 81)
“Great leaders make a vision come to reality by being able to break the vision down into smaller steps.” (p. 87)
“We rarely create something different until we experience something different.” ~ #InnovatorsMindset (p. 89)
“An innovative leader should try to create new ideas, but it is more important that they create a culture of innovation… at the heart of innovation are people, not stuff...If we always keep that truth at the forefront of our work, we are more likely to create an innovative culture.” (p. 91)
Chapter 5 - Learn, Lead, Innovate
“Why are we okay that management hasn’t see innovation in one hundred or fifty years, but we demand innovation in every other aspect of our lives?” ~ Jamie Notter (p. 81)
“Great leaders make a vision come to reality by being able to break the vision down into smaller steps.” (p. 87)
“We rarely create something different until we experience something different.” ~ #InnovatorsMindset (p. 89)
“An innovative leader should try to create new ideas, but it is more important that they create a culture of innovation… at the heart of innovation are people, not stuff...If we always keep that truth at the forefront of our work, we are more likely to create an innovative culture.” (p. 91)
Chapter 6 - Engage Versus Empower
“As we look ahead into the next century, leaders will be those who empower others.” ~ Bill Gates (p. 93)
“Engaging students means getting kids excited about our content, interests, and curricula...Empowering students means giving kids the knowledge and skills to pursue their passions, interests, and future.” ~Bill Ferriter (p. 96)
“The idea of “built it and they will come” does not apply to education. The shift in our thinking must focus on what learning truly can be, not what it has been.” (p. 101)
“Empowering students to succeed in school and life -- means that we pay attention to the skills companies are seeking.” (p. 103)
Chapter 6 - Engage Versus Empower
“As we look ahead into the next century, leaders will be those who empower others.” ~ Bill Gates (p. 93)
“Engaging students means getting kids excited about our content, interests, and curricula...Empowering students means giving kids the knowledge and skills to pursue their passions, interests, and future.” ~Bill Ferriter (p. 96)
“The idea of “built it and they will come” does not apply to education. The shift in our thinking must focus on what learning truly can be, not what it has been.” (p. 101)
“Empowering students to succeed in school and life -- means that we pay attention to the skills companies are seeking.” (p. 103)
Chapter 7 - Creating a Shared Vision
“Big thinking precedes great achievement.” ~ Wilfred Peterson (p.107)
“Vision without execution is hallucination.” ~ Thomas Edison (p. 110)
“If we want to create a culture of innovation we must first focus on furthering our own learning and growth.” (p. 111)
“In a place where every learner is encouraged to reach his or her dreams these “What If’s” can become reality.” (p. 117)
Chapter 7 - Creating a Shared Vision
“Big thinking precedes great achievement.” ~ Wilfred Peterson (p.107)
“Vision without execution is hallucination.” ~ Thomas Edison (p. 110)
“If we want to create a culture of innovation we must first focus on furthering our own learning and growth.” (p. 111)
“In a place where every learner is encouraged to reach his or her dreams these “What If’s” can become reality.” (p. 117)
Chapter 8 - Strengths-Based Leadership
“When we build our strengths and daily successes-instead of focusing on failures - we simply learn more.” ~Tom Rath (p. 123)
“Success is achieved by developing our strengths, not by eliminating our weaknesses.” ~ Marilyn vos Savant (p. 123)
“Instead of wondering if someone is smart, they wonder in what way that person is smart.” ~ Liz Wiseman (p. 131)
“Sometimes, people are afraid to share what they want because they don’t know that getting it is even a possibility.” #InnovatorsMindset (p. 132)
Chapter 8 - Strengths-Based Leadership
“When we build our strengths and daily successes-instead of focusing on failures - we simply learn more.” ~Tom Rath (p. 123)
“Success is achieved by developing our strengths, not by eliminating our weaknesses.” ~ Marilyn vos Savant (p. 123)
“Instead of wondering if someone is smart, they wonder in what way that person is smart.” ~ Liz Wiseman (p. 131)
“Sometimes, people are afraid to share what they want because they don’t know that getting it is even a possibility.” #InnovatorsMindset (p. 132)
Chapter 9 - Powerful Learning First, Technology Second
“A point of view can be a dangerous luxury when substituted for insight and understanding” ~ Marshal McLuhan
“The learning opportunities we experienced helped us view the possibilities for our students in a much different way.” (p. 143)
“Even when we have the best intentions, sometimes we fall back on what is easy, known, or comfortable -- for us.” #InnovatorsMindset (p. 144)
“What is best for this learner?... Remember, learners are the driver; technology is the accelerator.” (p. 149)
Chapter 9 - Powerful Learning First, Technology Second
“A point of view can be a dangerous luxury when substituted for insight and understanding” ~ Marshal McLuhan
“The learning opportunities we experienced helped us view the possibilities for our students in a much different way.” (p. 143)
“Even when we have the best intentions, sometimes we fall back on what is easy, known, or comfortable -- for us.” #InnovatorsMindset (p. 144)
“What is best for this learner?... Remember, learners are the driver; technology is the accelerator.” (p. 149)
Chapter 10 - Less is More
“Everything should be made as simple as possible but not simpler.” ~ Albert Einstein (p. 153)
“The ability to simplify means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak.” ~ Hans Hofmann (p. 153)
