Sam Davis Community Call – 3/24/2010 Special Guest: Keith Livingway

Sam Davis asked me to come on in a conversation we had about two weeks ago and we started talking about different things……dealing with surveys, boundaries, borders, and that type of deal……so I guess I could start there….The reason why people are losing their court cases….and the reason the judges are just doing whatever they want is because all of their boundaries are set…..their metes and bounds and boundaries……boundaries are law forms…….metes and bounds are the geographical area… we have been told numerous times by senators, police officers, etc.. that tell you “just tell me what your jurisdiction is (they call it “jurisdiction” what they are really meaning is….. tell me what your metes and bounds are so we know where not to go)”.

Well…..I am a little slow… that didn’t really hit me for about three years ……to really get that through my thick skull……to understand what it was that they were trying to tell us…..well low and behold what happened was I started looking at land patents and metes and bounds and boundaries……I was talking to Milt up in Idaho and they clued me in on the metes and bounds and the boundaries part and I just ran with it after that……I mean it really opened up a bunch of doors….because apparently a governor or someone high up told him that…..every constitution in this country in every state has one thing in common…..and that one thing is that all the boundaries and borders of those states constitutions have been removed from the documents……and that’s what they told him…….and I was just learning about it…..had been for about a week….and I was in the middle of my research on land patents and understanding all that……

So one day I stood up and I looked at my plat map and I realized that there was three to four different surveys there… was dealing with lots, another was dealing with metes, others dealing with degrees… in Kentucky it’s a metes and bounds state its not a section, township, range…..and the reason why is Kentucky was a county of Virginia before… it will be a little different on my end than in other peoples states……but I noticed that there where a bunch of different surveys there and I realized…….that through assignment that these particular surveys where attached to different offices within the city… lot 1, or lot 2 or lot 2b…….and that belonged to the administration office of the county……the administrator……and they where assigned that…….the office of administrator deals with taxes and that type of thing……and so the one thing I didn’t do was…..I didn’t claim the metes and bounds…….and then all of it started to come through……..everything the sheriffs, police officers, senators…were telling us……..nobody ever claimed their metes and bounds….and if you didn’t claim your metes and bounds…..then what they do is decide what your metes and bounds are for you……

so if you don’t claim your metes and bounds then you fall within the city jurisdiction……within their metes and bounds……..and if you fall within the city jurisdictions metes and bounds……you have none…..your not a land or property owner……your nothing other than an immigrant worker renting a house……..and that’s how they do it…… far as jurisdiction is concerned…….so you can go in there and argue jurisdiction all day long…….but if you don’t have your metes and bounds and boundaries set…….they can just look at you and say “that’s frivolous” because you are in their jurisdiction……….

(Moderator) Keith…….have you seen this work already? Yes!……..Can you give me an example? Well……we got rid of a $750,000 mortgage loan doing this...... we did it through a declaration of land patent………now in the declaration of land patents…..when you set your metes and bounds and your boundaries…….a lot of people will start talking about the section, range, and township……there are some people down in Texas that are using that section, range, and township as an address……now that particular address is what they call a “Public Address”…….and that belongs to the state……so we dont use those …….we just use the metes and bounds within the plat map……then we get the metes and bounds within the county, within the state (which we call a Republic), and then within The United States of America, and then you have to extend it to the seaward boundaries… once you’ve done that… your outside of the UNITED STATES……and once they are notified of that……you have admiralty jurisdiction, you have land jurisdiction, you have all the jurisdiction you need……because a lot of people would stop at the shores……now when you stop at the shores you just land locked yourself and that’s illegal……so low an behold……

I knew Yahweh was working on this because another lady……..Katie……was in a library and she just goes over and picks up a book…… for no particular reason and opens it up……..and sees what they call the “Oregon Treaty” which is actually the “British Crown Treaty”……now that happened in 1846………and what she discovered was that…….that treaty removed or the boundaries of The United States of America where reassigned to the UNITED STATES by the Queen…….she reassigned them……and if anybody just wants to look at this I’ve got this on I’ve got the whole story right there its about 5 pages……..Here is an analogy of this to help explain it……….

