Year 9
St JamesSchool
Summer Lane – Exeter – EX4 8NN
Telephone (01392) 209922 – Facsimile (01392) 209921
Head Teacher: Mrs. Moira Marder
Candidate Name:
Candidate No:
Tutor Group:
School Telephone No: 01392 209922
Introduction 4
Warning to Candidates5
Information for candidates6-9
Before the Examinations:10
Statements of Entry10
Examination Boards10
Candidate Name10
Candidate Number10
Unique Candidate Identifier10
Contact Numbers11
During the Examinations:12
Examination Regulations12
Attendance at Examinations12-13
Absence from Examinations14
After the Examinations:15
Notification of Results15
Post Results15
Presentation of Certificates15
Frequently Asked Questions16-19
Examination Timetable13-14
What to do if you are ill in an exam20
Contact Details21
Exam Check List23
Exam Pack24
It is the aim of St James School to make the examination experience as stress-free and successful as possible for all candidates.
Hopefully, this booklet will prove informative and helpful for you and your parents. Please read it carefully and show it to your parents so that they are also aware of the examination regulations and the procedures to follow in the event of any problems occurring. Please keep this in a safeplace so that you may refer back to it as and when you need to.
The awarding bodies (or examination boards) set down strict criteria which must be followed for the conduct of examinations and St James School is required to follow them precisely. You should, therefore, pay particular attention to the Warning to Candidates that is printed on the following pages.
Some of the questions you may have are answered in this booklet. If there is anything you do not understand or any question that has not been addressed, PLEASEASK.
If you or your parents have any queries or need help or advice at any time before, during or after the examinations please contact:
The Examinations Officer –Mrs. Kirsty Duke
The school telephone number is: 01392 209922.
Remember – we are here to help.
Good Luck!
AQA / CityGuilds / CCEA / Edexcel / OCR / WJECWarningtoCandidates
Effectivefrom1September2011 © 2011
Thisnoticehasbeenproducedon behalfof: AQA, CCEA,Edexcel,OCR and WJEC
Information forcandidates- controlled assessments
ControlledAssessmentwillprovideyouwithanopportunitytodosomeindependentresearchintoatopic. The researchyoudomayinvolve lookingforinformationinpublishedsourcessuchas textbooks,encyclopedias,journals,TV,radio,andontheinternet.
Usinginformationfrompublishedsources(includingtheinternet)asthebasisforyourassignmentisagoodwaytodemonstrateyour knowledgeandunderstandingofa subject,butyoumust takecare howyouusethismaterial-youcannot copyitandclaimitasyourownwork.
Youmayberequired toincludeabibliographyattheendofyour work. Yourteacherorlecturerwill tellyou whetherabibliographyisnecessary.Whererequired,yourbibliographymustlistthefulldetailsofpublicationsyouhaveusedinyourresearch,evenwherethesearenotdirectlyreferredto,forexample:Morrison,A.(2000)‘Mary,QueenofScots’,London:WestonPress.
Ifyoucopythewordsorideasofothersanddon’tshowyoursourcesinreferences and a bibliography,thiswill beconsidered ascheating.
Preparingyourwork -goodpractice
Ifyouworkedaspartofagrouponanassignment,forexample,undertakingfieldresearch,youmusteachwriteupyourownaccountoftheassignment.Evenifthedatayouhaveisthesame,thedescriptionofhowthatdatawasobtained andtheconclusionsyoudrawfromitshouldbeinyourownwords.
Youmustmeetthedeadlinesthatyourteachergivesyou.Remember-yourteachersaretheretoguideyou.Althoughtheycannotgiveyoudirectassistance,theycanhelp youtosortoutanyproblemsbeforeitistoolate.
Plagiarisminvolvestaking someone else’swords,thoughts orideasandtryingtopassthem offasyourown.Itisaformofcheatingwhichistakenveryseriously.
- Markerscanspotchangesinthestyleofwritinganduseoflanguage.
- Markersarehighlyexperiencedsubjectspecialistswhoareveryfamiliarwithworkonthetopicconcerned—theymayhavereadthesourceyouareusing(orevenmarkedtheessayyouhavecopiedfrom!).
