Part 1 Metaphors
Translate the following sentences from English into Russian. Use the ideas given in the explanation.
Trying to achieve something is like cooking a meal , and you can do this well or badly.
- Can you give us your recipe for running a successful business? ♦
- This plan is a recipe for disaster. ♦
- Of all the half-baked ideas I’ve ever heard of, this is the craziest. ♦
- I think we should put the whole question on the back burner for now. ♦
- The proof of the pudding will lie in the deal he manages to strike. ♦
- You know what they say about too many cooks : well, they certainly spoiled this particular broth! ♦
- We’re not making much progress, so it’s time to throw something new into the mix . ♦
- Unfortunately they overegged the pudding by adding a troupe of dancers and a jazz band. ♦
- Now we’re really cooking !
An argument is like a fight or war , with people attacking each other’s opinions and defending their own.
- She tried to defend herself against his attacks on her ideas. ♦
- She shot down his argument. ♦
- That is an indefensible point of view. ♦
- I decided to pursue another line of attack . ♦
- We had a big fight last night, and I went home early. ♦
- There was a lot of conflict over what to do next. ♦
- They clashed over who to appoint. ♦
- It was a real battle of wits . ♦
- We did battle with the council about the plans. ♦
- I’ve crossed swords with them before. ♦
- Tom is always the first to leap to her defence .
Enthusiasm and excitement are like heat and a lack of enthusiasm and excitement is like cold or wet .
- I haven’t got any burning interest in modern art. ♦
- It’s the hottest show in town. ♦
- Things heated up / hotted up as soon as the music started. ♦
- The audience was at fever pitch . ♦
- The book was received warmly . ♦
- He certainly has fire in his belly . ♦
- She’s always very sparky . ♦
- They seemed very lukewarm when I mentioned it to them. ♦
- Her response to the suggestion was tepid . ♦
- She poured cold water on all my suggestions. ♦
- The party turned out to be a damp squib . ♦
- He blows hot and cold all the time, and I never know where I am with him.
Feeling happy and hopeful is like being high up or like moving upwards . Feeling sad and unhappy is like being low down or like falling .
- The news lifted her spirits. ♦
- Things are looking up . ♦
- Cheer up ! ♦
- My spirits rose when I got her letter. ♦
- I’ve been walking / floating on air ever since. ♦
- I was over the moon when they told me. ♦
- I felt as high as a kite . ♦
- She’s on top of the world / on cloud nine . ♦
- I was in seventh heaven . ♦
- I feel really down / low about it all. ♦
- He’s in very low spirits. ♦
- He’s in the depths of despair. ♦
- My heart sank when I saw him. ♦
- They looked very down in the mouth / down in the dumps .
Happiness and hope are like bright light or bright colours . Sadness and lack of hope are like darkness or dark colours .
- The future looks very bright / rosy . ♦
- She brightened up when she heard the news. ♦
- His face lit up when he saw them. ♦
- They had shining eyes and beaming / dazzling smiles. ♦
- The bride looked radiant . ♦
- You have to look for the light at the end of the tunnel . ♦
- He was in a black mood. ♦
- I was feeling blue . ♦
- There’s no point in having these dark thoughts. ♦
- His face darkened . ♦
- They led a grey empty existence. ♦
- I’m afraid the outlook is very gloomy / bleak / dismal . ♦
- The news cast a shadow over the evening.