International School of Älmhult, expectation document
StudentsWe expect of you as a student
- Follow our Essential Agreements*.
- Use respectful language and no hurtful words.
- Treat others the way you want to be treated yourself.
- Bring appropriate personal belongings and school materials and look after them
- Have the right to be listened to, and shown respect and care.
- Have the obligation to show others the same respect and care.
- Accept democratic decisions.
- Have the right to a quality IB education.
- Make sure that homework and other work is properly done and handed in on time.
- Appreciate and respect eath others’ differences.
- Accept that everybody can work with everybody.
- Be punctual and stick to due dates
- Help to create a positive attitude in the classroom.
- Always do your best.
- Keep track of Login and Password information
We expect of you as a guardian to:
- Trust that the school wants the best for your child.
- Send your child to school rested, fed and with the correct equipment.
- Speak positively about the school and school-work to your children.
- Think about your child’s right as an individual but also responsibilities as members of a group.
- Give the necessary information about the child to the school, in order for us to be able to meet the child in the correct way.
- Make sure that your child does his/her homework, until they are ready to take the responsibility on their own.
- Reads information from the school on the webpage and/or Managebac
You can expect that the staff at the International school:
- Will work in a democratic way to solve problems or serve its community, however, we are an authority who will make final decisions based on what is best for the individual and school community.
- Use a respectful language and no hurtful words.
- Work professionally to deliver the IB-program as well as fulfill the expectations of the Swedish curriculum.
- Follow the school’s equal treatment plan, where we work to create a safe learning-environment for the students.
- Differentiate for the diverse needs of our students
- Have a good dialogue with students and guardians, through:
- Parent meetings
- Newsletters/webpage
- Informal contact as needed
*Essential Agreements are available to view on our webpage at
Postaladdress Box 501, 343 23 Älmhult ● Visitingaddress Östra Esplanaden, Älmhult ● Telephone 0476-554 95
Webpage ● E-mail