“They have to be interactive producers, not isolated consumers.” ~ John Seely Brown (p. 158)
“Simplicity is about subtracting the obvious and adding the meaningful.” ~ John Maeda (p. 162)
Chapter 10 - Less is More
“Everything should be made as simple as possible but not simpler.” ~ Albert Einstein (p. 153)
“The ability to simplify means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak.” ~ Hans Hofmann (p. 153)
“They have to be interactive producers, not isolated consumers.” ~ John Seely Brown (p. 158)
“Simplicity is about subtracting the obvious and adding the meaningful.” ~ John Maeda (p. 162)
Chapter 11 - Embracing an Open Culture
“The best way to have a good idea is to have lots of ideas.” ~ Linus Pauling (p. 167)
“We can think more creatively if we open our minds to the many connected environments that make creativity possible.” ~Steven Johnson (p. 171)
“As educational leaders, we must promote and capitalize on open, connected learning.” #InnovatorsMindset (p.170)
“Our world today is participatory; sharing should not be the exception in education but the rule.” (p. 178)
Chapter 11 - Embracing an Open Culture
“The best way to have a good idea is to have lots of ideas.” ~ Linus Pauling (p. 167)
“We can think more creatively if we open our minds to the many connected environments that make creativity possible.” ~Steven Johnson (p. 171)
“As educational leaders, we must promote and capitalize on open, connected learning.” #InnovatorsMindset (p.170)
“Our world today is participatory; sharing should not be the exception in education but the rule.” (p. 178)
Chapter 12 - Create Meaningful Learning Experiences for Educators
“The only source of knowledge is experience.” ~Albert Einstein (p.181)
“When people are learning something about which they are passionate, the challenge is well worth the effort” (p. 187)
“School should not be a place where answers go to die but questions come to life.” #InnovatorsMindset (p. 188)
“If you’ll get comfortable with people learning at different paces, you’ll help them reach their highest potential.” (p.198)
Chapter 12 - Create Meaningful Learning Experiences for Educators
“The only source of knowledge is experience.” ~Albert Einstein (p.181)
“When people are learning something about which they are passionate, the challenge is well worth the effort” (p. 187)
“School should not be a place where answers go to die but questions come to life.” #InnovatorsMindset (p. 188)
“If you’ll get comfortable with people learning at different paces, you’ll help them reach their highest potential.” (p.198)
Chapter 13 - Are we there yet?
“Organizational wisdom transcends organizational learning in its commitment to doing the right things over doing things right.” ~Martin Hays (p. 205)
“If we create a culture where every teacher believe they need to improve, not because they are not good enough but because they can be even better, there is no limit to what we can achieve.” ~ Dylan Wiliam (p.208)
“If you want to see the effectiveness of an educator, you do not look at what the teacher is doing but at the learners whom they serve.” #InnovatorsMindset (p.211)
“That “relentless restlessness” will serve our students well and empower educators as learners.” (p. 216)
Chapter 13 - Are we there yet?
“Organizational wisdom transcends organizational learning in its commitment to doing the right things over doing things right.” ~Martin Hays (p. 205)
“If we create a culture where every teacher believe they need to improve, not because they are not good enough but because they can be even better, there is no limit to what we can achieve.” ~ Dylan Wiliam (p.208)
“If you want to see the effectiveness of an educator, you do not look at what the teacher is doing but at the learners whom they serve.” #InnovatorsMindset (p.211)
“That “relentless restlessness” will serve our students well and empower educators as learners.” (p. 216)
Chapter 14 - The Biggest Barrier and “Game Changer” to Innovation in Education”
“If your actions inspire other to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more, you are a leader.” ~ John Quincy Adams (p. 219)
“Change is scary, and it can seem easier to stay with a “known bad” than take the chance on the possibility of a “great” new opportunity. Fear can make us reluctant, but it doesn’t have to defeat us.” (p. 225)
“It is about skills set; it is about mindset.” #InnovatorsMindset (p. 226)
“Be the hero in your own story… That same mindset is crucial to the innovative educator.” (p. 227)
Chapter 14 - The Biggest Barrier and “Game Changer” to Innovation in Education”
“If your actions inspire other to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more, you are a leader.” ~ John Quincy Adams (p. 219)
“Change is scary, and it can seem easier to stay with a “known bad” than take the chance on the possibility of a “great” new opportunity. Fear can make us reluctant, but it doesn’t have to defeat us.” (p. 225)
“It is about skills set; it is about mindset.” #InnovatorsMindset (p. 226)
“Be the hero in your own story… That same mindset is crucial to the innovative educator.” (p. 227)
Four A’s Text Protocol -
Revised Version
After reading the quotes from your selected chapter, please reflect using the Four A’s Protocol - Revised Version
What assumptions can be made from the quotes that you read?
What do you agree with from reading your quotes?
After reading these quotes, what aspires you moving forward?
After reading these quotes, what adjustments can you commit to doing upon returning to your building?
Group 1
Innovation in Education
(Chapters 1, 2,3)
Group 2
Laying the Groundwork
(Chapters 4,5,6,7)
Group 3A
Unleashing Talent
(Chapters 8,9,10)
Group 3B
Unleashing Talent
(Chapters 11,12)
Group 4
Concluding Thoughts
(Chapters 13, 14)
Moving Forward . . .