Please read the following carefully:

1. The full citation will appear in the graduation programme and must follow a fixed format. We require a brief biographical introductionwhich focuses on the academic background of the candidate (maximum 50 words), followed by a paragraph on the substance of the doctoral research (maximum 150 words).

2.The mini citation will be read out by the Dean at the graduation ceremony. This needs to be kept brief (maximum 40 words), and if possible, should be written so that the lay audience at the graduation ceremony will understand it.


In Information Systems:

Elizabeth Catharina Scott

Thesis Title: Towards coherent practice in capstone courses for IS majors

Elizabeth Scott has a BSc and MSc from the University of Stellenbosch, and an honours degree from UNISA. Her PhD thesis emerged as a result of her teaching experiences in the Department of Information Systems at UCT, where she has been a member of the academic staff since 2000.

Elizabeth Scott’s thesis aims to develop and refine a theory that reflects the pedagogy of how to implement a capstone programme capable of empowering Information Systems (IS) majors to sustain competence across dynamic and evolving IS roles. The IS capstone course at UCT was initiated in 2001 and its subsequent evolution led to the development of a conceptual framework for a coherent practice. Elizabeth Scott extends this conceptual framework by developing, refining and evaluating a design science theory through a series of themed action experiments each consisting of several interventions. The end result is a synthesis of theory and practice for preparing thoughtful practitioners. The theory includes prescriptive statements of actions leading to specific outcomes, integrated with empirical evidence of how a reflective practice nurtures deep involvement of students in their learning experience. It can similarly be used to extend the capabilities of students in other exit level courses.

Supervisor: (Title and Initial and Surname) (Department)

Co-supervisor:(Title and Initial and Surname) (Department)


  • Use Times New Roman size 12, single spacing
  • Use italics where used in the example above
  • Write thesis description in the present tense if possible
  • Use student’s name and surname throughout (no nicknames)
  • Stick to maximum total word length of 200 words
  • Two paragraphs only