If you’ve ever seen the movie gladiator…….you really hated the son because……well firstly he kills his father……now the proper Roman government and the way they did things was…….the people were the government……..and they had a senate to represent the peoples views and all that type of thing…….and what happened was……the senate in order to expand the kingdom of Rome……gave power of attorney of the people to Caesar …….and Caesar was supposed to go and use that power of attorney with the army to conquer other lands……because he had the authority from the people to do that……which expands their lands, and kingdom and money base and who they can trade with and all that…….then in that movie……you see the end of the war…….and then Caesar tells them “look I have been fighting this war for twenty years and its time to end it and now the government needs to go back into the hands of the people that is the only way Rome will survive”……

Well his son gets word of this and says “No Way…….I am Caesars son I want that throne and all that power”…… he kills his father………but he returns to Rome……he is supposed to return to them all of the surveys, deeds, and titles to all of the lands that they conquered…….and its supposed to go into the name of Rome…….and then those deeds, titles, and all are supposed to go back into the hands of the people…….because it was their sweat equity that supplied the army with what they needed to conquer those lands……well the son returns and doesn’t do that…….he keeps all of it…….he never hands all of those things back to the senate……..and therefore created the “Roman Empire”……now he started calling it the Roman empire and made himself the emperor…….and when that happened…….that’s when slavery started breaking out…….because the people started to starve because they didn’t get back what they had invested…..and so by the end of the movie…….he kills the son and now the government is handed back to the people and now the people wont starve…….because he had used all the deeds and everything to build the coliseum……and all of that kind of thing…… glorify himself…..even though he had nothing to do with conquering those countries……it was his fathers work…..

So that’s what happened back in 1846……there was a big skirmish going on between the Hudson Bay Company and Oregon and the Oregon territory……..the senate gave power of attorney to the president of The United States of America……to go and solve that situation……what he did then was…….he issued that authority over to the Secretary of State of the UNITED STATES…….and when he did that he changed the government completely……because the senate used to be called the government of The United States of America, the congress was the government of The United States of America, the House of Representatives is the government of The United States of America……that’s how their titles used to be…….well when the senate gave the president power of attorney to solve the situation as commander in chief……he became the president of the UNITED STATES (notice the difference)……..and therefore grabbed all of the power of attorney and the powers of government into his office……because he starts out as the President of The United States of America and signs the treaty as the President of the UNITED STATES………Completely different!

So if you read the treaty it was supposed to expire in six months…….well have you noticed that your looking at the “President of the United States”?...... It didn’t expire!.....and after 1846 all of the states started removing the boundaries from their constitutions and writing new ones…..embracing the Hudson Bay Company deal!...... and dismantled The United States of America!...... This has been going on ever since 1846…..and I found out that in 1850 in Kentucky they removed the boundaries from that constitution in 1898…….

So what we did was we used the declaration of land patents to reestablish the boundaries and the seaward boundaries of The United States of America… The United States of America is restored!...... all the boundaries are set again…….and through the doctrine of 98……the principles of 98……..if its restored in one county its restored in the whole country…..all 48 states because each one connects to the other….each boundary connects to the other boundary which establishes the other boundary……..and that’s basically it.

So the next step is…….once those boundaries are reset… we have to reestablish a Republic form of government…….so the only way to do that is through the general post office or the general post…… that’s where we are today and the Texas Republic is about a week away from convening as a lawful government with boundaries and borders set and everything! They already had everybody in place…….so a week from now they’ll convene and now you’ve got a Republic in Texas……

(Moderator) And that means they can do what?...... Well now they can set up a Treasury, they can set up and do whatever they want……they must be acknowledged because number one they are within The United States of America which doesn’t need any acknowledgment……its been here for years…..way before the United Nations… actually the United Nations needs us to acknowledge them thru the general post office!...... the reason it has to start with the post masters of the general post office is…….number one outside The United States of America started out first anyways…..they started out with the general post office…..and then they established the seat of government……the only way to establish the seat of government is the seat of government has to have a location, boundaries, borders, metes and bounds……so therefore it has to have an address!...... otherwise you cant do it the other way around……