- Internetsearchenginesandspecialisedcomputersoftwarecanbeusedtomatchphrasesorpiecesoftextwithoriginalsourcesandtodetectchangesinthegrammarandstyleofwritingorpunctuation.
- Thepieceofworkwillbeawardedzeromarks;
- Youwillbedisqualifiedfromthatunitfortheexaminationseriesinquestion;
- Youwillbedisqualifiedfromthewholesubjectforthatexaminationseries;
- Youwillbedisqualified fromallsubjectsandbarred fromenteringagainforaperiodoftime.Yourawardingbodywilldecidewhichpenaltyisappropriate.
2013 ©
Thisnoticehasbeenproducedon behalfof: AQA, City &Guilds,CCEA,Edexcel,OCR andWJEC
Information forcandidates
GCE, ELC and Projectqualifications-coursework assessments
Courseworkprovidesyouwithan opportunity to do some independent research into a topic.Theresearchyoudowillinvolvelookingforinformationinpublishedsourcessuchastextbooks,encyclopedias,journals,TV,radio,andontheinternet.
Usinginformationfrom published sources(includingtheinternet)asthebasisforyourcourseworkisagoodwaytodemonstrateyour knowledgeandunderstandingofa subject,butyoumusttakecare howyouusethismaterial-youcannot copyitandclaimitasyourownwork.
Youmustalsoincludeabibliographyattheendof yourwork,whichliststhefulldetailsofpublicationsyouhaveusedinyourresearch,evenwherethesearenotdirectlyreferredto,forexample:
Ifyoucopythewordsorideasofothersanddon’tshowyoursourcesinreferences and a bibliography,thiswill beconsidered ascheating.
Ifyouworkedaspartofagrouponanassignment,forexample,undertakingfieldresearch,youmusteachwriteupyourownaccountoftheassignment.Evenifthedatayouhaveisthesame,thedescriptionofhowthatdatawasobtained andtheconclusionsyoudrawfromitshouldbeinyourownwords.
Youmustmeetthedeadlinesthatyourteachergivesyou.Remember-yourteachersarethereto guideyou.Althoughtheycannotgiveyoudirectassistance,theycanhelpyoutosortoutanyproblemsbeforeitistoolate.
Plagiarisminvolvestaking someone else’swords,thoughts orideas andtryingtopassthem offasyourown.Itisaformofcheatingwhichistakenveryseriously.
- Markerscanspotchangesinthestyleofwritinganduseoflanguage.
- Markersarehighlyexperiencedsubjectspecialistswhoareveryfamiliarwithworkonthetopicconcerned—theymayhavereadthesourceyouareusing(orevenmarkedtheessayyouhavecopiedfrom!).
- Internetsearchenginesandspecialisedcomputersoftwarecanbeusedtomatchphrasesorpiecesoftextwithoriginalsourcesandtodetectchangesinthegrammarandstyleofwritingorpunctuation.
- thepieceofworkwillbeawardedzeromarks;
- youwillbedisqualifiedfromthatunitforthatexaminationseries;
- youwillbedisqualifiedfromthewholesubjectforthatexaminationseries;
- youwillbedisqualified fromallsubjectsandbarred fromenteringagainforaperiodoftime.Yourawardingbodywilldecidewhichpenalty is appropriate.
© 2013
AQA / CityGuilds / CCEA / Edexcel / OCR / WJECInformation forcandidates
For on-screen tests–effectivefrom1September 2013
This documenthas been written tohelp you. Readitcarefullyandfollow theinstructions.
If thereis anything you donotunderstand,ask yourteacher.
A / Regulations –Makesureyouunderstand the rules1 / Be on time for your on-screen test(s).If you are late, yourwork might not be accepted.
2 / Do not become involved in any unfair or dishonest practiceduring the on-screen test.
3 / If you try to cheat, or break the rules in anyway, youcould be disqualified from allyoursubjects.
4 / Only take into the exam room thematerials and equipmentwhich are allowed.
5 / Youmustnottake into the exam room:
•a calculator case/instructionleaflet;•a mobilephone,iPod,MP3/4player,awristwatchwhichhasa data storage deviceoranyotherproduct withtext/digitalfacilities.
Unless you are told otherwise, youmustnothave access to:
•theInternet, e-mail, datastored on the hard drive, or portablestorage mediasuch as floppy disks, CDs and memory sticks;
•pre-prepared templates.
