Ford ASSET Advisory

Sheridan Technical Center
August 12, 2009 2:00pm

Business & Industry Members Present

Name / Title / Company
Maria Fierros / Parts & Service Operations Manager / FCSD - Miami
Jeff Gibula / Field Service Engineer / Ford Motor Co. - FSE
Eleazar Rausseo / Fixed Operations Director / Maroone Ford Miami
Warren Stewart / Service Manager / Pompano Ford Lincoln Mercury

Industry Guests Present

Name / Title / Company

District and School-Based Support Staff

Name / Title / Work Location
Jim Anderson / Instructor / Sheridan Technical Center
David Clark / Instructor / Sheridan Technical Center
Dorie Copeland / Advisor / Sheridan Technical Center
Donna McMullen / Secretary / Sheridan Technical Center
Thomas Moncilovich / Assistant Director / Sheridan Technical Center

Meeting Notes/Minutes

Welcome and Introductions

Attendees were asked to sign in and self introductions were made.

Call Meeting to order:

The meeting was called to order by Jim Anderson.

Approval of minutes from prior meeting

A motion was made by Eleazar Rausseo to approve the minutes from the May 21, 2009 meeting. The motion was seconded by David Clark. Motion was passed.

Class 23 Statistics

David Clark gave an update on Class 23 and student credentials. Class 23 will have 7 students graduating this year. This class is the best trained of all Asset students because they have additional classes mastered by graduation. Their additional credentials include: Hybrids, NVH and 6.4L Diesel.

Mr. Clark asked the Service Managers to go into Stars database and reassign the graduated students to Technician status since STC Asset instructors do not have access to Stars to advance the graduates. Mr. Clark will change the student status from Student to Graduate in the Asset database.

Update of Class 25

First day of class will be Monday, August 24th. David Clark stated that we have a class of 16 prospective students with a target goal of 24 students for Class 25. Three students will be hired. Eleven of the 23 prospective students attended the Ford Asset Orientation on August 7th, 2009. This is the first year student class hours will be 7:00am to noon.

Student Interview Day

Jim Anderson asked for suggestions on a date for Student Interview Day to have students placed at a dealership by the May term. Maria Fierros said now is the slowest time of year with business picking up in October-November. Mr. Gibula thinks that regular business will pick up by January and truck/fleet business has been consistent. Mr. Stewart asked for a list of students that he could talk to. Mr. Clark has a list of students that he will forward on to the committee once this school term has started. Interview Day will be for students who have not been hired at a dealership. The committee agreed on late Fall for an interview day. The exact date and time of the interview day will be announced.

Employer Program Verification Form

Jim Anderson asked the committee to fill out the Employer Program Verification Form as a yearly update for STC’s Ford Asset NATEF accreditation process.

Update on NATEF Evaluation

Jim Anderson informed the committee that Eleazar Rausseo and Jim Sutton will generously provide the two technicians needed this year for NATEF evaluation which only happens every five years. Mr. Moncilovitch will give Mr. Anderson and Mr. Clark details on the dates and times of the evaluation team and their agenda. Ford Asset NATEF certificate expires in December 2009.

Questions, Comments and Discussions

New Lift: Jeff Gibula asked if Asset had obtained a quote on the new lift from Rotunda because he felt Rotunda would give a better price. Mr. Moncilovich informed the committee that we had to use companies on the School Board of Broward County Bid List.

Graduation: Mr. Gibula asked if Asset had a graduation this year. Mr. Anderson stated that due to the difficult economic time, Asset did not have an individual graduation however there were five Asset graduates who chose to attend the Sheridan Technical Center graduation at the War Memorial.

Comment: Mr. Moncilovich stated that the Sheridan Technical Center and Administration Department support the Ford Asset program and appreciates the Business & Partnership with dealers. However, from a financial standpoint, there needs to be at least 20 students in class for a viable program.

Recruitment: Mr. Gibula asked about recruitment of new automotive students and was informed that STC runs television, radio and internet ads. Recruiters are sent to high school visits to talk with prospective juniors and seniors. Postcards were mailed out to all high schools students. Program advisors, coordinators and instructors attend the SFADA luncheons to make contact with prospective students. Any student who fills out an information sheet is called after the luncheon. Sheridan also has a General Automotive Orientation every Thursday where prospective students can learn about the corporate programs as well as General Automotive programs.

Adjournment and Date/Time of Next Scheduled Meeting

Meeting was adjourned at 2:55 PM

Next meeting will be held on January 13, 2010 (Wednesday) at 2PM in Ford Asset Classroom.