Young People’s Mental Health and Wellbeing

Gathering evidence from the voluntary sector about prevention work.

The voluntary and community sector (VCS) plays a vital role in supporting children and young people’s mental health and wellbeing including prevention and early help, supporting young people’s engagement in decision making and providing services. As part of the Young People’s Health Partnership the Association for Young People’s Health (AYPH) has been working with the National Children’s Bureau (NCB) to support the VCS to engage in the transformation of mental health services for children and young people. Last year we held an event for the VCS and early this year a webinar. We produced a briefing from the event and presented VCS views to ministers and the NHS England Strategic Clinical Networks for Mental Health.

This year we are continuing and extending this work. As part of this we want to gather examples from the VCS about prevention work on children and young people’s mental health. We will publish all those examples which can demonstrate the impact that they have had as well as how young people have been involved in their work. We will present them at an event in late 2016 hosted by the National Children’s Bureau. This is an opportunity to showcase good practice from across the VCS. Please share this invitation and submit your examples using the form below.

Case study submission form:

Please complete the form and send to by 18th September 2016.

Examples will be reviewed by a small group of experts from YPHP and NCB and we will publish all those that we receive which are felt to demonstrate the impact of their work on children and young people’s mental health and wellbeing together with evidence of how young people have been involved in the work.

Please ensure you stick to the word limits. You can extend the space in the form to a maximum length of 2 A4 pages.

Name of project/work
Contact person
Whatis the main focus of your project/work?
How does your project prevent children and young people’s mental health problems and/or promote resilience? (300 words)
What evidence do you have that your work has had an impact on young people’s mental health and wellbeing? Please include any quotes, links to evaluation, research etc. (300 words)
How have young people been involved in this work and how have they benefitted from the project?(200 words)
Please tell us if young people have been involved in planning, design, delivery, evaluation, fundraising, promotion or any other aspect of the work.
Which geographical area do you cover?
Who funds the work that you are sharing in this form?
What is the age range of the children and young people involved?
Are the children and young people you work with from a particular target group or from the general population?
Please tell us any other information that you think we should know
If possible please attach your logo and 1 photo relating to your project which we can use in the online summary