Remember: possessionofunauthorisedmaterial is breakingthe rules,evenifyoudonotintendtouseit,and youwill besubjectto penalty and possibledisqualification.
6 / Do not talk to or trytocommunicatewith or disturb othercandidatesonce theon-screen test has started.
7 / If you leave the exam room unaccompanied by an invigilator beforetheon-screen test has finished, youwill not be allowed to return.
8 / Do not borrow anything from anothercandidate during theon-screen test.
B / Information–Makesureyouattendyour on-screentestand bringwhatyouneed
1 / Know the date and time of youron-screen test(s).
2 / Arrive at least ten minutes beforethestart of youron-screen test.
3 / If you arrive latefor an on-screentest, report tothe invigilator running thetest.
4 / If you arrive more than one hourafter the published starting timefor the on-screen test,you may not be allowed to take it.
5 / Yourcentrewill inform youof anyequipmentwhich you may need for the on-screen test.
C / Calculators,Dictionariesand ComputerSpell-checkers
1 / You may useacalculator unless you are told otherwise.
2 / If you useacalculator
•makesure itworks properly; check that the batteries areworking properly;
•clear anything stored init;
•remove any parts such as cases, lids orcovers which have printed instructions or formulas;
•do not bring intothe examinationroom any operating instructions orprepared programs.
3 / Do not usea dictionaryorcomputerspellchecker unless you are told otherwise.
D / Instructions during theon-screentest
1 / Always listen to the invigilator.Follow their instructions at all times.
2 / Tell the invigilatorat once:
•if you have been entered for thewrong on-screen test;
•if the on-screen testis in anothercandidate’s name;
•if you experiencesystem delays orany otherIT irregularities.
3 / You may be givena question paper or the instructions may be on-screen.In eithercase, read carefullyand follow the instructions.
E / Advice and assistance
1 / If on the day of the on-screen testyou feel that yourwork may be affected by ill health or any other reason, tell the invigilator.
2 / Put up your hand during the on-screen test if:
•you havea problem with yourcomputer and are in doubt aboutwhat youshould do;
•you do not feelwell.
3 / You must not ask for, and will notbe given, any explanation of the questions.
F / Attheendoftheon-screentest
1 / Ensure that thesoftwarecloses at the end of the on-screentest.
2 / If you are required to printoffwork outside the time allowed for theon-screen test, ensure that youcollect your ownwork. You must notshare yourworkwith othercandidates.Makesure that anothercandidate does notcollect your printout(s).
3 / Do not leavethe exam room untiltold to doso by the invigilator.
4 / Do not take from the exam roomanystationery.
This includes roughwork, printoutsor any other materials provided for theon-screen test.
AQA / CityGuilds / CCEA / Edexcel / OCR / WJEC
Information forcandidates
For written examinations–effectivefrom1September2013
This documenthas been written tohelp you. Readitcarefullyandfollow theinstructions.
If thereis anything you donotunderstand,especiallywhichcalculatoryou mayuse,ask yourteacher.
A / Regulations –Makesureyouunderstand the rules1 / Be on time for all your exams.Ifyou are late, yourwork might notbe accepted.
2 / Do not become involved in any unfair or dishonest practiceduring the exam.
3 / If you try to cheat, or break the rules in anyway, youcould be disqualified from allyoursubjects.
4 / Youmustnottake into the exam room:
•a calculator case/instructionleaflet;•a mobilephone,iPod,MP3/4 player,awristwatchwhichhasa data storage deviceoranyotherproduct
Any pencil casestakeninto theexamroommustbesee-through.
Remember:possession of unauthorised material is breaking the rules,even if you do not intend touse it, and youwill be subject to penalty and possible disqualification.
5 / Do not usecorrecting pens, fluid or tape,erasable pens, highlightersor gel pens in your answers.
6 / Do not talk to or trytocommunicatewith, ordisturb othercandidates once the exam has started.
7 / If you leave the exam room unaccompanied by an invigilatorbeforethe exam has finished, youwillnot be allowed to return.
8 / Do not borrow anything from anothercandidate during the exam.
B / Information–Makesureyouattendyourexams andbringwhatyouneed
1 / Know the dates and times of all your exams.
