WHAP Unit 5 Chapter 17 Reading GuideName:
Read Chapter 17 and Identify the following:

Industrial Revolution
Steam engine
Enclosure movement
Reform Bill of 1832
Middle-class values
“Friendly societies”/unions
Robert Owen / Socialism
Karl Marx
The Labour Party
Russian Revolution of 1905
Santa Anna / Haciendas
War of Yucatan
Porfirio Diaz
Pancho Villa
Emiliano Zapata
Mexican Revolution
Banana Republics
Key Concept 5.1 Industrialization and Global Capitalism
  1. Industrialization fundamentally changed how goods were produced.

  1. A variety of factors led to the rise of industrial production.
/ Factors:
  1. The development of machines made it possible to exploit vast new resources of energy stored in fossil fuels.
/ Steam engine:
Internal combustion engine:
Fossil fuels and their effect on society:
  1. How did the development of the factory system concentrate labor in a single location and lead to an increasing degree of specialization of labor?

  1. Describe the spread of the new methods of industrial production from Northern Europe to other areas.

  1. Describe the new innovations of the “second Industrial revolution”
/ Steel production:
  1. New patterns of global trade and production developed and further integrated the global economy as industrialists sought raw materials and new markets for the increasing amount and array of goods produced in their factories.

  1. The need for raw materials for the factories and increased food supplies for the growing population in urban centers led to the growth of export economies around the world that specialized in mass producing single natural resources. The profits from these raw materials were used to purchase finished goods.
/ Examples of single natural resources:
  1. The rapid development of industrial production contributed to the decline of economically productive, agriculturally based economies.
/ Examples of declining agriculturally based economies:
  1. The rapid increases in productivity caused by industrial production encouraged industrialized states to seek out new consumer markets for their finished goods.
/ Examples of new consumer markets:
  1. The need for specialized and limited metals for industrial production, as well as the global demand for gold, silver and diamonds as forms of wealth, led to the development of extensive mining centers.
/ Examples of extensive mining centes:
  1. To facilitate investments at all levels of industrial production, financiers developed and expanded various financial institutions.

  1. The ideological inspiration for economic changes lies in the development of capitalism and classical liberalism associated with Adam Smith and John Stuart Mill.
/ Capitalism/Adam Smith:
Classical Liberalism/John Stuart Mill:
  1. Financial instruments expanded.
/ Examples of financial instruments:
  1. The global nature of trade and production contributed to the proliferation of large-scale transnational businesses.
/ Examples of transnational businesses:
  1. There were major developments in transportation and communication.
/ Transportation:
  1. The development and spread of global capitalism led to a variety of responses.

  1. In industrialized states, many workers organized themselves to improve working conditions, limit hours, and gain higher wages, while others opposed capitalist exploitation of workers by promoting alternative visions of society.
/ Utopian socialism:
  1. In Qing China and the Ottoman Empire, some members of the government resisted economic change and attempted to maintain preindustrial forms of economic production.

  1. In a small number of states, governments promoted their own state-sponsored visions of industrialization.
/ Examples of state-sponsored visions of industrialization:
  1. In response to criticisms of industrial global capitalism, some governments mitigated the negative effects of industrial capitalism by promoting various types of reforms.
/ Examples of reforms:
  1. The ways in which people organized themselves into societies also underwent significant transformations in industrialized staes due to the fundamental restructuring of the global economy.

  1. New social classes formed.

  1. Family dynamics, gender roles, and demographics changed in response to industrialization.

  1. Rapid urbanization had several effects.

Key Concept 5.3 Nationalism, Revolution, and Reform
  1. The global spread of European political and social thought and the increasing number of rebellions stimulated new transnational ideologies and solidarities.

  1. Discontent with monarchist and imperial rule encouraged the development of political ideologies.
/ Liberalism:
Key Concept 5.4 Global Migration
  1. Migration in many cases was influenced by changes in demography in both industrialized and unindustrialized societies that presented challenges to existing patterns of living.

  1. Changes in food production and improved medical conditions contributed to a significant global rise in population.

  1. Because of the nature of the new modes of transportation, both internal and external migrants increasingly relocated to cities. This pattern contributed to the significant global urbanization of the nineteenth century.

  1. Migrants relocated for a variety of reasons.

  1. Many individuals chose freely to relocate, often in search of work.
/ Examples of such migrants:
  1. The new global capitalist economy continued to rely on coerced and semicoerced labor migration.
/ Examples:
  1. While many migrants permanently relocated, a significant number of temporary and seasonal migrants returned to their home societies.
/ Examples of such migrants:
  1. The large-scale nature of migration, especially in the nineteenth century, produced a variety of consequences and reactions to the increasingly diverse societies on the part of migrants and the existing populations.

  1. Due to the physical nature of the labor in demand, migrants tended to be male, leaving women to take on new roles in the home society that had been formerly occupied by men.

  1. Migrants often created ethnic enclaves in different parts of the world which helped transplant their culture into new environments and facilitated the development of migrant support networks.
/ Examples of migrant ethnic enclaves in different parts of the world:
  1. Receiving societies did not always embrace immigrants, as seen in the various degrees of ethnic and racial prejudice and the ways states attempted to regulate the increased flow of people across their borders.
/ Examples of regulation of immigrants: