Bilateral Scientific and Technological Cooperation

between Romania and Bulgaria

Under the Agreement between the Ministry of Education and Research of Romania

and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Bulgaria

on cooperation in the field of science, technological development and innovation

Call for proposals

Deadline for submission October 15, 2004

Basis of the cooperation

Under the bilateral scientific and technological cooperation framework, universities, research and development institutions and organizations from Romania and Bulgaria are invited to submit joint project proposals. The purpose of the funding is to stimulate new collaborations, which should result in joint projects e.g. under national and European funding programs.

The basic component of the program is the bilateral concept:

-Proposals must be submitted simultaneously in both countries;

-Selected projects will be jointly financed.

Projects from a practical perspective

Proposals can be submitted for the following areas of common interest:

  • Environment;
  • Marine science;
  • Sustainable agriculture;
  • Information technologies and telecommunications;
  • Life sciences and biotechnologies;
  • New materials and nanosciences;
  • Humanitarian and social sciences.

The research activity of the projects itself has to be financed according to the internal rules in each country.

Rules for funding

Funding can be provided for a period of 2 years.

Costs financed by the Romanian side under the above Agreement:

-International travel costs for Romanian researchers, staying in Bulgaria for short visits (up to 2 weeks) or long visits (between 1 and 3 months);

-Per diem and accommodation costs for Bulgarian researchers staying in Romania for short or long visits, in accordance with the internal laws and regulations;

-Internal travel costs for Bulgarian researchers staying in Romania.

Costs financed by the Bulgarian side under the above Agreement:

-International travel costs for Bulgarian researchers, staying in Romania for short or long visits;

-Per diem and accommodation costs for the Romanian researchers staying in Bulgaria for short or long visits, in accordance with the internal laws and regulations;

-Internal travel costs for Romanian researchers staying in Bulgaria.

Submission of proposals

The project proposals must be written on special forms, according to the rules of the implementing bodies. On each side, the research team must have at least one Ph.D. student or a Post. Doc. student.

Applications must be submitted in parallel to the implementing bodies in Romania and Bulgaria until October 15, 2004.

Projects’ selection

Projects are going to be subsidized according to the principle of competition between requesting institutions.

After each partner of the joint project has submitted the proposal to its implementing body, an internal evaluation procedure will be followed in each country.

The common selection of the projects will be based on the results of the evaluation process in each country.

Implementing bodies

For Romania:

Ministry of Education and Research

Department of European Research Programs

Division for Bilateral Cooperations and Relations with International Research Organizations

21-25, Mendeleev Str.; 010362 Bucharest 1

Phone: +; Phone/Fax: +

Contact person: Mrs. Anca Ghinescu, e-mail:

Application forms:

For Bulgaria:

Ministry of Education and Science

Department of Scientific Research and Projects

Phone: +359 2 9217 545; Fax: +359 2 981 1404

Contact person: Ms. Lora Pavlova, e-mail:

Application forms: