Policy governing the immigration sponsorship, and registration, of non-EEA students
- The Universityislicensed bytheHomeOfficeto actasasponsorforvisapurposesfor students admittedtorelevantprogrammes ofstudyattheUniversity.As a licensedSponsor, the Universityhasspecifiedduties totheHomeOffice.In summary, thedutiesareto:
- act honestly in all its dealings with the Home Office, and;
- act with integrity as a genuine education provider, and;
- take responsibility for all its Tier 4 students while it is sponsoring them, including by doing all it can to ensure that prospective students are genuine students who can comply with the Immigration Rules, and that students enroll, comply with their conditions of leave , and see their course through to completion;
- ensure that concerns about the conduct and integrity of Tier 4 students are treated consistently with other students, including taking appropriate action where students are found to have used deception to gain advantage in their studies;
- comply with all aspects of the Immigration Rules and sponsor guidance, and support immigration control, including taking steps to ensure that every student has permission to study in the UK throughout the whole period of study.[1]
Fulldetails ofsponsordutiesareavailable in the Tier 4 Guidance for Sponsors,butasummarylistincludes thefollowing:
- having ‘recruitmentpracticesto ensureasfar aspossiblegenuinestudentsonlyare acceptedand issuedwith confirmationofacceptancefor studies’
- having ‘practicestominimisethe numberofrefusalsofleaveformigrantsapplyingwithaconfirmationofacceptancefor studies’
- minimising ’theriskofthosewho seek to usethestudentrouteto entertheUKbuthave no intentionto study’
- taking ‘allreasonablesteps toensurethatthestudentsattendandcompletetheircourse ofstudy’orengagewithemploymentactivitiesasrequired under theTier 4DoctorateExtensionScheme
- maintaining application to registrationconversion rateswithina rangeadvised bythe HomeOffice
- maintainingwithdrawal rateswithina range advised bythe HomeOffice
- maintaining accuratestudentrecords
- notifyingtheHomeOffice when studentsceasetoattendtheirprogrammeorcomplywith the conditionsoftheTier4Doctorate ExtensionScheme
- notifying theHomeOfficeofsignificantchangestoastudent’s statusattheUniversity
- co-operatingwith theHomeOfficeandfollowingHomeOfficeguidancewhere thisis available
- ensuring, as far as possible, that non-EEA students to do not breach the conditions of their visas, or overstay their leave, during their period of study.
- Universitypolicyand practice isdesignedto ensure compliancewith itsdutiestothe HomeOffice. Nothing in Universitypolicyisintendedtoabsolve theUniversityfromcomplyingwithitsdutiesas aTier 4 Sponsor.
- Infulfillingsponsorshipduties, theHomeOfficerequirestheUniversitytomaintainrecordsontheSponsorManagement System(SMS). The SMSisusedfortwomainpurposes:
- The issueofaCertificateofAcceptancefor Studies(CAS)toapplicants/students forstudypurposesandtostudentsapplyingforleaveto remainunder theTier4DoctorateExtensionScheme.This enablesstudentstoapplyforleaveto entertheUK, orforleaveto remainintheUK. TheCASrequiresthe creation ofthe studentrecordontheSMS,thepaymentofthe relevantfeeandissue ofanindividualCAS numberforeach applicant/student.
- Toupdatethe SMSin instanceswhere studentshave been issuedaCASbutfailtoenroll,whereUniversitysponsorship iswithdrawn orwheretherehasbeenachange instudentcircumstances.
- Inaddition,oncestudentshave registeredwith the University,the HomeOfficehasrequiredmechanismsfor reportingwithdrawalorothersignificantchanges tothe student’sprogramme.
- Thispolicyaddresses keyareasofactivitygoverning theTier 4 sponsorship of non-EEAstudentsand circumstanceswhere that sponsorshipmaybewithdrawn. Theprinciplesapplyto allnon-EEA students,whetherornottheyrequire aCASfromtheUniversityin order tostudyin the UK.
Section 1: Application/Admission
- The University has admission policies designed to ensure that only applicants eligible for the programme receive offers to study. For international applicants, additional policies of English Language and deposits apply.