2 / Arrive at least ten minutes beforethestart of each exam.
3 / If you arrive latefor an exam, report to theinvigilator running theexam.
4 / If you arrive more than one hourafter the published starting timefor the exam, you may not be allowed to take it.
5 / Only take into the exam room thepens, pencils, erasers and anyother equipmentwhich you need forthe exam.
6 / You mustwrite in black ink.
Coloured pencils or inks may beused only for diagrams, maps,charts, etc. unless the instructions printed on the front of the question paperstate otherwise.
C / Calculators,Dictionariesand ComputerSpell-checkers
1 / You may useacalculator unless you are told otherwise.
2 / If you useacalculator
•makesure itworks properly; check that the batteries areworkingproperly;
•clear anything stored init;
•remove any parts such as cases, lids orcovers which have printed instructions or formulas;
•do not bring intothe exam roomany operating instructions or prepared programs.
3 / Do not usea dictionaryorcomputerspellchecker unless you are toldotherwise.
D / Instructions during theexam
1 / Always listen to the invigilator.Follow their instructions at all times.
2 / Tell the invigilatorat once:
•if you think you have not been given the right question paper or allof the materials listed on the frontof the paper;
•if the question paper is incompleteor badly printed.
3 / Read carefully and follow the instructions printed onthe question paper and/or on the answer booklet.
4 / Fill in all the details required on the front of the question paper and/or the answer bookletbeforeyoustart the exam. Makesure you fill these details in on any additional answersheetsthat you use.
5 / Remember towrite your answerswithin the designated sections of the answer booklet.
6 / Do your roughwork on the properexamstationery. Cross itthroughand hand it inwith your answers. Makesure you add yourcandidate details to anyadditional answersheets that you use.
E / Advice and assistance
1 / If on the day of the exam you feelthat yourwork may be affected by ill health or any other reason, tell the invigilator.
2 / Put up your hand during the examif:
•you havea problem and are in doubt aboutwhat youshould do;
•you do not feelwell;
•you need more paper.
3 / You must not ask for, and will notbe given, any explanation of the questions.
F / Attheendoftheexam
1 / If you have used more than oneanswer booklet and/or any loosesheets of paper, place them in thecorrect order. Remember to fasten them togetherwitha treasury tag before you leave.
Makesure you add yourcandidate details to any additional answersheets that you use.
2 / Do not leavethe exam room untiltold to do soby the invigilator.
3 / Do not take from the exam roomanystationery. This includes thequestion paper, answer bookletsused or unused, rough work or any other materials provided for the exam.
statementS of entry:
- All Candidates receive a statement of entry from school indicating the subjects they are being entered for and the levels of entry, where applicable. Please check that these are correct. Some subjects only have one tier of entry, some have Foundation or Higher tiers.
- Candidates may also receive statements of entry from the Exam Boards. You must check everything on your statements of entry very carefully. Particularly check that all personal details (date of birth, spelling of names) are accurate as these will appear on certificates and it may be difficult to change them once certificates are awarded.
- The School uses the following Examination Boards: AQA, Edexcel, OCR and WJEC.
Candidate Name:
- Candidates are entered under the name format of First Name + One middle initial + (Legal) Surname, e.g. Adam J. Smith.
Candidate Number:
- Each candidate has a four-digit candidate number. This is the number you will enter on examination papers. It will appear next to your name on seating plans and examination registers. Your candidate number is on the front of this booklet. Please memorise it.
- In addition to a candidate number, each candidate must have a Unique Candidate Identifier (12 numbers and 1 letter) which is shown on the top of statements of entry. This number will usually begin with the Centre Number (54245) unless you have transferred from another school that had already issued your UCI. Your UCI is used for administration purposes and it is not necessary for you to remember it.
- A copy of the school’s GCSE timetable 2012 is included at the back of this booklet and on the school’s website. You will also receive an individual timetable showing your own specific examinations with details of date, time, and duration of exam, venue and seat number. Check it carefully. If you think something is wrong see Mrs. Duke in the Exam Office immediately.Doing so on the day of the exam will be too late.
- A few candidates may have a clash where two subjects are timetabled at the same time. The school will make special timetable arrangements for these candidates only. You must check your individual timetable and see Mrs. Duke if you are unsure what to do. If you think there is a clash on your timetable that has not been resolved, please see Mrs. Duke immediately.
