All Tribes FFA Officer Application Check Sheet

____ / Completed Officer Application
____ / All Tribes FFA Officer Contract
____ / 1 Completed Teacher Recommendation Form (teacher must be from this current school year)
____ / Owns their own FFA Official Dress by Sept. of new school year.
Parent/Guardian has spoken to Ms. Calac/Ms. Parada (phone is okay but we would prefer a face to face meeting)
  • Submit your completed application to Ms. Calac no later than Thursday, May 14th. Interviews will be held on Tuesday, May,19.
  • Incomplete applications will not be considered.
  • Teacher Recommendation forms must be turned in to myself (Ms. Calac) by the teacher who wrote the recommendation.
  • Each applicant will be interviewed and then slated for the officer position that is found to be most appropriate for him/her. Numbers will be drawn to determine the order of the interviews. FFA Official Dress is MANDATORY during the interview. We have jackets for you to borrow and they are first come/first served.

All Tribes FFA Officer Contract


  • Be dedicated and committed to FFA and the total agricultural education program.
  • Be willing to commit the entire year to FFA activities including attendance at weekly after-school officer meetings, the Chapter Officer Leadership Conference, and the SoCal conference. I realize that attendance at State Conference is highly recommended.
  • Become knowledgeable of agriculture, agricultural education and the FFA.
  • Be enrolled in the 6.5 Agricultural Leadership class.
  • Maintain passing grades in all classes.
  • Be willing to take and follow instructions as directed by those responsible for me.
  • Forgo all tobacco while involved in official and unofficial FFA activities and at all times refrain from consumption or possession of alcohol or any substance, which is not legal for me to consume or possess.
  • Treat all FFA members equally by not favoring one over another.
  • Conduct myself in a manner that earns respect without display of superiority.
  • Maintain dignity while being personable, concerned and interested in my contacts with others.
  • Avoid places or activities which in any way would raise questions as to my moral character or conduct.
  • Consider FFA officer activities and school as my primary responsibilities, understanding that I can only be absent from two activities with a valid school accepted excuse.
  • Use wholesome language in all speeches and informal conversation.
  • Work in harmony with fellow FFA officers, and not knowingly engage in conversations detrimental to other FFA members, officers, advisors and other adults.
  • Serve as a member of the officer team always maintaining a cooperative attitude.
  • Keep myself up-to-date on current items.
  • Be a professional and be on time.
  • Be mindful of the impact that I will have during my year as an officer and always act or behave accordingly and lead by example.
  • Respectfully adhere to board policy and treat all students, teachers and staff with proper deference.


Strike One: Conference with All Tribes FFA Advisor(s).

Strike Two: Parent Conference with student and advisor(s).

Strike Three: Probation, student will not be able to participate in activities.

Strike Four: Removal from office.


I have read, studied, understand and accept the above provisions. As an All Tribes FFA Officer, I will carry out my responsibilities in accordance with these statements and understand that I will be warned, suspended or discharged from office by the All Tribes FFA Advisors if I do not satisfactorily follow these established standards for the All Tribes FFA chapter officers. Furthermore, I have read and understand the provisions of the student officer job description, and the student officer discipline policy and commit myself to full compliance to these provisions.


Signature Date


I have reviewed this pledge with my son or daughter, understand all policy provisions, support the All Tribes FFA Chapter in the enforcement and fulfillment of these policies and all other relevant policies.


Parent/Legal Guardian Signature Date

All Tribes FFA


Please rate this student in each of the following areas. Please be completely honest in your evaluation. This will not be seen by the student or parent. RETURN THIS FORM TO MS. CALAC OR MS. CALAC’S BOX.

Student's Name: ______Recommending Teacher's Name: ______

How many years have you known this student: ______

Category / Outstanding - 4 / Good - 3 / Fair - 2 / Poor - 1
On time to class
Gets along well with others
Leadership Ability

Comments: Please justify the above ratings (especially outstanding and poor ratings). Please explain why this student would or would not be a good candidate for FFA Officer.

Please place this recommendation in Ms. Calac’s box (DO NOT RETURN TO STUDENT) no later than Thursday, May 14th.

Thank you for your time!

All Tribes FFA Officer Application

(Typed Applications ONLY. Handwritten applications will NOT be accepted.)


Current Grade Level: Age:

Student Phone:

Student Email:

Parent/Guardian Name(s):

Parent/Guardian Phone(s):

Parent/Guardian Emails(s):

All Tribes FFA Officer Application Essays

Please use as much space as needed or attach additional sheets.

  1. Describe why you would like to be a FFA Officer. Describe your strengths and tell how the All Tribes FFA Chapter could benefit from you being an officer.
  1. List your previous FFA experiences. Include participation in meetings, contests, fundraising, etc.
  1. Describe all of the other school and community activities that you are currently involved in. Do you currently have a job or plan on having one during your time as an officer? If so, describe your work schedule here.
  1. What do you consider to be your biggest weakness and how would that affect your role as an FFA officer?
  1. Why are you a member of the FFA?
  1. What are the top two officer positions that interest you?
  1. Are there any officer positions that you would not accept?