- Whenaninternationalstudentacceptsan offerofaplacetostudyattheUniversity,based intheUK,theyare consideredtobe requestingaCertificateofAcceptancefor Studies(CAS).
- Onlyauthorised admissionsstaffareableto issuea CAStoapplicants. UniversityAdmissionsTeamsmayrequireapplicantsrequestingaCAStoprovidefurtherinformationanddocumentaryevidencetoenabletheUniversitytoproperlyevaluate thecase andfulfilits sponsorduties beforeissuingaCAS.
- Itistheresponsibilityofthe applicanttoprovideanyrequired information andtofulfil anyconditionsidentifiedbytheUniversity.
- Authorised admissionsstaffwillissue aCASonlywherethe applicant:
- hasmetallconditionsfortheprogramme;
- haspaidtherequired depositor providedproofof financialsponsorship;
- isseekingtostudya programmethatisdeemedto be‘progression’
- frompreviousstudy in accordance with published Home Office guidance,and;
- and is within published Tier 4 study time limits for the whole period of candidature, and;
- the applicationrecordis complete,includingpassportandpreviousstudydetails.
- where the applicant does not have appropriate immigration permission in another category to cover the duration of the programme.
- Inaddition,iftheapplicantalreadyhasleavetoremainintheUK, thereshouldbeno breachofthetermsofthecurrentvisa. If the applicant is overseas, they should not be subject to an entry clearance ban. The applicant may be required to consent to the disclosure of their immigration history before being issued with a CAS.
- Whereaprospective studenthasbeen refusedaTier 4visa onpoints,nofurtherCASwillbe issued untilthe Tier 4applicanthasprovided documentaryevidencethattheywould be in a positiontomakeasuccessfulapplicationshould afurtherCASbe issued.ThemaximumnumberofCASissuedtoanyTier 4applicantwillnormallybe limitedtothreeperapplication.Intheeventofgeneralgroundsforrefusalonthebasis ofcredibility,nofurther CASwillbe issued totheapplicant.
- Where a prospective student has an application pending for leave outside the immigration rules, the applicant will, in most cases, be expected to await the outcome of the application before consideration will be given to Tier 4 sponsorship.
Section 2: Current students
Current studentsrequiringa CAStocomplete theirprogramme(including formerlyregisteredstudentsseekingtoreturntocompletetheiroriginalprogramme)ormakinganapplicationundertheTier4 DoctorateExtensionScheme.
- In most cases, current students wishing to extend their period of study in the UK will do so as an applicant for a new programme. Circumstances in which current students need to extend their study in the UK should be limited.
- In some circumstances however, a current student may request further time to complete their current programme of study or wish to apply for further leave to remain under the Tier 4 Doctorate Extension Scheme. These students will therefore need to apply for a CAS using the relevant form.
- Only the University’s Visa Team are authorised to issue CAS for current students extending their programme or applying for further leave to remain under the Tier 4 Doctorate Extension Scheme. The Visa Team may require students requesting a CAS to provide further information and documentary evidence to enable the University to properly evaluate the case and fulfil its sponsor duties before issuing a CAS
- It is the responsibility of the student to provide any required information and to fulfil any conditions identified by the University.
- The Visa Team will issue a CAS for study purposes only where there is a demonstrated requirement for the student to remain in the UK to complete their programme and where the student:
- hasacademicapprovalforextendingtheirprogramme
- ismaking satisfactory academic progressontheirprogrammeofstudy
- is demonstrating progression in accordance with published Home Office guidance
- isnot morethantwoyearsbehind theiroriginalcompletiondate fortheprogramme
- can providevalid documentaryevidenceofEnglishlanguageabilityatCEFRlevel B2forcoursesatNQF6and abovein accordancewith theUniversity’sEnglish languagepolicy
- hasnooutstandingfinancialduties tothe University,whetherfortuitionoraccommodationfees
- haspaidadepositagainstfuturetuitionfees,iffeesareappropriateforthevisaextensionperiod
- hasobtainedATASclearancewhereappropriate
- isnot inbreachoftherulesoftheircurrentstudentvisa
- hasnotexceededthenumber ofyears studying atdegree levelin the UKon astudentvisa,asoutlined inthe HomeOffice’sTier 4PolicyGuidance
- has thusfarmaintainedappropriateimmigrationpermissionfor studyintheUK
- hasnotoverstayedhis/hermostrecentvisa,unlesstheUniversityisprovidedwithdocumentaryevidence that thestudenthasleftthe UKandisnotlikelyto besubjecttobansonfutureentryclearance.
