The Multiple Divisions of Yahuweh’s Judgment

and a

Clarion Call to His People


This article is meant to instruct you from Scripture regarding the twelve divisions of Yahuweh’s wrath, and to once again blow a clear warning for His people to get out of the path of His wrath before it comes suddenly, and there is no escape. His judgment on the nations has already begun.

For over 15 years, I have been writing articles, updates, and studies as I was taught by the Spirit of Yahuweh, to share with others what was on His heart. At times my articles have seemed very harsh and critical to people. But, my intent has always been to share with others what is on the heart of our Father. Right now, our Father’s heart is broken because He has to punish those He loves. His warnings are all out of a Father’s love. He has to be harsh in order to wake up dull children who are playing on apreverbal train track. From His vantage point, He sees the train coming and cries out to His children to get off the tracks. But, most of His children keep playing. He yells louder and louder as the train gets closer and closer. A few of His children look up, see what’s happening, and quickly obey. But, most just keep on playing until they are no more. In the article “The True Prophet, the False Prophet, and the Speculators”/December 16, 2013, I’ve written how the true prophet warns with all his heart to save the lives of as many as possible. The true prophet weeps a lot. They have the heart of FatherYahuweh. The false prophet says, “Everything’s going to be all right.” They don’t care what happens to people – they’re seeking fame and fortune. The speculators don’t care either – they’re too involved in their own lives to care. True caring is demonstrated always with tender love – a heart of compassion.

There are times to comfort and soothe those that hurt, to remind people of the promises of Yahuweh to His children. There are times to exhort people to encourage them to press forward along their journey. But, there are times before Yahuweh has to punish rebellious children that He sends watchmen and prophets to sternly wake up His children to action. This article is meant to do all three – to show you the good promises of our Father to His obedient children, to exhort you to seriously prepare for your eternal reward in the Kingdom, and to warn sternly because the train in coming. We must get off the tracks and help others get off the tracks, too.

Up-front words to His set-apart people:

A “clarion” is a medieval narrow-tube trumpet with clear high-pitched shrill tones used to call soldiers to war. Symbolically, it is a loud and clear call to action. The word comes fromMiddle English, Old French, and Medieval Latin, meaning “clear.”

Yahuweh, Elyon (Most High), Shaddai (Almighty), Elohim (Supreme Deity) is the Elohim of Abraham, Yitzak, and Ya’cob – the Elohim of the tribes of Ya’cob/Israel. The descendants of Abraham through Yitzak (Isaac) through Ya’cob (Jacob) from the lineage of Shem, eldest son of Noah, are the ones who crossed the Red Sea, spent 40 years in the wilderness, and then entered His Land – the “Promised Land” – under Yehoshua (Joshua). He is the Elohim of a particular people-group, in a particular land, of a particular ancient culture (Hebrew), with a particular destiny. They are His nation. Though He opened membership in this exclusive group to those who would cut covenant with Him, from Passover through Sukkot, His biological people filled have filled the earth – as “the stars of heaven and the sand of the sea.” The House of Judah (Judah, Levi, Benjamin) can be numbered, and most can be DNA traced. But, the House of Ephraim/Israel/Joseph cannot be numbered. They numbered in the millions before 722 BCE, but when they were scattered into all nations AMONG the gentiles, they greatly multiplied. Along with multiplying and meshing in with their gentile neighbors, they lost any understand of who they were. They had broken the eternal covenant of Yahuweh, and were adrift in a massive sea, lost, ignorant, and without a solid foundation of their once-held covenant with their Elohim. Eventually, the majority found refuge in a Greek-Roman religion called “Christianity.”

It was from this remote beach that many slowly began drawling back through the centuries to once again embrace the Covenant that Yahuweh cut with Abraham, Yitzak, and Ya’cob, through faith in the saving blood of His final Lamb. What began at Passover in Exodus 12 is now drawing a small remnant from every tribe of Ya’cob back to their home – with Yahuweh (Yahweh) and Yahushua (Yeshua, Yahshua) as their Elohim. The miracle of His mercy is beyond our comprehension, how He took those idolatrous ten tribes through the centuries into the nations AMONG gentiles (heathen, pagan, barbarian--foreigners, aliens, and strangers to the Covenant that their ancestors made at Sinai with their Elohim. They were redeemed by the blood of the Lamb – not realizing that He came to restore them back to the Covenant as His primary mission.Yet, through the centuries, Yahuweh had His eye on each and every individual within each of the former 10 northern tribes of Ya’cob. He brought through a remnant that today is returning – first to Yahushua, then to the Covenant-Torah of His Father-Yahuweh. Only by understanding the deep abiding love of a father can we fathom even a fraction of the mercy we have received!!! [Refer to: “Are You A Gentile?” and “Who Are the Ten?”]

