/ Housing Services Corporation
30 Duncan Street, Suite 500 | Toronto, ON Canada | M5V 2C3
t. 416 594 9325 | tf. 1 866 268 4451 | f. 416 594 9422 | www.hscorp.ca



Company Information

Company Name:

Complete Address:

including postal code



Name of Primary Contact: Mr. Ms.


E-mail Address:

1.  Consulting Service, Qualifications and Experience, Knowledge of Housing Sector & Pricing

Indicate the consulting service(s) below for which you are submitting a Form of Response and complete a separate Schedule 1 for each consulting service to provide the information as requested for Qualifications and Experience, Knowledge of Housing Sector & Pricing. Refer to Appendix A of the RFP for the list of the consulting services included in this VOR.

Consulting Service:

Consulting Service:

(Use additional space if required for additional consulting services provided by your company.)

2.  Form of Agreement

Include here any comments you may have to the Agreement, attached as Appendix C to the RFP, and use the Track Changes tool to show comments, if any, directly in the Agreement.

3.  References

List three references including their contact information who can attest to recent consulting services you provided related to that under this RFP.

4.  Conflict of Interest

The Proponent must complete the following:

(a)  If the box below is left blank, the Proponent will be deemed to declare that: (1) there was no Conflict of Interest in preparing its submission; and (2) there is no foreseeable Conflict of Interest in performing the contractual obligations contemplated in the RFP.

(b)  Otherwise, if the statement below applies, check the box.

The Proponent declares that there is an actual or potential Conflict of Interest relating to the preparation of its submission, and/or the Proponent foresees an actual or potential Conflict of Interest in performing the contractual obligations contemplated in the RFP.

(c)  If the Proponent declares an actual or potential Conflict of Interest by marking the box above, the Proponent must set out below details of the actual or potential Conflict of Interest.

Please check the following statements to confirm you understand these mandatory requirements.

I/We hereby confirm that all of the above information is correct.

I/We hereby submit this Response in accordance with the terms contained in the RFP.

I/We confirm that we have received the following addendum from HSC’s Contact:

Addendum Number / Date Issued by HSC’s Contact

I/We confirm that we have carefully examined the RFP document and have a clear and comprehensive knowledge of the Services required under the RFP.


In the presence of: ) ______

) Signature of Proponent


Signature of Witness ) ______

) Print Name


) Date:______

I have authority to bind the Proponent.




(Note: A separate Schedule 1 must be completed for each consulting service indicated in the Form of Response under #1.)

A.  Qualifications and Experience

Describe your qualifications and experience to provide the consulting service noted above.

B.  Knowledge of Housing Sector:

Describe your knowledge of the housing sector and/or other pertinent public sectors.

C.  Pricing:

Indicate your maximum per diem rate for your consulting services. Proponents may receive higher scores if they propose alternative fee structures that provide value to HSC. Examples of alternative fee structures are fixed project fees and volume discounts.

Maximum per diem:

Alternative fee structure:

HSC VOR, General Consulting Services – REFRESH (2017)

RFP #17-210-46 - APPENDIX B, FORM OF RESPONSE Page 1 of 4

September 15, 2017