June 3, 2013

City Council**City Hall**7:00 p.m.

Adopted Meeting Minutes

Mayor Nissen opened the recessed, May 20, 2013, meeting. Motion to close the meeting made by Bakalyar/Monson, all yes, motion carried.

City Council Meeting opened by Mayor Nissen at 7:00 p.m.

Council Present: Darrell Nissen, Brent M. Pavelko, Andrea Monson, Darrel Hage, Bruce Bakalyar

Council Absent:

Others Present: Byron Kroeger-Media, Jim Koep-Superintendent, Kelly Rasche-Clerk, Andrew Konechne-Police, Alex Krafka, Larry Lavin

Minutes Approval – Motion to approve the minutes of May 20, 2013, council meeting made by Bakalyar/Pavelko, all yes, and motion carried.

Accounts payable –Motion to approve accounts payable, as presented in the amount of $48,086.22 by Hage/Monson, all yes, motion carried.




1. Larry Lavin, Lions Club –Park Shelter—The Lions Club would consider pledging $2,000 towards the project of a new shelter at North City Park. Larry, Jim Koep and Andy Welp met to share ideas of replacement options for the current shelter building. The committee should consider making the building large enough as it may take the place of the tent that is rented yearly for the SummerFest activities. Andy is estimating a 30x64 building. The building includes garage doors to open/close the structure as weather/security merits it will also include restroom and kitchen facilities. The ceiling could be enclosed to keep birds from nesting and the restrooms and kitchen would be glass board to ease in cleaning. Preliminary cost estimate is $65,000---$50,000 for the structure (Morton type building), $10,000 for plumbing, $5,000 for electrical. The council discussed if they wish to move forward with this at that cost estimate. Bakalyar would like to price a block structure, as this may be more eye pleasing for the park atmosphere. The city does have CIP funds for the project. Monson would like consideration taken for safety if inclement weather happens during use of the park. Motion to move forward with a study of building a new shelter house with the intent of beginning construction this fall made by Monson/Pavelko, all yes, motion carried. Council member representation on the committee is Pavelko and Monson. Mayor Nissen appointed Larry Lavin if he and Dorre Poppe would be leaders of the fundraising for the project.



1. Alex Krafka – Emerald Valley Regular and Sunday Liquor License – Motion to approve the license pending all proper insurance in place and a background check of the owner completed satisfactorily, effective at the date of the closing of the sale of golf club made by Monson/Hage, all yes, motion carried. Hope to close on June 13, 2013.

2. Policy of Planning and Zoning Board – Motion to approve the policy recommended by the board, pending city attorney review, made by Bakalyar/Hage, all yes, motion carried.

3. SHIP Funding Reimbursement Request Approval –Motion to approve the grant reimbursement request in the amount of $10,000 made by Pavelko/Bakalyar, all yes, motion carried.

4. Personnel

a. Motion to accept Jared Praska’s resignation from the Lakefield Police Department made by Bakalyar/Monson, all yes, motion carried. The council thanks Jared Praska for his 22 years of service to the City of Lakefield.

b. Motion to place Office Phil McCarty in the full time officer position, on a temporary basis, with his pay at $17.88 per hour made by Bakalyar/Hage, all yes, motion carried.

c. Motion to authorize Chief Konechne to complete internal interviews to fill the full time officer position and hire, if one of the individuals currently employed on a part-time basis meets the necessary qualifications, made by Pavelko/Bakalyar, all yes, motion carried.

d. Motion to authorize Chief Konechne to hire a part-time officer, if one of the current officers fills the full time position, made by Bakalyar/Monson, all yes, motion carried.



1. Paving of street project – Superintendent Koep stated he required them to complete 4th at the North end of Main Street before SummerFest activities. The contractor is expected to ask for an extension of completing the other streets. Because of the cool, damp weather this spring the plants have just begun making asphalt today (June 3, 2013)


1. Department Head Report

2. Police Department Report

3. Met with FEMA representatives-- work on paperwork submission continues

4. SummerFest Activities

5. Board of Appeal and Equalization Training Course Information – June 24 @ 7:00 pm

a. Bakalyar/Monson/Pavelko will attend

6. Meeting with Jackson County Engineer Report – Wes Liepold, Tim Stahl Jackson County engineers, Darrell Nissen, Bruce Bakalyar council representatives, Jim Koep, City Superintendent and Jackson County Commissioner Rose Schultz met to discuss several items concerning the City of Lakefield. Subjects included the newly installed stop signs on Main Street, Main Street concrete construction, the new county shop on the east side of Lakefield.


1. Next council meeting Monday, June 17, 2013, at 7:00 p.m. in City Hall.

Motion to adjourn at 8:10 pm made by Bakalyar/Pavelko, all yes, motion carried.


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Kelly R. Rasche, Clerk Darrell Nissen, Mayor