100+ Business Ideas

Below are just some of the winning ideas that have been used successfully at school, county and national final levels;

Calenders * keyrings* jewellery * yearbooks * greeting cards * coasters * picture frames * mirrors * cd clocks* puppets * cushions *pet minding service *personalised stationery* signs * personalised story books * smoothies and milkshakes * seasonal gifts * board games *booklet/pictures of local area * mugs* websites*bags *Christmas decorations * novelty socks and gloves*recycled products * cakes and cookies*draught excluders * door curtains *decorated plant pots *peg bags * homemade chocolates * letter holders wooden *slate clocks *scarves * paperweights * feather pens*laminated bookmarks with inspiring thoughts *emergency mobile phone rechargers * craft work * stained glass creations * bird tables * handmade crochet items *digital photo album * dolls when watered grow grass hair*plants in recycled bottles grown from seeds *cards from recycled material * joke book * friendship bracelets * candles * study aids * bean bags * baby blankets * napkin rings * Christmas card holders *wine racks *pet themed products * embroidered towels, cushions,face cloths and pillow slips * a hair straightener holder to prevent damage to surfaces *chess sets *cribs * wooden puzzle pictures *lamps *Christmas logs *family crests with the history of the surname * party piñatas *homemade brown bread *glass art and design *sports bandanas for schools and clubs *chocolate truffles* fundraising events for charity *high quality framed photos *hiking/walking sticks *aromatherapy candles *paper flowers *Christmas candle holders * hair accessories * hand painted light bulbs *pancakes *homemade muffins *locker accessories *towels that fasten around you *crisp packets to keyrings *CD Rom study notes and tips *breeding guinea pigs for sale *fleece hats & mittens *varied and exotic recipe book *lipbalm *lap trays *calanders & reusable weekly planners *grasscutting& weeding service *earring & ring holders *noticeboards *hat pins & fashion accessories *printed t-shirts *children party organisers *pencil cases *DJ service *hand drawn portraits *childrens art workbook *pressed flowers stationery * beauty information book *laundry bags *hampers * dog/pet accessories