Part of a proposed obstacle course I designed inspired by the “Rugged Maniac race”

I have been participating in local fairs in the past year and have become aware of some services which I wanted to share.

There is a pottery studio, Art Signals Studio, in Maynard that hosts birthday parties and has classes. Their contact information is: , #978-897-3411

Consultation Services for Children is a consulting group that provides information and counseling on children’s’ social and emotional development. Their contact information is:www.enableinc.org and #781-821-4422.

Please note;

Tara Sullivan was our school photographer this year and a few years ago in Hudson I taught her children in prechool AND she was our photographer there! If you need family portraits for the holidays Tara is your woman. You can reach her at: .

The Woodsedge Parents Association has begun the New Year!

You’ve received a flyer regarding a coupon book you may want to purchase. The cost is $25 (center receives 50%) yet you can easily save more than that if you keep the book handy and use a few of the coupons for such places as Legoland, Bob’s Stores, various restaurants and hopefully other retail establishments you may frequent.

Money being raised is being earmarked for curriculum supplement activities, the preschool obstacle course and classroom wish list items.

This year we were a bit behind as far as doing a gift wrap fundraiser which we will try again next year.

The fun new PA winter activity will be a Famiy Valentine dance with a silent auction. February 12, a Sunday, late morning. If you would like to help with that contact Nicole Burnard at:

The gym needs decorating, possibly snacks baked, donations solicited (maybe from your place of employment?) and music recorded. Not a big chore and lots of fun to be had by all in a month without much happening!

We will also be doing a theme basket classroom raffle. Each class will choose a theme for a basket of goodies. An example is a movie theme basket with popcorn, some movies, candy, maybe 3d glasses and a Snuggie (just kidding). The basket will be raffled off and the lucky winner will get the basket! More info soon.

A note on daytime pick up. Please keep an eye on siblings who come along to pick up brothers and sisters. Technically, they should be accompanied by a parent as, adding them to our group ratios can put us out of synch and the teachers are not always comfortable redirecting children who are not in their care. Thanks for attention to this.

I would like to thank our field trip participants as the trips were a lot of fun and really kicked fall off nicely! We were fortunate to get to the orchard when we did as within ten days the apple picking ended as apple supplies diminished. We have explored the inside and outside of apples, cooked with them, evaluated/charted which are our favorites, learned the life cycle and printed with them. Ahhh, fall in New England!

I hope everyone has a very nice start to the holiday season as it approaches this month.

Please note, we are closing at 3:30 the day before Thanksgiving and will be closed on Thanksgiving and Friday, the day after Thanksgiving.

Have a great month!


Infant Room Newsletter November 2016

Hello families,

Welcome to November! Please check your child’s cubbies for appropriate clothing. Also send warm jackets, hats and mittens as well as warmer shoes. We will continue to go out daily. Label, label, label all items that enter the classroom. We will continue our walks as long as the weather allows.

We would like to welcome Breckin to our class and Logan who will start at the end of November.

Sharon will be out for most of the month recovering from surgery. Kaitlyn will be covering.

Just a few words about separation anxiety.

●  Most children experience it to some degree. Usually between 7 months to 2 years. This is the time infants realize people and things exist even when not present. A concept called object permanence.

●  How to help your baby through.

1.  Make it routine

2.  Short and sweet is best.

3.  Tell them you are leaving, don't sneak away

4.  Keep it light. Your baby can sense how you feel. Be comfortable with your caregiver and they will too.

5.  Once you leave, leave. Checking in repeatedly only makes things harder on your baby.

Hope everyone has a great month! I will miss all of my babies.

Sincerely, Sharon

Last month we were very busy with fall and Halloween activities including cutting out a pumpkin and digging out the seeds. The children really enjoyed it!
Everyone looked great for our Halloween Parade as we walked over to the other building and then played some fun games in the gym such as bean bag toss, pin the tail on the cat, bowling and tumbling games. They had a great time.
The All about me bag was very successful and we have been enjoying the family pictures that everyone brought in. The kids were so proudof themselves as they shared their favorite toy and book at circle time.
In November we’re going to work on colors. One color a day. Then we’ll make a book of colors. We’re going to add each color to the sensory table. We’re going to work with counting/numbers after colors. We have a lot of things to count, like blocks, bears, pegs and dinosaurs. We also have some fun number themed books and number projects.
For November we’re bringing out the Dinosaurs. We will be moving like dinosaurs, stomping and roaring , using our dinosaur puzzles and reading many dinosaur books. We have dinosaur cookie cutters and we’ll make caves. I'm sure the children will be very engaged.
We’re going to be talking about what we’re thankful for and acts of kindness: Family, Friends and pets.

