Database Management Steve Kollmansberger, Rand Riness 2009-11 Assessment Plan

Outcome 1: Student learning / Measurable
Criteria / Measurement
Tool / Time Frame
Students will exhibit comprehensive skills in planning and implementing database applications / DB majors will score B- or better in advanced programming projects. / Student project grades for most recent school year in courses: CIS-242; CIS-245; CIS-266; CIS-282 / On-going when stated courses are offered.
Outcome 2: Student learning / Measurable
Criteria / Measurement
Tool / Time Frame
Students will demonstrate the ability to apply database and programming concepts in different situations. / DB majors will earn B- or better on course projects applying database and programming components. / Student project grades in CIS 242, 245, 266, & 284. / On-going when stated courses are offered.
Outcome3: Program level / Measurable
Criteria / Measurement
Tool / Time Frame
Students will gain satisfactory skills for entry level positions within the database management field . / Employer survey responses will be “satisfied” or higher.
CIS advisory committee will be satisfied with database curriculum. / Employer Survey
Review of curriculum by CIS advisory committee / Survey sent out approximately 12 weeks after student enters work in a database management position.
Outcome 4: Think logically and critically. / Measurable
Criteria / Measurement
Tool / Time Frame
Students will demonstrate ability to think logically and critically. / Students will improve rubric scores by 1 point from CIS-168 to CIS-282. / CIS-168 and CIS-282 will include activities to measure student performance in one or more Critical Thinking outcomes (Critical Thinking Global Rubric), as identified by the instructor. / CIS-168 will be evaluated in 2010; CIS-282 will be evaluated in 2011.
Outcome 5: Communicate effectively / Measurable
Criteria / Measurement
Tool / Time Frame
Students will demonstrate ability to communicate clearly. / A baseline communication rubric score will be established / In CIS 210, Business Communication, the final writing assignment requires students to write in a clear, concise, and grammatically correct manner to convey the intended message. This will be scored using the college’s global communication rubric. / Instructor will collect information in fall 09 and spring 10 classes. Data will be analyzed in summer 10 with changes/improvements to instruction to be implemented beginning fall 10. Further data will be collected in fall 10 and spring 11 and compared to baseline data.
Outcome 6: Evaluate and process quantitative and symbolic data. / Measurable
Criteria / Measurement
Tool / Time Frame
Students will demonstrate ability to evaluate and process quantitative and symbolic data. / A baseline computation rubric score will be established. / CIS-182 final assignment will be assessed using the global quantitative and symbolic data rubric. The assignment requires students to determine appropriate mechanisms to answer questions using relational data and Structured Query Language. / Data will be collected each time CIS-182 is offered, typically fall and spring quarters each year.

Applied Technology Division