PCAVState Council Meeting Minutes
Meeting held at PCAV State Office “Irving House” 12 Warleigh Grove North Brighton,
on Tuesday8thNovember 2005 at 10.00am.
Present: (Chair) Vice President – Jan Faulkner, Vice President – Neil Clinton, Treasurer – Janice Ray, BZ – Philip Cobbledick, CZ – Norm Glenn, EGZ – Stephen Bragg, MZ – Kaye Blanchard, NMZ – Linda Smith, NZ – Fiona Matheson, NEZ – Jess Hull, SMZ – Ron Gates, WZ – Anthea Sutherland, WGZ – Vicki Kneebone.
EO – James Fitzpatrick,
Apologies: President – Stephen Coffey,SCD – Clare Lewin
3.CONFIRMATION OF THE MINUTES (13thSeptember 2005)
Moved Stephen Bragg
That the Minutes of the meeting held on 13 September 2005 be approved.
Seconded Anthea Sutherland
Items not ready for Council requiring additional development
4.1Commencing an asset review
4.2Rules re-write for governance motions
4.3Zone Authority Motion – legal advice
4.4Club Voting Rights – legal advice
4.5Participation Survey
4.6Risk Management Analysis
5.1National Mounted Games Appointments
The letter from the NMG Sub-committee was discussed regarding Team Managers co-ordinating a team with their own children and the State Council remain in favour of their previous motion which prohibits this action.
MovedJanice Ray
That the NMG Sub-committee appointments be approved as follows
Senior and Junior CoachMarilyn Healey
Junior Team ManagerAlbert Pol
Senior Team ManagerNMG to nominate –subject to Council approval when team is selected
Stephen Bragg (Chairman)
Susan Leitch
Daniel Morris
Frank Scarce
Andrea Davis
Seconded Stephen BraggCarried
5.2National Mounted Games Budget
Moved:Neil Clinton
That the State Council approves the NMG Sub-committee to host the APCC Prince Philip Gamesin November 2006.
That the new budget supplied for hosting the PPG be reduced to show a net loss of $2000.
That the NMG provide a budget inclusive of all annual cost projections for 12 months and list of events for the 24 month period by 10 December 2005. This information is to be included in the Re-imbursement Policy Sub-Committee by 10 December 2005. To be reviewed at the February State Council Meeting.
Seconded Janice RayCarried
5.3Thankyou letter from Jack and Nancy Williamson for their Distinguished Services Award.
Received with thanks.
5.4Venue and Date State Flat, Musical Ride,Games Championships
Moved Jess Hull
That the championships be held on 17/18 June 2006 at Werribee Park NEC.
(Note: this is the first weekend of the school holidays in 2006)
Seconded Fiona MathesonCarried
5.5Rider Undermounted
Moved Anthea Sutherland
The particular rider was given permission from the Games Sub-Committee on the day due to the circumstances involved.
Seconded Jess HullCarried
5.6No-Card No-ride
Discussion was combined with the Bylaws redraft.
5.7Selection of riders at Equitana
Therewas a selection process with many time restrictions which modified the format to include A and C Grade and RDA riders.
That Clare Lewin, Diana Sutherland, Marilyn Healey and the sub-committees tobe congratulated. Thanks to the volunteers who helped make this weekend a success.
5.8Macorna Pony Club
Moved Fiona Matheson
That the Macorna Pony Club be granted PobationaryMembership of PCAV.
SecondedJess HullCarried
5.9AGM/Conference Comments
Discussion at the September Council Meeting addressed the conference which is being dis-continued on a State Basis and replaced with Zone Workshops. Northern Zone comments were noted.
5.10Uniform Purchases
Some clubs are experiencing problems in the supply from one source of individual club colours.
Moved Norm Glenn
That the Rules Sub-Committee will consult with the uniform sub-committee to draft a new uniform rule and present wording to the February 2006 State Council Meeting.
In principle, the State Council approves clubs to purchase uniforms from any provider. Zones must approve club uniform samples.
Garments can continue to be purchased through PCAV and supplied by Action Knits.
Clubs are advised not to purchase new garments from alternate sources until the rule has been finalised and printed in February 2006.