- isnot liablefortheirvisaapplicationbeingrefusedbytheHomeOffice due tootherfactors
- thestudentrecordiscomplete,includingrelevantapplicationdocuments andpassportdetails.
- The Visa Team will also require evidence of appropriate financial eligibility to remain in the UK under Tier 4 before a CAS is issued.
- All general requirements apply to those seeking a CAS in order to apply for Tier 4 under the Doctorate Extension Scheme.
- Students applying for the Tier 4 Doctorate Extension Scheme who meet all other requirements will be issued with a CAS only if applying through the University’s Visa Team.
- In line with current Tier 4 sponsor guidance, students are not normally permitted to switch to lower level study whilst still under sponsorship, but exceptions may be made for undergraduate masters programmes, postgraduate research students and MBBS students who require a switch to a lower level programme.
Section 3: Programme end dates for Tier 4 sponsorship
- The eligibleperiodof Tier 4 Sponsorshipfortaughtprogrammesisdefined asrunningfromtheformalprogrammecommencementdateuntilthe latestdatethatthe studentisexpectedtoattendteachingand/orattendexaminations and/orsubmitassessment. Fortaughtprogrammes,studentscannot be Tier 4 sponsoredafter thisdate eveniftheyare awaiting results.
- The eligibleperiodof Tier 4 for research programmesisdefined asrunningfromtheformalprogrammecommencementdateuntiltheendofthemaximumperiodofcandidature(as detailed inUniversityRegulations).
- Registrationforresearch studentsmayincludea periodofnominalregistration-after submissionofthethesisbut beforetheexamination. During thisperiodresearchstudentsareexpectedtokeeprelevantstaff,intheir academicunit,upto dateontheiractivityplans and meet their relevant immigration obligations, as required.
- In thecaseofpostgraduate research studentsawaiting confirmationofanoralexaminationortheformalwritten outcomeoftheexamination,theenddatemaynotalwaysbeknownbytheirvisa expirydate. Inthese circumstances,assumingstudentsmeet allotherrequirements,aCASforaperiodof3months willbe issued.
- Ifa Tier 4 researchstudentissuccessful incompleting theirdegreebeforetheperiodofmaximumcandidature, early completion of the programme will be reported to the Home Office.
Section 4: Additional points to note for both prospective and current students requiring a CAS
- The UniversitywillnormallyrefusetoissueaCASwhere applicantshave not metthese requirements,orifthereareother circumstanceswhich suggestthattoissue aCASwould be contrarytoHomeOfficeguidance.
- Wherea studenthasbeen refusedaTier 4visa onpoints,nofurtherCASwillbe issued untilthe Tier 4applicanthasprovided documentaryevidencethattheywould be in a positiontomakeasuccessfulapplicationshould afurtherCASbe issued.ThemaximumnumberofCASissuedtoanyTier 4applicantwillnormallybe limitedtothreeperapplication.Intheeventofgeneralgroundsforrefusalonthebasis ofcredibility,nofurther CASwillbe issued totheapplicant.
- Should the University be aware of the refusal of entry clearance/leave to remain using a CAS from a different Tier 4 sponsor due to credibility concerns, this may influence any decision to issue a CAS for sponsorship at Newcastle University.
- In addition to the above, where a student has previously had Tier 4 sponsorship withdrawn by the University, a request for a new CAS will be carefully considered with regard to the reasons why Tier 4 sponsorship was withdrawn.
- The Universityreservestherightto chargeapplicantswhere a CASneeds tobereissued duetoamistake onthestudent’spart.
- Insomeinstances,e.g.wherea studentneeds lessthan6monthstocompletetheirprogramme,theUniversitymaydecline toissue aCAS-butwillinsteadissue asupporting letter whichwould enable the applicant/studenttoapplyto studyin theUKwitha‘Short-TermStudent’visa. Thisapplies toanumber of mobilityschemesorjointprogrammes, such asEuroAqua andMAAdvanceIBM.