(Moderator) So are you saying the address then is what…..the metes and bounds or the numbers?...... No just the basic location…….in other words you could have rule routes……we went to the rural routes……all buildings, all public building, everything are on the rural routes……so we just started there…..because the rural routes have basically been turned commercial…..everything starts with the addresses because your dealing with location….metes and bounds and boundaries……everything starts there……so how does all that happen?......

well….the very first thing you have to do is a survey……now if you will notice……a lot of people have been really going out on a limb with the account numbers the social security account numbers, the birth certificate account numbers and all that type of stuff…….well really what the birth certificate is……is its a survey…..that’s all it is!……..when the baby is born…..they weight the baby, measure them, hair color, eye color, NAME, everything……that’s a survey!...... They are surveying property……now what the UNITED STATES is doing……is they are gaining easement on that baby……so that when the mother and father sign the birth certificate…..they are signing over an easement to regulate that child…….over to the state………..

(Moderator) Then why is it written on bank note paper?...... The survey starts the oath……the oath starts the jurisdiction because now they have an easement……which creates the charge, then the bond, then the security……..and they use that security to fund their easement on the baby……they go borrow from the bank more money or credit or whatever you want to call it to take care of that child or to take care of their easement on that child……they fund their easements is what they do……and everything starts with a survey…..if you get pulled over the first thing the officer does is ask for drivers license, registration, and insurance…….that’s a survey…..he surveying the situation……

(Moderator) Isn’t he also offering to contract?...... Well he is offering to survey…….. he is trying to gain easement…….all of the citations have borders and boundaries around them…..and those are the metes and bounds of his jurisdiction……so he is tying to gain easement……and if you don’t give him easement then he has nothing!….

And that’s why these people that send these tickets back to them within three days……it has nothing to do with the contract…..what you did was not give him easement on his survey…..

(Moderator) Which is the same thing as saying….we didn’t give him jurisdiction your just using the term easement to show the original steps they took to get us in this position……right?...... Right……..if you see it that way then its much easier to understand what’s going on…..and that’s the reason I put it in those terms…..because you start talking about securities and UCC and all that and that starts really confusing people…..but everyone in their own heart deals with borders and boundaries everyday…..arms length is a border… just how important are borders and boundaries?...... Its a matter of life and death!...... If someone comes through your front door uninvited to harm you……you can kill them…..they’ve just come into your area……or if someone hits you they have also come into your area without easement…..when king David got slammed by Yahweh for counting the army… was because Yahweh had already counted the army he had already done a survey…..he had already surveyed the army and then David tried to survey them and created a trespass against the most high…..the very first thing the father did when he put the Israelites on the land…..was he had them walk the metes and bounds…..and the boundaries…….

The thing here is… that nobody knew that the boundaries of The United States of America where gone!...... and so if you claim to be an American in The United States of America then you where labeled as anti-government……because it’s illegal to claim something that doesn’t have borders or boundaries…….it has to have a jurisdiction a metes and bounds you have to tell somebody where the metes and bounds and borders are…..because if you don’t……then I can walk into your house, walk in the kitchen open your fridge eat your food, pat you on the head, watch your TV, and do whatever I want……there’s no boundaries there! So this is why we started pushing with the guardians and all them….because we were trying to tell them that look “number one you cannot have a grand jury unless the grand jury is within the common law venue which is The United States of America, the common law venue is private, The United States of America is a private type of rule because they call it a Republic, they have to have a location, an address, metes and bounds, where is there jurisdiction?...... If they come together and don’t put those things in place then…….they can try people in Canada!...... now Canada is going to go “whoa whoa what are you doing… just trespassed against me”…..and they will nail those people for trespass in a heartbeat!

(Moderator) Ok….so what about the borders we have with Canada and Mexico……you said they were removed but they are there…..are those just fake borders?There are borders there……that people understand……buts that’s within the UNITED STATES……not The United States of America……..