In the Western world, there is about a 99% chance that those who have been born again, filled with His Spirit, who love His Word and seek to know Him, those being drawn back to the Torah in its peace and beauty (i.e. Psalm 19; 119) belong in one of the 10 tribes who were lost to their identity. He never took His eyes off of us. We should daily meditate on His great love. Only through the death of His Son could He forgive us, pardon us, redeem us, and restore us to His favor.Through Messiah the two faction of His people – the House of Judah and the House of Israel could be restored in His hand as one – “echad,” – two in unity as one. This is the greatest theme throughout the Word. [Refer to: “The Aliyah Scriptures” as with Ezekiel 37:15-28]

There is no greater love in the whole universe than His love. Genesis 22:1-19: Yahuweh asked Abraham to sacrifice his “only begotten son,” to Him. Yet, Abraham knew Yahuweh’s promise that through hisson would come the family that Yahuweh had desired--however, proceeded to obey.

Yahuweh never asks anything of us that He is not willing to do! Abraham said to those at the base of Mount Moriah, “I and the lad will go up and worship and return.” He went up there and proceeded to sacrifice Yitzak (Isaac). But, a voice above him spoke to him to stop. Then a ram was provided for the sacrifice. Do you understand Yahuweh’s mind in this? Abraham passed his test and merited the right to be the father of nations. Through Him would come the ultimate sacrifice for our sin – Yahushua.

Because Abraham was willing to do what Yahuweh would do with his “only begotten Son,” we are here today, not only alive in the flesh, but with our names written in His Book--destined to eternal life.

In His nature, Yahuweh is a Father above all things. He is gathering a family unto Himself now. His judgments are all designed to separate out those who are not His family, from those who are His family – in order to purify a family that can live in peace before Him.

His judgments are fine-tuned and distinctive throughout the Scriptures:

Listing the Twelve Divisions of His Judgment

1) His judgment on all gentile nations– judgment that includes His final judgment on “all flesh”

2) His judgment on specific gentile nations of the ancient past restored in modern times

3) His judgment on His own nation – Israel (Judea and Samaria)

4) His judgment on His City – Jerusalem (His “community”)

5) His judgment on “secular” Jews, scattered among the nations, or inside modern Israel, who have not turned to their Elohim in any way

6) His judgment on His people of all tribes, scattered among the nations, and inside modern Israel,who have returned to Him through Yahushua, but have rejected His Torah – Christians of various groups

7) His judgment on religiousJews, scattered among the nations, and inside modern Israel, who have His Torah, but reject Yahushua, especially those who cling to rabbinic teaching rather than the pure Word of Elohim

8) His judgment on religions of man’s making--primarily the three religions of those who claim Him as their Deity – Jews, Christians, and Messianics (both Jewish and Ephraimite)

9) His judgment on false prophets, false teachers, false shepherds

10) His judgment on the wicked/evil people as individuals

11) The rewarding of individuals who have come out of all defilement unto Him through Messiah, embraced His Torah, and are His beloved trusted, faithful servants

12)His clarion call before judgment to His people scattered among the nations who have Messiah and Torah, but refuse to obey His warnings

Gentiles vs Children

From the Artscroll Yechezkel (a Commentary on the book of Ezekiel), Ezekiel 9, pages 168-180: “That God’s mercy is allowed to temper His justice is a `miracle.’ That the agent of God’s justice becomes the instrument of His mercy is a `miracle within a miracle.’ ” He sitesJeremiah 33:25-26. Yahuweh has vowed to preserve a remnant of all the tribes of Ya’cob. Today we are watching the fulfillment of that mercy!

For their abominations against Him, Yahuweh had to scatter the 10 northern tribes AMONG THE GENTILES. He never refers to His children as “gentiles.” He never cut any covenant with gentiles. A “gentile” or “goyim” is a person who has been absorbed into his native culture of paganism, barbarism, heathenism, and thus is a strange, foreigner and alien to the Covenant of Yahuweh with His people, in His culture. Through the true new birth we come out of all paganism – the worship of false gods, the world system and its fleshly enticements, sin, and slavery to Satan. We come into the Covenant of Yahuweh through Messiah - (Ephesians 2:8-19)

[Refer to: “The True New Birth”/2012] We become “children” of Yahuweh!

Jeremiah 31:31-34 withMatthew 26:28) Yahushua “renewed” themarriage Covenant cut with His people at Sinai. He did NOT do away with it! This Covenant – the Torah - was expanded and personalized to us as individuals. The word for “new” both in Hebrew and Greek denotes a renewal, as the moon is renewed each month yet is called a “new moon.”