- Issuing a CAS or a supporting letter for a Short Term Study visa does not guarantee that a student will be successful in securing a visa. The University is not responsible for any decisions made by the Home Office and cannot accept liability for any student failing to obtain a visa and/or for the consequences and/or losses (whether financial or otherwise) of such failure. Nor is the University liable for consequences of declining to issue a CAS or supporting letter for an applicant on request.
- Other thanthecircumstancesnotedabove,circumstanceswhen the UniversitymaydeclinetoissueaCASorwithdrawsponsorship,includethefollowing.
- Reasonable suspicionthata student isinbreach oftheirvisa ordeliberatelyfailingtofollowadvice abouttheirvisapositionetc.
- The student’smainpurposeforbeing inthe UKisotherthanfull-timestudy,or areasonablesuspicionthat this isthecase(Tier 4 General/Short-TermStudent).
- The studentis/hasbeenengaginginterrorism,or areasonablesuspicionthatthisisthecase.
- The studentis/hasbeenengagingincriminalactivity,or areasonablesuspicionthat thisisthecase.
- In theopinionofthe University,the student’s circumstancesmaycompromiseor posearisk toUniversity'sSponsorLicence.
- StudentsunderTier4 sponsorship arenormallyrequiredto reside atanaddresswithina radiusof50milesfromNewcastleUniversityforthedurationoftheirprogramme, exceptduringperiodsofvacation,outsidestudy,workplacementorwhere exceptionalpersonalcircumstancesmayrequireanabsence.Studentsarerequired tomaintaintheirpersonalrecordswith the University,including theiraddress,for thedurationoftheirstudies.
- The HomeOffice’srules are subjecttochange. The University’spolicyandpracticemaythereforebe amendedatshortnoticetoreflectrevisedtheHomeOffice’srulesandguidance.
- The Universitywillcollectand retainanysuch informationaboutitsapplicants andstudentsasitdeemsnecessaryforthepurposesofcomplyingwith itsSponsorduties.TheUniversitywillretain thisinformationinaccordancewith the Sponsor Guidance,theDataProtectionAct 1998andtheUniversity'sDataProtectionPolicyfromtimetotimeinforce. TheUniversitywillshareinformationwithThe HomeOfficetothe extentthattheUniversitybelievesisrequiredtocomplywithitsSponsorduties.
- The Universityisobliged tocomplywith itsSponsorduties.Assuch theUniversitycannotacceptanyliabilityforanyloss(financialorotherwise)experienced directlyorindirectlybyany applicantorstudentas aresultofanyactionsoromissionsonthe partofthe Universitywhich the University believesare necessaryordesirableto complywith theUniversity'sSponsorduties.
Section 5: Identitymanagement and record-keeping
- To be considered fully registered by the University all students need to provide acceptable proof of identity.
- The University will normally prevent any non-EEA student studying in the UK from registering, or re-registering, until they present their immigration documents in person and:
- it is confirmed that they have a valid visa to study the programme at the University, or a pending in-time application for leave to remain in the UK, and;
- these documents have been checked and copied to University records.
- Throughout their programme, students are required to provide the University with updated copies of immigration documents if:
- they renew their passport or
- they amend their immigration status
- they are awaiting the outcome of a leave to remain application
- Throughout their registration, students are required to maintain an accurate record of their address and contact details with the University at all times in accordance with General Regulation M.
Section 6: Withdrawal of Tier 4 sponsorship
- The University will withdraw sponsorship for applicants who do not fully register on their programme within required timescales. This includes annual re- registration requirements and circumstances in which re-registration is prevented due to academic progression, to non-payment of tuition fees, failure to make a valid Tier 4 application in time to begin a new programme or other relevant circumstances.
- The University will withdraw Tier 4 sponsorship for students:
- whosuccessfullycomplete their programmeof study early
- whosestudiesareterminatedunder theUniversityprogress,examinationor
- other regulations who,afterthecompletionofStudentDisciplinaryProcedures,areexpelled fromtheUniversityorgivenaperiodofsuspensionwhichisinexcessof1month.