Seconded Fiona MathesonCarried
5.11Meeting Dates for 2006
Council13February (Monday)
Exec15 August
Council29August 10am-5pm
(including AGM Midland Zone at 5pm-8pm)
Moved Neil Clinton
Seconded Jess HullCarried
Annual Conferences to be held in Zones
Subject to review by the State Council
5.12Plan for Zone Training
The Executive Officer presented a time-line and resources model to the State Council for discussion.
Moved Philip Cobbledick
That the PCAV provide an initial budget of up to $10,000 for staff resources for the co-ordination of Zone Training development. This draft documentation will be presented to AprilState Council Meeting with the Chief Instructors Panel.
That the Executive Sub-committee approve delegates when required to offer the Zone Training Co-ordinator advice and assistance in working through the model/plan.
Seconded Anthea SutherlandCarried
5.13Staff Review
The current staff will be offered training and rotations as discussed be implemented.
A new accounts employee will not be employed.
5.14Day Attendance
The President to supply the Executive Officer with a revised letter from AON. EO to mailout the letters on Day Attendance as agreed between AON and the APCC.
Clubs are advised to have non-members at competitions continue to complete a Day Attendance Form and pay a fee of $5. Attendance forms should be sent to PCAV and from the 1 January 2006 the $5 Fee must also be sent to PCAV for them to remit to AON.
5.15Horse and Rider Substance Administration
The Bylaws review includes a rule 17.4 covering substance administration for the horse and rider at rallies and competitions.
5.16Expressions of Interest for International Mounted Games Coach and Team Manager supplied to APCC by 30 November 2005.
5.17PCAV Bylaws Review
Philip Cobbledick moved
Subject to minor alterations, that the Draft Bylaws be approved.
That State Councillors provide feedback within 7 days on the draft document of minor alterations.
That the State Council thanked the rules and publications sub-committees and particular Norm Glenn for their efforts on this major project.
That a summary of rules changes be supplied to clubs with the new rule book in February 2006.
Seconded Vicki KneeboneCarried
EO to highlight the statement from the insurance manual on insurance cover being conditional on following PCAV Rules.
5.18Publications Sub-Committee Presentation
Moved Norm Glenn
Thatthe guidelines as tabled for rule approval and release be approved.
Seconded Neil ClintonCarried
5.19Interschools Review Presentation
Held over to February 2006
5.20Project Connect Presentation
Moved Anthea Sutherland
That the PCAV Disability Action Plan be approved and tabled to the RDAV for input.
Seconded Linda SmithCarried
6.1Profit and Loss Statement, Balance Sheet
Moved Janice Ray
That SeptemberP&L and Balance Sheet be approved as presented.
SecondedStephen BraggCarried
Moved Philip Cobbledick
That a Building Sub-Committee be established with power to co-opt to review the assets of the PCAV.
Janice Ray
Stephen Coffey
Ron Gates
Co-opt Chris Morris
Seconded Jess HullCarried
Membership numbers show 7547as at 30October 2005 which is 87 members higher than last year.
September 14th & 15th - Project CONNECT Planning for Inclusion Workshop
A workshop for twenty- five representatives from around Australia was held at the AIS. Each State was represented by both RDA and PCA The workshop was facilitated by Darren Cunningham and each State left with the beginnings of their own disability action plan.
October 8th – CIP Meeting
- Working towards a State calendar of instructional events to be placed on the website
- Discussed having regional APCC national Clinics, both Barwon and NE Zone have shown interest. We need to confirm Sue Chandler’s appointment before progressing
- Toe Stoppers. It was reinforced that these are allowed at all Pony Club activities as long as the stirrup still complies with the Gear Check rule that there is 20mm between the rider’s foot and the stirrup when the foot is over to one side and the stirrup on the ball of the foot.
- Martingale stoppers must go diagonally across the neck strap and the body of the martingale to prevent it slipping between the horse’s front legs.
- Meeting dates for 2006 – February 25th
July 8th
October 14th
October 14th – 16th “A” &”B” Examiners Clinic & Syllabus review
This was hosted in Western Australia by PCAWA. The Friday was spent on the Syllabus of Instruction review that is steadily progressing.