For Thanksgiving we’ll be making a hand print turkey with feathers and will make a fruit salad! Please bring in a cup of fruit (cut up) so we can enjoy the fruit salad and learn about sharing and giving to one another. (OnMonday November 21st) Thanks so much! We will, of course, also look at books about Thanksgiving.
Extra clothes bin:

Have at least two outfits. Weather appropriate clothes. warm coats, hat, gloves. Please don't forget extra socks.
Please bring in extra shoes or slippers for the class room. Wet boots or shoes will be left in the hallway on the shelf.
On Fridays when you take your child's nap things home, could you also take home their water bottle to give them a good wash and then bring them backon Mondayor the next time you come in?
Wednesday November 23rdwe will be closing at3:30and will be closedon Thursday the 24thandFriday the 25thfor Thanksgiving.
I Hope everyone enjoys their families and friends during the Thanksgiving break!
Barbara and Haeleigh

November Newsletter

Preschool Two

October went by so fast. It’s hard to believe the holidays are fast approaching. In October we had so much fun with our Apple theme. It was great weather for apple picking. Everyone had a fun time and a big “Thank You” to our parent helpers. The children really enjoyed making applesauce, apple muffins and our mini apple pies. From apples we moved on to discovering pumpkins. We made stuffed pumpkins, pumpkins prints, pumpkin carving and of course created Jack-o-lanterns. We made mini pumpkin pies and yummy pumpkin muffins. Thank you to everyone who donated to our “orange” snack party. Everyone was proud to wear their costumes.

In November we will start off our month wrapping up the pumpkin theme and then we will look at the food pyramid and talk about the different sections. We will do several cooking activities to go along with our Mini Thanksgiving feast we will have on November 18. More info to follow about this activity. We will briefly and in a general way talk about Thanksgiving, why we celebrate it and who held the first Thanksgiving. At the end of the month we will start a Gingerbread theme. We will read several versions of this story and we will compare and contrast them.

Please be looking for our basket raffle event information which will be posted soon. Another item to be aware of is the “Kids Coupon” book which you will find in your cubby. You can look it over and purchase or return the book within the week. There are coupons for Learning Express, Brines Sports, Pizza Hut, Acapulco’s restaurant and many more.

**As a reminder we will be closing at 3:30 on Wednesday the 23th and we are closed the 24th and the 25th in celebration of Thanksgiving.

Until Next Month,

Judy and Maria

Afternoon activities with Monique

November Newsletter

Preschool Three


Hello families!

October was packed full of fun activities! We had so much fun exploring our Apple theme! We made mini apple pies YUM, and applesauce in the crockpot (a huge hit!). We explored the parts of an apple using a magnifying glass, crayons, & paper to record observations and then watched as it started to decompose and talked about what that means. We used our ever expanding vocabulary to describe how apples: Smell, Look, Taste, Feel, and Sound, we taste tested three colors of apples (red, green, yellow) and then voted on our favorite-Red won by a landslide, talked about the apple lifecycle, created a know, want to know, and learned chart for apples, we made apple trees from paper plates, and toilet paper tubes, Ten Apples Up on Top project, and of course had so much fun on our trip to Honey Pot! The kids loved the hayride, animals, and cider donuts! We also used fine motor and creativity skills to play with the barns and farm animals in the block area, ‘baked’ pies in dramatic play, and used magnets, scoops, and play apples in our sensory table. We also talked about what begins with the letter B and came up with a pretty huge list. We read Apple Pie Tree, Apples - Apples, Leafman, and Groovey Joe Ice cream and Dinosaurs to name a few. Lastly, we focused heavily on practicing strong social emotional skills. We practiced saying things like “Can I please have a turn when you’re done?” Vs. “Heeeyyyy! I wanted that!” and “Please pass me the apples” Vs. “I want apples too!”.

November will be equally fun. We are just finishing up our Leafman projects and moving on to more Fall/Harvest themed activities including: We’ll be conducting a science experiment using our class pumpkin to see if it will Sink or float, using gross and fine motor skills to carve it, counting seeds in groups of ten, baking the seeds, guessing/voting which string will fit around the pumpkin, guessing how much the pumpkin weighs before and after taking the guts out, using pieces of the pumpkin for stamping, and trying to grow pumpkin seeds. We’ll also be acorn painting, making fall wreaths with nature items and handprints, charting leaves by color, size, and shape, creating a leaf rubbing collage, Pumpkin vs. Apple Venn diagram as a group discussion, food pyramid and My Healthy Plate project and so much more.

Everyone is doing a good job remembering to send warm coats, hats, mittens and warm shoes. Please also remember to change out the clothes in the extra clothes bins: long sleeve shirts, pants, underwear, and socks. Also, because it’s getting colder, our feet need to be kept warm. Please feel free to send your child to school with slippers to help keep all the little toes warm J Be sure to LABEL everything!

Please be looking for our basket raffle event information, which will be posted soon. Another item to be aware of is the “Kids Coupon” book, which you will find in your cubby. You can look it over and purchase or return the book within the week. There are coupons for Learning Express, Brines Sports, Pizza Hut, Acapulco’s restaurant and many more.​

Have a great weekend everyone, we are looking forward to a great month of November!

Kristina & Peggy