- Please check that school has at least one up-to-date contact number for you. There is a form at the back of this booklet that you need to complete and return to the examinations office.
- Make sure you have all the correct equipment before your examinations. Your basic equipment should include a black ink pen (a spare is also useful), a sharp pencil, a ruler, a rubber, a sharpener, a compass and a protractor. Calculators may be needed for Science, Maths and Geography examinations. Check the regulations in the Notice to Candidates and the information on the following pages.
Examination Regulations
- A copy of the “Warning to Candidates”, which is issued jointly by all the Examining Boards, is printed at the front of this booklet. All candidates must read this carefully and note that to break any of the examination rules or regulations could lead to disqualification from all subjects. The school must report any breach of regulations to the Awarding Body.
- Candidates are responsible for checking their own timetable and arriving at school on the correct day and time, properly dressed and equipped. Candidates must arrive 30 minutes prior to the start time of their examination. This is to allow time for the Power Point presentation which will be shown before each exam (venue to be advised). After the Power Point presentation, please wait quietly outside your exam room until you are invited to enter by the examination invigilators.
- Candidates who arrive late for an examination may still be admitted but the examining body may decide not to mark your paper. If special consideration applies then you must speak to the Examinations Officer (see ABSENCE FROM EXAMINATIONS).
- FullSchool Uniform must be worn by all students attending school for examinations.
- All items of equipment, pens, pencils, mathematical instruments, etc. should be visible to the invigilators at all times. You must either use a transparent pencil case or clear plastic bag.
- An exam pack containing all stationery equipment is available for sale from the exam office priced £5.
- Pens should be black ink or ballpoint. No correction fluid or correction pens are allowed.
- For Mathematics and Science exams, students should make sure their calculators conform to the examination regulations. If in doubt, check with your teacher. Remove any covers or instructions and make sure batteries are new.
- Please make sure that any watch alarms are turned off.
- Do not attempt to communicate with or distract other candidates.
- Examination regulations are very strict regarding items that may be taken into the examination room (see FAQs at the end of this booklet). If you break these rules you will be disqualified from the examination.
- Mobile telephones MUST NOT BE BROUGHT INTO THE EXAMINATION ROOM. If a mobile phone (or any other type of electronic communication or storage device) is found in your possession during an examination (even if it is turned off) it will be taken from you and a report made to the appropriate exam board. No exceptions can be made.
- No food or drink is allowed in the examination rooms.
- Please do not write on examination desks. This is regarded as vandalism and you will be asked to pay for any damage.
- Do not draw graffiti or write offensive comments on examination papers – if you do the examination board may refuse to accept your paper.
- Listen carefully to instructions and notices read out by the invigilators – there may be amendments to the exam paper that you need to know about.
- Check you have the correct question paper – check the subject, paper and tier of entry.
- Read all instructions carefully and number your answers clearly. Make sure you have opened all the pages.
- Candidates must stay in the examination room for at least one hour after the published start time of the exam, so please remember to visit the toilet before any exams begin (or for the duration of the exam if it is less than one hour). You will not be allowed to leave an examination room early. If you have finished the paper use any time remaining to check over your answers and that you have completed your details correctly.
- At the end of the examination all work must be handed in – remember to cross out any rough work. If you have used more than one answer book or loose sheets of paper ask for a tag to fasten them together in the correct order.
- Invigilators will collect your exam papers before you leave the room. Absolute silence must be maintained during this time. Remember you are still under examination conditions until you have left the room.
- Question papers, answer booklets and additional paper must NOT be taken from the exam room.
- Remain seated in silence until told to leave the examination room. Please leave the room in silence and show consideration for other candidates who may still be working.
- If the fire alarm sounds during an examination the examination invigilators will tell you what to do. Don’t panic. If you have to evacuate the room you will be asked to leave in silence and in the order in which you are sitting. You will be escorted to a designated assembly point. (The tennis courts if you are in the sports hall) Leave everything on your desk. You must not attempt to communicate with anyone else during the evacuation. When you return to the exam room do not start writing until the invigilator tells you to. You will be allowed the full working time for the examination and a report will be sent to the awarding body detailing the incident.