HIST 5100: Seminar in Texas History

Fall 2017, Thursday (6:30-9:20), WH 267

3 Credit Hours

INSTRUCTOR: Dr. R. B. McCaslin (WH 239, phone 369-8182, )

OFFICE HOURS: 9-11 Tuesday and Thursday, and by appointment

DESCRIPTION: This course is intended to provide you with the instruction necessary to write and present an academic paper on a topic in Texas history. This will incorporate a structured approach that includes review during research, writing, and presentation.

TEXT: No assigned textbook.

ASSIGNMENTS: You will write a paper on a topic chosen by you. These papers are to be ten to twelve pages in length, typed double-spaced in a reasonable font with about an inch margin all around. The papers are to be in proper academic style (no first person or contractions), and they will be graded for grammar and spelling as well as content. Any quotations must be accompanied by a proper citation (Turabian or the equivalent). Your paper will present a thesis, evidence to support the thesis, and a conclusion on a Texas history topic. You must consult and cite at least one primary source, one [secondary] monograph, and an article from a professional journal in your paper. This paper will be presented by you and then discussed in class. In addition to your final paper, you will submit a proposal, annotated bibliography, outline, and critique of a colleague's paper, all of which must be written in proper academic style.

Dates for all assignments can be found on the attached schedule. Either electronic or hard copies of proposals, annotated bibliographies, and outlinesshould be provided to all class members at the time you present them in class. You must submit a copy of your paper to all class members, in either electronic or hard copy format, one week before your paper is presented in class. A hard copy of your critique must be given to the person whose paper you are assessing at the time of your in-class presentations. If you cannot bring a laptop and need hard copies of any assignments from any classmates, please let them and me know in time for hard copies to be provided to you.

GRADING: This is a graduate course. The paper will comprise 50 percent of your final grade; ten percent of your final grade will come in turn from your proposal, annotated bibliography, outline, critique, and in-class presentations. A point scale will be followed in assigning point values to the letter grades given to each task (98 for A+, 96 for A, 93 for A-, 88 for B+, 86 for B, 83 for B-, 78 for C+, 76 for C, 73 for C-, and so on). These point values will be used to calculate a final average. Unfortunately, pluses and minuses cannot be assigned in final grading.

ABSENCES: Again, this is a graduate course. Your absence will directly affect your grade, especially for in-class presentations. Late assignments will be penalized a letter grade, unless other arrangements have been made with the instructor.

HIST 5100: Seminar in Texas History

August 31Introduction [see your Blackboard page]

September 7




October 5Annotated Bibliographies




November 2





December 7Papers

The University of North Texas makes reasonable academic accommodation for students with disabilities. Students seeking reasonable accommodation must first register with the Office of Disability Accommodation (ODA) to verify their eligibility. If a disability is verified, the ODA will provide you with a reasonable accommodation letter to be delivered to faculty to begin a private discussion regarding your specific needs in a course. You may request reasonable accommodations at any time, however, ODA notices of reasonable accommodation should be provided as early as possible in the semester to avoid any delay in implementation. Note that students must obtain a new letter of reasonable accommodation for every semester and must meet with each faculty member prior to implementation in each class.Students are strongly encouraged to deliver letters of reasonable accommodation during faculty office hours or by appointment. Faculty members have the authority to ask students to discuss such letters during their designated office hours to protect the privacy of the student. For additional information see the Office of Disability Accommodation website athttp://www.unt.edu/oda. You may also contact them by phone at940.565.4323.