- The UniversitywillnormallywithdrawTier 4 sponsorship ofstudentswho:
- do notattendandparticipateintheirstudiesasrequiredfortheirprogrammeofstudy
- transfertopart-timestudy
- do notattendeventsarrangedtoconfirmtheir attendanceontheirprogramme
- failtoco-operatewiththe Universityin themaintenance ofaccuraterecords,suchasfailingtoprovide accurateaddressandcontactdetails orfailingtoprovide copiesofimmigrationdocuments
- have remainedintheUKhaving suspendedtheirstudies,orwho did notmaintaintheirUniversityregistrationasanexternalcandidate
- are discoveredto beinbreachoftheterms oftheircurrentvisa
- who interrupt their studiesformorethan1month
- who, according to Tier 4 rules, may have made an invalid Tier 4 application which is likely to result in refusal of the application
- The UniversitywillnormallywithdrawTier 4sponsorshipofstudentswhosestudiesare suspendedforanyperiodoftimeincludingsuspensions arisingfrom:
- medicalorpersonalcircumstances,
- programmetransfers,
- plans torepeatstudyafter aperiodofsuspension
- aperiodofstudyorworkorworkexperience/placementoutside theUniversity, if attendance monitoring procedures cannot be maintained
- a requirement tocompleteassessmentsasanexternalcandidateor
- completion oftheFitness to Practicepolicy.
Studentswho suspend theirstudiesmaybe abletoresumetheirstudiesatalaterdate.
- The Universitywillnormallywithdrawsponsorship ifanyotherissuesemergethatsuggestthatsponsorship iscontrarytothe University’sdutiestotheHomeOffice
- WhereVisaSponsorship iswithdrawnbythe University,the student’sstudieswillalso beterminated,inaccordancewith GeneralRegulationV.
- Followinga requestfromthestudent,theUniversitywillconsiderallrequests toreturntostudiesand the issuingofnewCASs. Thiswillbe handledinaccordancewith the above sectionsfor admission orcurrent/former students.
- StudentsrequestingaCASforleaveto remainunder Tier4fortheDoctorateExtensionSchemeareexpectedtotakeallpossiblesteps toensurethattheycompletetheirprogrammebythe enddatestated onthe CAS.A CASwillbewithdrawnif,following the end dateoftheCAS:
- the studentdoesnotsubmittheirhardboundthesis
- the examinersdiscover significant issueswith the resubmittedwork
- the examinersare unabletocompletetheassessment.
- Applicantssponsoredunder theTier 4DoctorateExtensionScheme are requiredto engagein employmentactivities asallowedunderthetermsofthescheme.The Universityreservestherightto withdrawsponsorshipifit is suspectedthatagraduateis:
- working in breachoftheirvisa conditions;
- engaging informsofemploymentwhichinvolve fraudulentorother illegalactivitiesor contravene UKhealth andsafetylaws;
- engaging inactivitieswhichbring theUniversityin todisrepute.
- GraduatessponsoredundertheTier 4DoctorateExtensionScheme will becontactedonfouroccasionsduring the 12month periodofthe visa andrequiredtoupdate theUniversityoftheircontactdetailsand currentemploymentorentrepreneurialactivities.Failuretorespondappropriatelyto such contactwillresultinsponsorshipundertheschemebeingwithdrawn.
- SponsorshipundertheTier 4DoctorateExtension Scheme willlastnomore than12months.Undertheterms oftheTier 4 sponsorguidance,attheend ofthisperiod,migrantsundertheschemewillbe required toleave theUKorswitchinto Tier 2asappropriate.
Section 7: Complaints
WheretheUniversity declines toissuea CAS,orwithdrawssponsorship,foranapplicant,applicants can seek areviewvia the relevantAdmissionsComplaintProcedure.
WheretheUniversitydeclines toissuea CAS,orwithdrawssponsorship,for acurrentstudent,thestudentcanseek areviewvia the StudentComplaintsProcedure.TheAcademic Registrarwillconsiderallformalcomplaintson suchmatters.
Updated by T. Aston, Student Progress, November 2016
[1]Summarised from Document 2, UKVI Guidance for Tier 4 Sponsors, July 2016