Saturday & Sunday were spent working through the A & B syllabus and the standards expected at each level. There was a lot of discussion on the lungeing component, with general agreement at the end. The workshop had practical and theoretical sessions and led to lots of discussion and swapping of ideas. Our successful candidates are certainly up with the best that WA had to offer and I have come away with lots of ideas to help our aspiring certificate candidates.
WA hosted us very well. They are very lucky to have a band of very experienced coaches who work together to help their riders following the syllabus guidelines.
October 29th – APCC meeting
This was mainly spent on the Syllabus review. The final draft will be in the field by mid February 2006 for final comment before going to print
Moved Philip Cobbledick
That the report be accepted.
Seconded Anthea Sutherland
Moved Anthea Sutherland
That the current capitation fee be increased accordingly to include a National Championships levy subject to agreement by all states.
Seconded Jess HullCarried
James to circulate IMG Coach details.
11.2PCAV Executive
EFA Vote on structure
Moved: Ron Gates
That the State Council ratify Neil Clinton as the PCAV Representative on the EFA Branch.
Seconded: Anthea SutherlandCarried
11.4State Games, Flat Teams & Musical Ride Sub-committee
Paperwork to go to clubs in November.
That a letter of thanks be sent to the sub-committee for an excellent 2005 event.
For future competitions, that the rules for scoring for equal placings in games be followed.
11.5National Mounted Games Sub-committee
Skills Training Clinic on 28/29 January 2006. EO to send to clubs in November.
Trailer will be in Beverage then Bacchus Marsh. Repairs done during Nov/Dec.
11.6State Dressage & Showjumping Championships Sub-committee (2006 WZ)
Zone Rep and Rider information circulated.
Dressage Judges as presented were approved.
Lindy Fraser, Glen Gault, Lindy Young, Sue Smith, Barry Roycroft, Maree Ghan, Wendy Kelly, Val McKenzie,
11.7State Horse Trials Championships Sub-committee (2006 BZ)
Technical Advisor, Neil Clinton will be attending grounds in the near future. A small number of jumps left to build. Ewan Kellett will be the cross country course designer and David Sheppard showjumping designer.
Barwon Zone major sponsor conditions will be discussed with President.
Paperwork available February 2006.
11.8Inter-Zone Teams Horse Trials
27-28May 2006
That Petie Marshall, Jenny Spilsbury, Janice Ray, Wayne Cuthbert, Norm Glenn, Linda Smith be invited to co-ordinate the event for 2006.
11.9Speed to Safety
Information to zones/clubs in February
11.10Rules Sub-committee
11.11Publications Sub-committee
11.12Re-imbursement Sub-committee
12.1Moved Kaye Blanchard
Beaufort Pony Club be re-formed and be granted Pre-Pending Probationary Membership of PCAV in Midland Zone.
Seconded Neil ClintonCarried
12.2Stephen Coffey willnot be re-nominating as President from next AGM in 2006.
12.3State Re-imbursement Policy
Details to be forthcoming for the February State Council Meeting.
12.4State Council acknowledge the letter from Frances Corry regarding the preparation of the PCAV History. The State Council to form a sub-committee from February 2006.A committee is required to co-ordinate a celebration event for the history and anniversaries. Could launch the history as a celebration event. Zones to be asked for their input from knowledgeable members. James to write to Frances to develop the concept further.
12.5New form available for First Aid Re-imbursement.
12.6NMZ issues with gear checking at Werribee Pony Club ODE. This process is being reviewed by Central Zone.
12.7That a rule be developed that at any pony club competition, a horse may only be ridden by the pony club member. Similar to Horse Trial rule C4.1
12.8The EO would prefer not to provide names on photos in magazines due to privacy laws.
12.9There was a discussion regarding horses less than 4 years at pony club rallies. The problem arises when a horse cannot complete the syllabus activities due to it’s age. A DC should look at the suitability/safety of all mounts at rallies.
12.10Council to think about State Squads/clinics/etc. To be discussed at the February Council Meeting.
12.11Well done Jan Faulkner on chairing a great meeting.
ExecutiveTuesday 31 January 2006
State CouncilTuesday 13 February 2006
PCAV State Council Meeting Minutes 08_11_05Page 1 of 8
Last printed 08/11/2005 16:21:00