Messiah said He was only sent for the “lost sheep of the House of Israel” to restore them to the Covenant of Yahuweh. (Matthew 15:24; 10:5-6) Messiah’s awesome parable of the “prodigal son,” is the passionate story of the return of the House of Israel, the pious elder brother being Judah, the Father being Yahuweh. (Luke15:11-32.) Through His death, Yahushuadissolved the previous engagement Covenant with the 10 northern tribes, which the 10 northern tribes broke through adultery against Him – whoring with other gods. They were so vile that He had to scatter them out of Israel into the nations – AMONG the gentiles. Then Yahushua rose from the dead after three days to be able to re-gather a remnant from among these ten tribes and unite them again with the Covenant of His Father -- those who would be pure and undefiled, guarding His Father’s Torah, and leaning on Him for their salvation/redemption. (Matthew 15:24, fulfilling Deuteronomy 24:1-4)

We are watching the re-joining together of Judah and Ephraim now. September 13, 2007, Yom Teruah, entering the Shmittah Year of 2008, marked the end of Ephraim’s 2, 730-year captivity. The Orthodox Jews were ecstatic with joy. I was in the Old City of Jerusalem to see it. They said they now know that Messiah is coming because Ephraim’s punishment is over.The Orthodox Jews know that now is the time when Elohim will join the “two sticks” back into His hand again (Ezekiel 37:15-28, and multitudes of other verses throughout the Word).

The Community

and Those Marked and Set-Apart From the Community

From pages 176-177 of the Artscroll Yechezkel: “Righteous people are considered a part of the community, and thus, liable to its common fate, unless they separate themselves from it…The people who have `signed and groaned’ about the abominations, thus excluding themselves from the community of sinners, are to be spared.” (Regarding Ezekiel 9)

Speaking of thisEzekiel 9:4 “marking” of those in the community of Jerusalem, they write: “The simple meaning of the verse is that the righteous men were to be marked for salvation, but there is no mention of marking the wicked for destruction.”

The marking of His end-time set-apart remnant for preservation is upon those who actively are linked to the heart of Yahuweh – which groans and sadly laments having to judge His people. They are actively involved in sharing the Good News of salvation, to help redeem His people from eternal judgment in the lake of fire. They are not sitting around watching T.V. while the world goes to hell. They are aligned to the mind of Yahuweh, thinking His thoughts, acting in His nature. In the commentary, they distinguish between those that lament the abominations, but do nothing to protest against them, and those that not only lament but act. It is those who act, who receive the “mark” of Yahuweh’s Name in their foreheads. (Ezekiel 9; Revelation 3:12; 14:1; 22:4)

Daniel 11:32: “…those that know their Elohim will be strong and will act (do exploits).” There are many who lament what is wrong, but do nothing to protest it. Those that know the great salvation of Yahuweh and Yahushua are strongly focused on sharing their great salvation with as many as possible. Those sitting around doing nothing to draw others to Yahuweh and Yahushua fall into the category of the man given the one “talent,” Matthew 25:14-30, which draws down Messiah’s judgment of the most severe type on a believer. A similar scenario is found in Luke 12:42-49 to do with the lazy servants of the Master. This is why I stress that having a religious “belief system,” in one’s head is useless unless it is demonstrated in real life, in real time. We will be judged on our works. [“Rewards According to Works”/March 2008]

We know from Scripture that the mark (the tav) is the Name of Yahuweh. Revelation 14:1-5 describes the marked ones well. [Refer to: “Regarding Those Not Defiled With Women”/February 26, 2015]

Throughout the Word, Abba Yahuweh has marked those who identify with Him in order to distinguish them from everyone else. He has been drawing a remnant specifically from the 1800s, as I described in the above-mentioned article of February 26th, forward to this day. He has pulled His remnant through a sieve – a very fine-grate sieve – so that His family who will be set-apart as He is set-apart, children of light, having no darkness in them.

No matter where you are today in your relationship with Yahuweh – you can go forward, asking Him to transform you into His nature. You can study His Word with His Spirit. You can go forward in obedience unto blamelessness. The decision is yours! He has given us ways to be set-apart unto Him--the main way being the guarding of Shabbat. But, also our guarding of His seven Festivals (the backbone outline of His plan of salvation), the dietary laws to keep us pure in body, and even to the way we think and act from our spirit – by living in His nature, ways, and thinking, and acting accordingly with our fellow man.If He so loved us, we must love one another. Read I John slowly and surely.

There are two types of people who receive no judgment – no condemnation at all – only rewards!

Those who receive no condemnation, no judgment, are His servants who have been loyal to Him, obedient to Him, and close to Him in their daily walk with Him. The first is represented by the assembly at Smyrna. (Revelation 2:8-11) He has nothing bad to say about them. They are the persecuted assembly who has stayed faithful to Him even to death.

Revelation 12:10b-11: “…the accuser of our brothers (Satan), who accused them before our Elohim day and night, has been thrown down (onto the earth). And they (the set-apart ones) overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and because of the Word of their witness, and they did not love their lives even to death.” (Italics mine)

Revelation 14:12-14: “Here is the endurance of the set-apart ones, here are those guarding the commandments of Elohim, and the faith of Yahushua…`blessed are the dead who die in the Master from now on.’ `Yea,’ says the Spirit, `in order that they rest from their labors and their words follow with them.’ ”