Breaking Into Baltimore:
Urban EducationSyllabus
Winter Intersession- 2016
Instructor Information
Instructor / Email / Office Location & HoursMr. Lance McCoy / / By Appointment/
Cell# :443-983-5874
General Information
This course will challenge you to developan unique and holistic perspective on urban education by researching and critiquing our past, present and future urban educational practices.
Expectations and Goals
Students are expected to be prepared and present for all class meetings and trips. After completing this course, students will have a richer understanding of some of the pros and cons surrounding urban education, i.e. Common Core, standardized tests, finances, facilities, families, recourses, Teach For America.
Course Materials
Reading Materials
*Will be provided, unless it is an assignment to find an appropriate article.
1)Guzman, Ryan ,10 Modern Philosophers and their Contribution to Education, July 10,2012
2)Pink, William T., Noblit,George W. International Handbook of Urban Education Page 65,
3)The University of Chicago Urban Education Institute
4)Adianna J. Kezar, Anthony C. Chambers, John C. Borkhardt, Higher Education for the Public Good: Emerging Voices from a National Movement, Chapter 11 April 2005, Jossey-Bass.(Article/Print)
5)Adam Davis, What we Don’t Talk About When we Don’t Talk About Service (Article/Print)
6)Ivan Illich, To Hell with Good Intentions (Article/Print)
7)Andrew Zaleski, As Baltimore Bulldozes Tents, Questions of Housing Displaced Homeless Emerge, March 14, 2013 (Article/Print)
8)Dax-Devlon Ross, The Great East Baltimore Raze-and-Rebuild: After Faltering, a Johns Hopkins-Led Development Project Reorients Around a School. July 29, 2013. (Article/Print)
Media Materials
a)Noguera, Pedro, Are we failing our students, Ted Talk
b)Pierson, Rita, Every kid needs a champion, Ted Talk
c)Emdin, Christopher, Empowering Children through Urban Education, Ted Talk
d)Smith, Rachel, Hallelujah the Saviors are Here (peom)
e)Rachel Smith, Hallelujah the Saviors are Here: March 2012,
f)Hilarious Common Core Math #WCS14
Off Campus Trips
See Live Document
Day / Topic / Reading(s)/Video(s) / ExercisesSunday
Time: 3pm-5:30pm / Introduction Urban Education /
- 1, 2, a
Time: 9am-3pm / Local Education Models/ Field Trips /
- 3,4, b
Time: 7-8:00pm / Local Education Reflection/Early Childhood /
- 5,6, c,d
Assignment/Exam Schedule
Due Date / SubjectSunday 11:59pm
Monday 11:59pm
(1/18/2016) / Inquiry Paper- What are your thought of any educational institution? – Cite at least 2 articles, books, or videos that strengthen your perspective. 1 page double spaced.
Letter- Write a letter to your future self sharing your critique and suggestions of the current US education system. 1-2 pages double spaced
Wednesday 11:59 pm
(1/20/2016)* / Reflection Paragraphs- 2 paragraph reflection on Tuesday’s trip.
*1 paragraph on 1st location. 1 paragraph on 2nd location. *Complete after evening reflection…
1 paragraph response to another classmate’s post while referencing an article, video or book about education.
Friday – 11:59pm
(1/22/2016) / Final Paper- Has your view of education changed? Why or Why not? Cite at least 5 news reputable articles, assigned/recommended readings, or assigned/recommended media.
2-3 pages- double spaced.
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